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Blood for Him
Correcting me
Doll & Rose
Image of God
Image of God
To see God
Wooden Bowl



A New York skyscraper was being built. Hundreds of people paused one day to watch a ponderous metal beam being lifted into the air to take its place in the steel skeleton. The watching crowd saw a workman lean out from the sixteenth floor to seize the end of the girder. Nearer the girder came and the workman was about to grasp it, when with gasps of horror the spectators saw that he had lost his balance. But as he fell he struck the end of the girder and clutched it with arms and legs. The hoisting engine was stopped. But the weight of the man at one end began to tilt the beam to vertical position, which would eventually cause the workman to lose his grasp, slip off, and fall to his death. With swift decision another workman on the same floor, seeing his friend's predicament and disregarding his own safety, leaped through space and landed on the other end of the girder, where his weight caused it to keep from tilting further. Amid the applause of the crowd below, both men were safely lowered to the street.

Every day all around us people are losing their balance on moral questions, and making wrong decisions that will ruin character. They need friends who are interested in helping them keep their balance, by exemplary lives, by sacrificial living, by giving up things that they might have enjoyed so that others are led aright. Here no one applauds, but it will be worth it all when we receive the approval of the Master.

W.W. Clay