Episode #26: "Cathie's Covert Operation"
"Oh, God! Oh God, Cathie, what will I do?" sobbed Erich. Cathie had just filled in Erich on Jerome, and how he was one more date away from making Erich Francesca's 5th ex-husband.
"I love Francesca! I can't live without her!" cried Erich through his tears.
One of the things that made Erich so special to Cathie was that he was not afraid to cry in front of her. She also admired his Slinky collection.
"Just keep in mind your own little indiscretion in Las Vegas. It's not like she's doing anything that you haven't already done," Cathie admonished. "But I love you as a good friend, Erich, and I'm not going to let your marriage break up without a fight."
"What are you going to do?", Erich asked.
"WE," she said firmly.
"What are WE going to do?"
"YOU are going to ask Francesca out for a date, and YOU are going to show her the best time you've ever shown her," replied Cathie. "And I will use my considerable talents and resources to find out all I can about Jerome. If there's one thing I've learned in this life, Erich dear, it's that no matter how wonderful a person looks on the outside, nobody- nobody -can stand up under the harsh light of the microscope of pompous moral outrage... or... something..."
Leaving Erich instructions to rent a tux, buy fresh flowers, candy, and make reservations at several romantic Paris nightspots, Cathie then rounded up her most trusted employees to scan the Internet for anything they could find on Jerome. They were not to tell Francesca anything, and she knew she could rely on them.
But she knew she would need evidence... hard evidence to show to Francesca at the proper moment. She needed pictures. No, wait, even better.. videotape! Yeah, that's the ticket! She had brought her trusty Handicam with her anyway! She was beginning to feel the thrill James Bond must feel when presented with a new assignment! She would need operatives to help her in her spying. Antonio! And someone else...
Cathie's mind went back to about a year ago when somebody at the C*E*A was stealing from her private supply of Diet Pepsi from the refrigerator in the staff employee lounge. One night after all the staff had gone home, Earl Butts, a C*E*A janitor, after hearing her loud complaining, told Cathie that he could find out who the culprit was. She listened, intrigued, as Earl described an ingenious (for him) method of catching the thief.
Earl had taken an old, non-working microwave oven, made a hole in the bottom of it large enough to accommodate his head, and set it up on the counter top, which he also made a hole in. He then sat in the large cabinet space below the counter facing the refrigerator with his head through the holes. He could then watch what was taking place through the dark plastic door of the microwave.
[Editor's Note: Kids- try this at home! It works great!]
Earl, however, forgot to put an 'Out of Order' sign on the oven, so at least twenty employees were startled to find Earl's head in the oven when they opened the door. This flaw in the plan ultimately compromised the covert operation. But Cathie knew she could count on Earl to help her with this new task... which Cathie named Operation Denude Jerome.
Be sure and miss the next exciting episode of Cathablanca not!