Serwis Half-Life | Day Of Defeat | Counter-Strike | Resublimation | Worldcraft Dostosuj wygl▒d :: Cz│onek sieci 


Mapy pojedyncze

'This map is an experiment. The more I play halflife, and experience the barrage of cutom maps, the more i see what makes halflife maps fun for me. 3 things i know. I like to jump alot I like to use the shotty/sniper,xbow. (tau too, but thats another experiment) . I like to know my maps. And so was born op4_spindle. This map is: small, dynamic, generous (you spawn with longjump, xbow, shotty). As with all my maps, this map is about gameplay and is possibly focused to a very narrow crowd. I am not trying to recreate boot_camp... This is a test, only a test. Let the hopping begin.'

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Ocena: 5/65/65/65/65/65/6 (g│os≤w: 4)  

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