Application for Admission to the Oxford Colleges Program

Please complete this form, sign the waiver and return it to the Washington International Studies Council, Suite 370, 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington, DC, 20002. (Telephone: 202-547-3275)

Application fee is now waived for on-line applications

If your browser does not support forms, please phone for application

This Application is for:

Oxford Colleges Associate Student Program

Academic YearFall Term

Winter Term Spring Term

Special September Term Summer Term

I wish to study at the graduate level

I am interested in undergraduate or graduate study in a Cambridge college (please check terms indicated above; we may be able to arrange a few places in Cambridge)

Personal Information

E-mail address:
Age: Sex:

Current Address:
Name of Parent or Guardian:
Permanent Home Address:
Current Telephone: Permanent Telephone:
Social Security Number Birthdate:

Educational Information

Current Institution:


Major: Minor: Class:

Academic Average: (A Equals): Average in Major:

Verbal SAT Score:

Previous high schools or colleges attended:

Please list any honors or awards:

Other Information Requested

  1. Please ask a faculty member to write a letter of recommendation particularly evaluating your ability to benefit from your chosen program. Please include a sample of your written work.
  2. Please ask your registrar to mail your current transcript.
  3. Please tell us in about 100 words what your goals are and why you wish to enroll in your chosen program.
  4. Please return this application to WISC, Suite370, 214 Massachusetts Avenue,NE,Washington,DC 20002. (Telephone: (202)547-3275
  5. Please tell us how you first heard about WISC:
  6. Please let us know the name of the person who told you about WISC, if appropriate:
  7. The Council reserves the right to make any needed alterations to its courses, fees or other aspects of its programs at any time. The Council has no academic connection with any other institution

    Regulations and Waiver

    If I am accepted as a student in one of the programs conducted by the Washington International Studies Council, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Council, and of any other institutions (such as New College, Oxford University, etc.) working with the programs. I understand that these rules are minimal and are primarily concerned with making sure that no one endangers himself or herself or interferes with the work of anyone else. I understand that if a student persistently violates rules, he or she may be fined or (after a fair hearing) returned to his or her home at his or her own expense by the Council. I also understand that I am responsible for any damage caused by myself to a dormitory, etc.; in the event that any damage cannot be assigned to any individual, the cost will be paid on a pro-rata basis by the residents of that house. Since almost all Council students have their own health insurance, I understand it is my responsibility to carry the proper insurance identification with me. I give the Council full authority to take whatever actions seem to be necessary in the event of my illness and I agree to reimburse the Council for any expenses incurred in an emergency. (The Council, for its part, will naturally do everything possible to assist a student in the event of an emergency or need.)

    I further understand that because of the need to pay expenses in advance, refunds can be granted only to those students whose written notices of withdrawal are received by the Council before March 15, 1999 for the Oxford Spring 1999 term, before May 15, 1999 for the Oxford Summer 1999 term, before September 1, 1999 for the Oxford Fall 1999 term (including the September program) or the 1999-2000 academic year; before December 1, 1999 for the Oxford Winter 1999 term or for the joint Winter Spring 1999 terms. After those dates no refunds are possible. In future years the same refund deadlines will apply. Please see the WISC student handbook for a full explanation

    I understand that the Council reserves the right to make alterations in any aspects of its programs (courses, fees, etc.) at any time as stated in the prospectus. I am also aware that in any program involving travel, certain risks may be incurred. In consideration of the right to participate in a Council program, I, my heirs and assigns do hereby assume all risks involved and agree to hold the Washington International Studies Council, its directors and employees and everyone else associated with them in any way (such as New College, etc.) without responsibility for damages or other liability arising out of or in connection in any way with my participation in any activities arranged by the Council or its associates, including any activities of my own while I am acting on my own and not as a participant in a Council activity. I understand that the Council's materials may include statements by me or my photograph; I grant permission for such use. I understand this agreement will go into effect if and when I am accepted as a student by the Council and that it will be construed according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia

    By submitting this form, I am submitting an application to WISC and I agree to the Regulations and Waiver as detailed above. I understand that I will be required to sign a copy of the regulations and waiver before I am admitted to any program

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