Episode #25: "Dreams and Nightmares"
"My dear Francesca, I'm so glad you could join me this evening," purred Jerome in his sexy French accent. Francesca smiled back, stars in her eyes. They were drinking vintage champagne in the hotel's elegantly decorated restaurant. She was dressed in a stunning strapless dress and Jerome looked like a god in his tuxedo.
"I've known many beautiful women in my life, but you are very, very special," he continued. "Paris at night is so beautiful when seen from the top of the Eiffel Tower. May I show it to you?" Jerome asked.
Francesca smiled. "All right," she answered dreamily.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the restaurant, Jo and Paulette were having cocktails also. But tonight, the transvestite Paulette was dressed as a man, and named Paul.
"Jo, you really bring out the man in me," said Paul. "I think I like that."
"You're quite a handsome gentleman when you want to be!" said Jo.
"Really?" Paul asked.
"Oh yes," replied Jo.
"Jo, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. You're pregnant with my child. I love you. Do you love me?" asked Paul.
"Yes," smiled Jo.
"Then I want you to think about something. You don't have to give me your answer now. Take a few days, or a week, or however long you need..."
Jo felt a surge of emotion... of mixed feelings. Paul reached into his pocket, took out a small purple velvet box, gave it to Jo and said dramatically, "Jo, will you marry me?"
Jo, stunned with surprise, opened the box. Inside was an exquisite platinum and diamond ring.
Meanwhile, Erich, Earl and Bubba were asleep on the slanted floors of Gravity Hill. Bubba couldn't get his Yugo started, and Bubba refused to walk alongside the highway at night to get to a telephone. "Too dang dangerous! We'll have to wait 'til mornin," he said.
Erich woke up in the dark and rose to his feet. Looking around him, Bubba and Earl weren't asleep, but were over by the wall pouring water from a pitcher just as they had yesterday afternoon, but now the water was flowing up toward the ceiling as the two laughed in amazement! Earl then went over to the wall, walked up the wall, then stepped up onto the ceiling and began dancing and playing 'Honky Tonk Blues' with his armpit!
Erich started floating, now weightless. He 'swam' toward the door of the shack, opened the door and exited. Outside, it was broad daylight, but the area around Gravity Hill was totally enclosed by a cage made of chicken wire, with no way out, even by 'swimming' to the top. Outside the cage Erich could see Francesca, Cathie, Antonio, and all the C*E*A employees looking over at Erich, laughing and waving as they boarded the plane back to America! Then, as soon as Erich's eyes met Fran's, he saw a hot dog chasing a doughnut. He could never figure out why his dreams always ended like that... what did it mean?
"WAKE UP, ERICH!" yelled Cathie, shaking him.
Erich had been having one of the most vivid and unforgettable nightmares in his adult life. He awoke and was pleased to find Cathie and Sneena in the shack with him. Earl and Bubba were still snoring away. It was just after 7 a.m., and Cathie had discovered Erich's absence when she went to check on Francesca just after dawn. Francesca wasn't in her room, and neither was Erich. Cathie woke Sneena, got a taxi and found the location of Gravity Hill, the first place to start looking for Erich.
"Thank God you're here!" said Erich. "Let's get the hell out of here NOW!"
Cathie awoke Earl, who said his goodbyes to Bubba. Although Erich was away from the site of his torment, Gravity Hill, he would continue to have occasional nightmares about the place the rest of his life.
As they drove off in the taxi, Cathie turned to Erich. "Honey, you've got a big problem," she said. "His name is Jerome."
Don't miss the next exciting episode!