I hope you get well soon. Your wife and that other guy are really keeping the neighborhood awake at night. (Added by Kimmy D.)
I'll do your chores 'til you're better...so you better get well soon, or else! (Added by Coolia)
Here's something to make your hospital stay shorter-there's been a different car parked in your driveway every night. (Added by James Seigfreid)
Sorry to hear about your accident, if you die, can I have your motorcycle? (Added by Barb)
Get Well Soon, Dear... I need you to take out the garbage. (Added by Jenny)
My dearest husband, I hope you get well soon, I'm sick and tired of listening to your whining. (Added by Kelly)
Hope you get well soon, the hospital bills are killing me (Added by Spazangel)
I heard your are at death's door. I certainly hope the doctor's can pull you through. (Added by TomK)
Someone told me that chicken soup would help you feel better. So I brought this card instead (Added by **Woody**)
Hope you're out of the hospital soon, I'm tired of picking up your mail, Love your neighbor! (Added by genesis)
Hope you get well soon - actually if you could get well in the next day, it would really help my chances of winning the sweep we're running in the office. (Added by iwebcw)
Don't get well soon...In fact, take as long as you want. (Added by Stace)
Get well soon cause I'm not paying the hospital bill any longer. (Added by laura)
When I heard about the operation, I just had to say......am I in your will? (Added by Heather)
Sorry to hear that you're down with the flu. The guy who sold it to me swore that it was Anthrax. (Added by Iain McIntyre)
I'm sorry to hear that you're sick. I'm also sorry that it's not bubonic plague. (Added by Chris Albert)