Likewise, the Angels helped men of art create
brilliant ideas, architecture and paintings. The discussed collection
was created by human hearts and their love to God. The creation
was also inspired by the repute and authority of John Paul II as
God's deputy - the Angel of Kindness, Love, Peace and Reconcilliation.
inspiration led to the production of 72
personal visions and images of the intermediaries of God. The men
of various nationalities and various creeds answered my appeal to
disinterestedly paint the images of Angels thereby declaring for
kindness, love and reconcilliation.
At this point I would like to whole-hartedly
thank all the artists who imparted faith and strength, and gave
full confiedence to me.
May I also sincerely thank my friens from
"SACRO-ART" SOciety who spared no pains, and devoted themselves
with their full energy, time and heart to the discussed undertaking.
Without their help I would not be able to materialize so significant
commission of the Creator.