Serwis Half-Life | Day Of Defeat | Counter-Strike | Resublimation | Worldcraft Dostosuj wygl▒d :: Cz│onek sieci 

101st Mobiliteque

Day of Defeat | Filmy

"It's finally here, regis's sequel to his first DOD movie. After the following success of his first movie, he decided to start on another. This one is entitled Mobiliteque, a combination of "mobility" and "technique". It showcases tricks and 'stunts' in Day of Defeat that can help you either access an area that is not easily accessed, or do something useful in a hurry, such as getting out of a building without losing health or dying. And who says you can't bunnyhop anymore? "

Rozmiar: 53.31 MB

Ocena: 4/64/64/64/64/64/6 (g│os≤w: 3)  

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