Chat Rules
Welcome to C*E*A Chat! We hope that you enjoy your time with us. We're a friendly place for chatters of all ages, and we have a great time together.
We have Monitors present in the rooms. You may not always see them, but there is usually somebody watching to make sure that everybody's having a good time without getting out of line. It goes without saying that not following the rules can get you booted out of the rooms, but we're saying it anyhow!
1. No Inappropriate Language. This is a family-friendly site, and we expect you to act appropriately. We have swear filters installed, and we don't allow language that is racist, sexually-related, or violent-sounding. If you wouldn't say it in front of your parents or your teacher, don't say it in our chat rooms!
2. No Inappropriate Log-in Names. You know what we mean. If you wouldn't call yourself thatin front of your grandparents, don't use it here.
3. Don't Give Out Personal Information. I know it sounds stupid, but there are some weirdos out there. To keep yourself safe, be vague when you say where you live, like "near Houston" as opposed to your address. Don't broadcast your e-mail or ICQ address, or even your school name to the whole room -- you never know who's listening. Please be careful!
4. No Monkey-Wrenching. What's monkey-wrenching? That's stuff like faking people, flooding the chat rooms with the same message over and over, or typing in nonsense like "Agfhgffda ashdhfdhg." No one wants to see that and it just clogs up the system. It also makes it harder for the monitors to do their jobs, and they'll warn you or kick you out.
5. No Javascript. Don't even try it -- you can be banned even if you thought you were helping the monitors!
6. No posting of large graphics. Not everybody has a fast processor or modem, and it really slows things down. If you're going to post graphics, keep them small, post them only once, and do it for a reason rather than just because you're bored.
7. No Inappropriate Pictures. Anybody caught posting graphics of a pornographic nature will be immediately banned for life, and their internet service provider will be notified. We log IP addresses and will report you.
8. Reporting Problems. If there is a chatter who needs to be reported, please send an e-mail to Cathie. Please note the Bad Chatter's name, the time it happened, and what they did. Proof from the screen would help us decide what to do -- simply copy it into your e-mail message.
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Last Updated: 06/01/00
ChatMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000
Centre for the Easily Amused