State University of New York College at Cortland

General Information

SUNY Cortland
International Programs

Cortland International Programs has the longest-standing study abroad program in the SUNY system. Its first program was established in Neuchatel, Switzerland in 1964. Cortland provides 26 different study abroad opportunities at 14 locations in ten countries on four continents.

The strengths of Cortland's programs include a high degree of integration in to the host universities' curriculum, relatively low cost compared to many colleges, a wide variety of locations and curricular choices, and a long tradition and solid reputation.

Why Study Abroad?

Study Abroad can add to your education an experience that cannot be duplicated on campus. It has the potential to open your mind, alter your attitudes and increase your self-confidence and maturity. For the period of your stay abroad, you will learn intensively both in class and out.

Living and studying in another country will give you personal experience of our increasingly interdependent world. Your new skills and outlook will enhance both your professional and personal life. They may, in fact, help you obtain a position. The major reason to study abroad is, however, to increase your intellectual understanding and sense of personal competence. It will initiate you into being a citizen of the world.

Incentive Awards
for Out-of-state Residents

The Office of International Programs at SUNY Cortland offers partial scholarships to residents of other states participating in one of SUNY Cortland's Study Abroad Programs.

Successful candidates must have a minimum 2.5 GPA, be a resident of a state other than New York and have been accepted into a Cortland program.

Applicants will be notified of awards by May for fall and summer programs, by November for spring, and by December for intersession programs.

Semester awards: $650
Summer awards: $250
Intersession awards: $216

Complete our Inquiry Form to request an application form or further information.

How do I Plan for Study Abroad?

Early planning with the help of your academic advisor will allow you to apply Study Abroad credits to various degree requirements. Most students go overseas in their junior or senior years, but sophomores are eligible for certain programs. Detailed information about the different programs is available in the International Programs Office.

Programs generally cost somewhat more than on-campus study. Costs vary according to location.

Financial Aid
If you are elegible for financial aid to study on campus, you may also apply that aid to study abroad. Any program costs beyond the usual on-campus expenses are also eligible for aid. If you do not currently qualify for aid, you should check with the Financial Aid Office to see if you might be eligible for any extra costs of study abroad.

Over 16,000 in Study Abroad Scholarships are available each year to students registered at SUNY Cortland. National Security Education Scholarships are available for some programs as well. Further information and applications are available from the Cortland International Programs Office.

The Irmgard Mechlenberg Taylor Scholarship provides $1,000 annually to an outstanding German language student who plans to pursue study in Germany.

For further information contact:

International Programs Office
B -15 Old Main
SUNY College at Cortland
P.O. Box 2000
Cortland, NY 13045
Tel: (607) 753-2209
Fax: (607) 753-5989

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