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Role Play Half-Life - The First Real World MMORPG for Half-Life


Serwis Half-Life: Hi.

Wills: Hello.

SHL: OK, first question. Who invented the idea of RP HL, how did he do that (what was the motivation)?

Wills: Well the idea of RPHL wasnt invented by one person, it was both me and Slaught (coder and joint team leader). We had wanted to make a modification for Half-Life for some time but didnt know what to do. We both know each other in person (live round the corner from each other) and had both been playing Fallout 1 + 2 alot, so we thought we'd go for some kind of RPG. At the time I had been playing Action Half-Life alot and a group of players had started some AHL Role Play Servers. We thought about it for a bit and decided upon Role Play Half-Life. Noone had really done a MMORPG at that point, apart from Master Sword, so we went for a real world MMORPG. Neither of us are big fantasy fans and we didnt want to go for a future style. We wanted to go for something that the market (both in and outside of the HL communtity) hadnt filled, which was a real world MMORPG. We decided it was the best thing all round and the day after began finding a team.

SHL: RP HL is a very ambitious project, you are going to implement new technologies (i.e.

Shotgun - my favourite weapon :)
server hopping) and you will have to do a lot of work. What is the chance, in your opinion, to manage to release the finished version of the mod and keep as many original ideas as you wanted to?

Wills: Well all the ambitious ideas that we have come up with have already been implemented. Server Hopping is in and coded and works wonderfully. I doubt all our ideas will be seen as original once the mod is released but so what? We know we came up with them. And yes we will release the mod! Why stop now when we've done so much?!

SHL: Is it difficult to design the whole project and keep everything going on? How did you find people and how do you make them work (are they lazy sometimes ;) ?

Wills: Designing the project wasnt a problem, because both me and slaught are very creative people. The design process was relatively simple anyway cos we tried to bring in as many real life aspects as possible (whilst keeping it fun). We found people by simply advertising on our site and on places like Planet Half-Life and various other news sites. We have probably gone through over 50-60 team members in the past year, we now currently have a team of 25 people (including myself and slaught) and to be honest I couldnt have asked for a more skilled team, they are ALL incredible, each one has an amazing individual talent (as you can see from our website). They are all very enthusiastic and produce a lot of work. You say "How do you make them work?" - well it's simple really. We don't. We let them do whatever they want. We don't give deadlines, we don't tell them what to do unless they ask. We don't shout and moan. We just let them work at their own pace. Some people might say that this is the wrong way to approach it, but I don't think so at all. You've only got to look at the amount and quality of work each team member has produced for proof that our system works. It also allows for a far more fun and relaxed environment. If Slaught and myself were to start our own company, replete with a full office and all - I would pay anything to get the whole team on board. I would hire them without a moments hesitation. We also have a team mascot called Doble who provides us with much entertainment on a regular basis, so that helps to.

SHL: After reading the tech material at you web site... a small feedback ("I have a brilliant idea!" like in your FAQ ;).
Can all the shops/hospitals/stalls be just public terminals that will heal/give ammo/feed a player for money? It would undoubtedly simplify the gameplay and the mod production process.

Wills: The shops hospitals/police stations etc will be actual buildings with an NPC behind the counter which you can interact with to purchase goods etc.

SHL: Don't you think public banking terminals (cash-points) would be a great idea? There would be no need to create traditional banks in each city section (map). And instead of rubbery a hacker would be given an ability to crack the cash-point.

Wills: Banking Terminals are already in. Players are able to deposit cash in the machines and take cash out. It's basically a save point for money, incase you die. You lose all the money you are carrying on you if you die, so it's worth doing.

Looks good, very good!
SHL: Are you going to allow people to upload their own models or at least skins so everyone can have an original, characteristic, virtual look during the gameplay?

Wills: Well ok, this hasnt been announced yet, for various reasons, but I suppose we can take this opportunity to tell everyone. Although it's not concrete yet, and may not be in the first beta (depends how it goes), we have decided to create a system similar to Desert Crisis's whereby when you play for the first time you can create a characters look. We are making lots of different submodels which can be combined together. It takes DC's premise that next step further and allows you to completely customise you're character. You first select whether you want Male or Female and then you can select: Head, Torso, Legs, Arms, and all the little bits which go with each of those sections, like a hat or sunglasses, or boots or stilletos etc. So basically EVERY player will be completely unique. The amount of combinations is incredible. The system is being worked on at the moment, and is still in its infancy, so as I say, it's not concrete. But it is something we are very adamant that we want to include, as it would add a LOT more to the fun.

SHL: The chat system - don't you think that forbidding people talking using the Valve's Voice Comm would make the game a bit too silent? A good solution would be an ability to use predefined sayings (playing back WAV files after pressing a certain key).

Wills: We have been told a bit more about the Valve Voice Comm system recently and some of our conceptions were false, but I think the general consensus from the team is still a No. We have coded a radius chat system already, which allows you to talk in different voice styles (Whisper, Normal and SHOUT) we feel this is better than having a voice system which can sometimes be difficult to hear or understand. It's unlikely we will be including prerecorded WAV files as it's to predefined and the whole point of RPHL is individuality, RPHL allows you to do WHATEVER you want.

SHL: In the "About" section at your site you mention guns like OICW, M16A2, SPAS 12 or M60. Are you going to allow players organise real wars?

Wills: It's up to them. There is a very blurry line between what is a bannable offence and what isnt. It's an issue we are going to have to deal with upon release. I have a feeling it will be one of our biggest problems. If say 2 gangs want to have a war, then they can, as in RPHL you can do anything. Basically as long as there is a reason for an action, which makes sense within the world, then it's fine. So if a gang war is something 2 gangs want to do - then go for it! But if a gang rampage, involving killing innocent players happens, for NO reason (and I can't think of any) - then the permenent ban button will be heavily in use. In short - Yes if it makes sense and is logical.

SHL: The most popular question in the gaming industry: when are you going to release IT? Please, don't say "when it's done" ;)

Wills: LOL :) Well sorry but I'm going to have to say it: When it's done! We wont state a release date till we are within at the MOST a month of completing the first release, mainly because people will complain if the release is late. And we'll get angry. :)

SHL: OK, thanks for the interview.

Wills: Wills out...


Szyman (   2002-06-03 12:02:37
What can I say? :) Can't wait to try the mod out....

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