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do you have a burning question?
a seemingly unsolvable puzzle?
a mystery that's, well...mysterious?
ask snee.
what she doesn't know, she'll just make up.
WAIT! no, that's not right.
she'll, umm...she'll surf to the ends of the 'net to find out what YOU
want to know!
(yeah, that's it!)
dear readers,
thank you for big sympathies and e-greetings. they made me feel sneely good! umm, i'm still waiting for the poptarts and cheese though...
Dear snee,
If you answer my question ASAP I will give you some cinnamon pop tarts. Does
that sound like a good deal? My question is: Why do cartoons always wear the same outfit day in and day out?
~*~ Lil' Green Frog~*~
Remember if you answer my Question you get your Pop Tarts!
dear froggy,
it only SEEMS like cartoons are wearing the same outfit day in and day out. they only do that when people are watching them. in their own time, when they are relaxing with a refreshing beverage and tasty snack, they wear all sorts of other stuff (and sometimes nothing at all!) but why do they wear the same outfit all the time when people are watching? i think they don't want to muss up their good clothes. their on-air outfits are kind of like a uniform for them. they have many changes of the same outfit that they keep in their cartoon closets. also, they are well-known for trying to start trends. do you remember the cat-in-the-hat stripey hats? marge and fred have been trying for fashion fame. yup. that's it all right. POPTARTS???
Yes you can send q and my a to go in the column. as for your pop tarts you
did GOOD JOB. here you go! ****HANDS SNEE POP TARTS****** hope you enjoy
Lil green frog
TEASE!!! snees want REAL poptarts not pictures!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!
Hi Snee!
I really like Brown Cinnamon Sugar Pop Tarts too, and I'm glad to find a soulmate in Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts. Maybe I should start an online fan-club? I was really surprised to see Snitter's post in your archives. I know Snitter, and it was really odd to think that we both found you, Snee, at different times and without any common starting-point....Also, I was wondering, just what does a Snee look like?
P.S. - Meefs look a lot like purple-ish cats with long-ish ears, a lizard's tail, and furry hooves.... they have bat wings too, but everything is purple-ish.
dear meef,
YAY, POPTARTS! yes, i think you should definitely start an online fan club. maybe then we can pressure the poptart people to send the brown sugar cinnamons to sneeworld--the ee-vil embargo remains in effect. *sigh* as for snitter and meef discovering a snee, i don't think that is odd at all. i think it would be odd if you DIDN'T both come here! i can't answer your last question just yet because i'm trying to decide if i should make myself recognizable. what if people decided to go on snee-hunts? huh? huh? what then?????
p.s. meefs seem to be quite interesting looking and mighty colourful!
dear Daisy122087,
what's my name?
dear granberry,
umm...big guess here...granberry?