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Subject: Body adornments
emi doerner 26/5/99
I am doing research for a summer camp activity about aboriginal body adornments. I saw that clay or some sort of paint is used to paint the body, I was wondering what exactly is used, what the different colors mean, and what patterns of painting are used.
- Lyz Verger 05/2/00
I'm a French student writing a thesis on Aboriginal art and more precisely on its evolution and the reason of the changes it went through in the last century. I'm also very interested in the perception of those changes by indigenes and non-indigenes Australians. If you have any comments I'd be glad to hear them. thanks a million since I find it hard to get information. -
- ellen 17/1/00
i am doing a section on aboriginal people....their art, music, clothing etc....with my preschool class as we study australia. I need some good ideas for basic information that's appropriate for the under 5 crowd! thanks!!! -
- Taycojo 08/12/99
i need to know how Aulstralians celebrate Chrismas.I would be most gracious -
- Jodus 31/12/99
Taycojo The majority of Australians celebrate christmas as others around the western hemisphere do who have had contact with missionaries. Some peoples here such as the Torres Strait Islanders in the far north of Australia celebrate the missionaries arrival with a ceremony called the "Coming Of The Light". So ultimately we have adopted a lot of christian celebrations for now as we too are a very religious peoples. For any information that may be of interest to you that has been mentioned here please browse through our shop as there are excellent resources in relation to this. -
- Samuel Chapman 29/11/99
very impressive. A great link for the Aboriginal people and should help communications beyond beleif and give a greater purpose and confidence in doing business.. Buy the shares ! -
- Jodus 31/12/99
Thankyou Samuel You have hit the nail on the head so to speak as what can be learnt now and in the future in cyberspace can only be benificial to learn about others without it becoming personalised.So thans once again for your thoughtful words -
- ugly 05/12/99
ugly. bad site. -
- kate 04/11/99
i am doing an assignment on aboriinal :culture and tribes and when and where the lived or lived and there bodywear, headpeices, jewellry, beltsd, brestpeices etc.. i need to know what they llok like what they arte made from and how and where they are worn.. plz email me if you have any info.. pictures would ne good thanx.. from kate (13 syd australia) -
- ton van den Hoven 08/9/99
wunderfull -
- philippe guinet 18/11/99
I am french, I write poetry I'm fascinated about this magical elemental whose name is the wind !!! we created a small association "wind of dream" where we try to learn more about aboriginal culture. Please do you know dreaming's wind or wind's dreaming or stories about wind? by the way, I don't know to find the story or the book about "the ant and the willy willy". thank you to all (and to jodus madrid)hope will have spiritual exchange -
- Damien 26/5/99
Emi, the hardest thing is finding the right clay - people sometimes traded it for hundreds of miles, especially ochre for special occasions. And for some people, in some places, they did very little painting The different colours mean different things in different places, and in some places certain colours, like red, were only allowed to be used by certain, usually initiated people. As for patterns, these varied a lot, too. So if you are on summer camp, get some good quality earth (red, brown, white) colours, and get into it. We're just getting into winter!! Send us a photo. Damien -
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