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Nazwa pliku Opis Rozmiar
Wypowiedzi J.R.R. Tolkiena Wiersz o Pier╢cieniach Mocy deklamowany przez Profesora [0 min 37 sek] 155 KB
tol_jrr2.mp3 Poemat o Elbereth czytany przez Mistrza [0 min 51 sek] 588 KB Plik Real Audio - wywiad radiowy z JRRT ze stycznia 1971 roku [9 min 57 sek] 1060 KB
tol_trol.mp3 Piosenka o trolach [2 min 34 sek] 2360 KB
The Caprice
╢ci▒gnij plik "Merrymaking Of The Forest Elves" [3 min 40 sek] 3370 KB
╢ci▒gnij plik "The Road Goes Ever On And On" [2 min 21 sek] 2160 KB
Kompozycje Patrice'a Deceunincka
tol_pd01.mp3 "Back to the Shire" [2 min 13 sek] 913 KB
tol_pd02.mp3 "Curious Gardener" [2 min 8 sek] 884 KB
tol_pd03.mp3 "Farewell to Lorien" [4 min 33 sek] 1820 KB
tol_pd04.mp3 "Fall of Isengard" [1 min 47 sek] 741 KB
tol_pd05.mp3 "Leaving the Shire" [2 min 17 sek] 938 KB
tol_pd06.mp3 "Dead Marshes" [2 min 3 sek] 845 KB
tol_pd07.mp3 "The Chamber of Mazarbul" [6 min 30 sek] 2610 KB
tol_pd08.mp3 "The Gates of Moria" [2 min 36 sek] 1040 KB
tol_pd09.mp3 "The Horsemen of Rohan" [1 min 58 sek] 810 KB
Blind Guardian - co╢ mocniejszego...
tol_bg01.mp3 "The Curse Of Feanor" [5 min 41 sek] 3900 KB
tol_bg02.mp3 "Lord Of The Rings" [3 min 55 sek] 3580 KB
tol_bg03.mp3 "The Bard's Song - The Hobbit" [3 min 54 sek] 3580 KB
tol_bg04.mp3 "Mordreds Song" [5 min 28 sek] 1870 KB
tol_bg05.mp3 "Mr Sandman" [2 min 09 sek] 762 KB
tol_bg06.mp3 "Into the Storm" 4030 KB
tol_bg07.mp3 "Nightfall" 5110 KB
tol_bg08.mp3 "Mirror, mirror" 4670 KB
tol_bg09.mp3 "Noldor" 6280 KB
tol_bg10.mp3 "Time Stands Still" 4480 KB
╢ci▒gnij plik "A Dark Passage" 5500 KB
╢ci▒gnij plik "A Past and Future Secret" 3460 KB
╢ci▒gnij plik "And The Story Ends" 5490 KB
╢ci▒gnij plik "Another Holy War" 4150 KB
╢ci▒gnij plik "Ashes to Ashes" 5500 KB
Summoning - czadu...
tol_su01.mp3 "A Distant Flame Before The Sun" 6680 KB
tol_su02.mp3 "Flesh and blood" 5440 KB
tol_su03.mp3 "Habbanan Beneath The Stars" 5203 KB
Tolkien Ensemble (p│yta "An Evening in Rivendell")
tol_te01.mp3 "Sam's Rhyme of the Troll" 7420 KB
tol_te02.mp3 "Verse of the Rings" 5750 KB
tol_te03.mp3 "There Is An Inn, A Merry Old Inn" 6940 KB
Richard Cox - symfonie...
