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George Costanza and Jerry Seinfeld of movie criticism.
Saturday hockey league from a small town in the snowy peaks of the Alaskan wilderness
faces the biggest challenge of their reputation ╨ the New York Rangers. As the
city prepares for the team's arrival, the citizens of Mystery slowly let their
lives unravel in anticipation of a victory.
thought the movie was OK. Kind of like watching the third "Mighty Ducks" movie
when you haven't seen the first two. A lot of it seems familiar but not as good.
The best scenes were filmed during the final showdown between New York and Mystery.
They really filmed some great shots during that scene where the audience is treated
to tons of brutal body checks and puck shots. All of the romance were scenes were
corny and unnecessary.
didn't really care about the romance between the couples and it really wasted
valuable screen time to see more bodies flying. If you were a hockey player about
to take on the biggest game of your life, wouldn't try and keep your stick on
the ice a little more often? Overall, it wasn't a bad movie. Some people might
find it offensive, mushy or disgusting, but huge hockey fans (like me) should
love it.
sports and movies don't make a good mix. You can't hold a box of popcorn when
you're rushing the quarterback. You can't shine a laser pen at the Jumbotron in
the Astrodome. The folks who made "Mystery, Alaska" probably should have kept
this in mind.
first glance, this hockey bomb of epic proportions starts out as a very irreverent
take on small leagues meeting their chances with destiny with everything from
strange crashes on the ice to a drunk diving zamboni. Unfortunately, the ball
just keeps rolling faster and harder down the hill. The characters weren't very
interesting and didn't show any human qualities unless it was about sports or
sex. Some scenes were badly acted, poorly written and full of every predictable
twist and turn. It's every bad sports flick you've ever scene with everything
from the screaming coach in the beginning to the slow, premeditated clapping at
the end all rolled into one.
nothing totally wrong with "Mystery, Alaska" but it ends up leaving a bad taste
in your mouth when you've leaving the theater.
celebrating victory over Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, four American soldiers
in the Gulf try to steal almost $750,000,000 dollars in stolen Kuwaiti gold from
a small military village. During the excursion, they witness a mother being executed
on orders from Hussein and decide to help the remaining refugees cross the border
to their native homeland.
was awesome!
was extremely blown away by this one. It was a funny, action-packed, profanity
fest of greed, humor and complete waste of ammunition. Some of the best parts
weren't even the big ones you see in the TV commercials or the previews just before
the movie.
the way to the village, Ice Cube, Mark Walhberg and Spike Jonze waste time by
shooting Nerf footballs equipped with C-4 Plastique cartridges with huge M-16s
to avoid boredom.
also liked all the continuous skirmishes between the Iraqi army and our boys in
uniform. The scenes are well shot and they really managed to grab your attention
instead of just blowing everything up leaving you to wonder who pulled the trigger.
advice to you is see "Three Kings" at all costs. You should really really really
enjoy it, even if you hate action movies.
are very few war movies that get people's attention simply because they are nothing
but pure testosterone driven, pyrotechnical gore festival of violence and gunfire
that keeps the audience rooting for the good guy and gives Jean Claude Van Damme
another reason to live.
Kings" is an exception to the rule. It's smart message and superb filming style
give it an overall sense of humanity and heart. And what really makes it interesting
is it's bold mood.
isn't dark or even suspenseful like most war movies. Instead, it manages to grab
your emotions and really make you interested in what's going on. There's also
great chemistry between Walhberg, Clooney and Cube (if that's his real last name).
The funniest character, a redneck shoot ╘em up warrior played by Spike Jonze,
constantly keeps the audience's attention and shows us that war can destroy the
soul of any man or woman in the heat of battle no matter how brave or heroic they
may think they can be.
a must see for anyone looking to enjoy a good action movie that doesn't waste
time with wall to wall explosions and special effects and has a real sense of
Video Pick
(Definitely Not Danny's)
Hour - A Chinese diplomat's daughter is kidnapped by terrorists and it's up
to two service agents, each from opposite sides of the globe, to save her. It's
a funny action packed comedy that uses the stunts of Jackie Chan and 100 mph mouth
of Chris Tucker to bring you one butt-kicking comedy and action flick.
Video Pick
(Definitely Not Paul's)
TV - A San Franciscan's family and life is turned upside down when Matthew
McConaghey agrees to have his whole life broadcast on a high rated, twenty-four
hour cable network. From beginning to end, it's smart, edgy and absolutely hysterical.
If you hated "The Truman Show," you'll relish the moments you spend here.