tol_cx01.mp3 "Lothlorien" [3 min 30 sek] 3220 KB
tol_cx02.mp3 "Minas Tirith" [2 min 35 sek] 2380 KB
tol_cx03.mp3 "The Return Of The King" [2 min 17 sek] 2209 KB
tol_cx04.mp3 "The Riders Of Rohan" [2 min 32 sek] 2445 KB
Inne utwory
tol_enya.mp3 Enya - "Lothlorien" [ok│adka] [2 min 5 sek] 1910 KB Plik XM - World of Tolkien" 482 KB
tol_frod.mp3 "Frodo o DziΩwiΩciu Palcach" - piosenka z filmu animowanego 1520 KB
tol_bilb.mp3 Leonard Nimoy - "Ballad Of Bilbo Baggins" 2160 KB
tol_th01.mp3 Ko±c≤wka podk│adu muzycznego trailera ekranizacji "W│adcy Pier╢cieni" 582 KB
tol_lr01.mp3 Leonard Rosenman - "History Of The Ring" - symfonia 5970 KB
tol_styx.mp3 Styx - "Lord of The Rings" 4190 KB
tol_jd03.mp3 Johan de Meij - "III. Gollum (Smeagol)" 9030 KB
tol_bh01.mp3 Bo Hansson - "Fog on the Barrow Downs" 2300 KB
Pliki midi [wszystkie w jednym pliku - 87,3 KB]
tol_bath.mid "Piosenka k▒pielowa" 11,7 KB
tol_rohi.mid "Pie╢± Rohirrim≤w" 5,18 KB
tol_isen.mid "Na Isengard! - pie╢± ent≤w" 6,15 KB
tol_ring.mid "Piosenka-wiersz o pier╢cieniach" 2,19 KB
tol_road.mid "The Road Goes Ever On" 3,12 KB
tol_hear.mid "I Sit Beside The Fire And Think" 10,7 KB
tol_tasa.mid "In The Willow-Meads Of Tasarinan I Walked In The Spring" 8,99 KB
tol_land.mid "In Western Lands Beneath The Sun" 7,58 KB
tol_fire.mid "Upon The Hearth The Fire Is Red" 22 KB
tol_bull.mid "Tales of Bullroarer" 9,30 KB
tol_ents.mid "The Ent's Maid" 6,15 KB
tol_fore.mid "The Haunted Forest" 7,31 KB
tol_wood.mid "Ambush of the Wood Elves" 42,9 KB
tol_bree.mid "Bree" 6,61 KB
Muzyka z film≤w animowanych
tol_mp01.mp3 "As the Road Comes to an End" 612 KB
tol_mp02.mp3 "Bearer of the Ring" 1010 KB
tol_mp03.mp3 "Bearer of the Ring (Remix)" 73,6 KB
tol_mp04.mp3 "Chip the Glasses, Crack the Plates" 165 KB
tol_mp05.mp3 "Down Down To Goblin Town" 548 KB
tol_mp06.mp3 "The Dwarven Legend" 648 KB
tol_mp07.mp3 "It's so Easy not to Try" 880 KB
tol_mp08.mp3 "End of Ring, Return of King" 867 KB
tol_mp09.mp3 "Frodo of Nine Fingers" 1520 KB
tol_mp10.mp3 "The Goblin Escape" 550 KB
tol_mp11.mp3 "The Greatest Adventure" 990 KB
tol_mp12.mp3 [trzy piosenki] 1410 KB
tol_mp13.mp3 "The Mountain King's Return" 110 KB
tol_mp14.mp3 "Leave Tomorrow Until it Comes" 877 KB
tol_mp15.mp3 "Less Can be More" 607 KB
tol_mp16.mp3 "The Road Goes Ever On" 219 KB
tol_mp17.mp3 "The Song of Rivendell" 189 KB
tol_mp18.mp3 "Taming of the Barrel" 990 KB
tol_mp19.mp3 "Where There's a Whip..." 926 KB
tol_mp20.mp3 "Win the Battle, Lose the War" 627 KB
tol_mp21.mp3 "Smaug" 1220 KB
D╝wiΩki (teksty) wave z film≤w animowanych
tol_wa01.wav "Frodo come back!" - krzykn▒│ Sam, by zatrzymaµ Froda biegn▒cego w kierunku Minas Morgul. 21,7 KB
tol_wa02.wav "I am pleased..." - powiedzia│ Gandalf do Aragorna. 77,5 KB
tol_wa03.wav Gollum siΩ cieszy, bo odgryz│ Frodowi palec z Pier╢cieniem. 90,8 KB
tol_wa04.wav Gollum gada do siebie o hobbitach. 76 KB
tol_wa05.wav "Good Master." - wypodzied╝ Golluma o Frodo. 26,7 KB
tol_wa06.wav "My Precious" - Gollum m≤wi do siebie. 20,4 KB
tol_wa07.wav Wiersz o pier╢cieniach w│adzy w Czarnej Mowie... 123 KB
tol_wa08.wav "Nice Hobbitses" - Gollum m≤wi do siebie. 40,2 KB
tol_wa09.wav "Tell me Gandalf, what I must do know" - Theoden prosi o radΩ Gandalfa. 63 KB
tol_wa10.wav "One Ring to Rule them all..." - Gandalf czyta ogniste litery na pier╢cieniu. 215 KB
tol_wa11.wav "We're plain lost Mr. Frodo." - powiedzia│ Sam do Froda. 31,4 KB
tol_wa12.wav "...Retreat to the Caves" - okrzyki w Helmowym Jarze. 72,1 KB
tol_wa13.wav "Run fools! Run!" - ostatnie s│owa Gandalfa Szarego. 55,4 KB
tol_wa14.wav "Sneaking..." - Gollum m≤wi do hobbit≤w. 86 KB
tol_wa15.wav "Come Back To Mordor..." - Nazgul zwraca siΩ do Froda. 85,2 KB
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