Read about an epic Alvis journey undertaken by one of our members, Mac Hulbert and his friends. Click on the Logo

Alvis Journey
Download the ERA MP3 (5.4mb, around 15 -20 mins via 56K). This has been provide by kind permission of Ten Tenths Ltd (copyright Ten Tenths Ltd). Nick Mason, a staunch supporter of the VSCC, has written a book called " Into The Red" which is well worth purchasing as a splendid read and keepsake. For more information visit Ten Tenths Website

 Click on the Logo, then right click and chose "Save location as: (IE 4/5) or Save link as: (Netscape)" This will then download to your chosen place on the Hard Disc. Otherwise double click Logo, the file will then download as above or may automatically start your default player and be downloaded to a temporary directory on your hard disc. Visit for free MP3 player.

Download a video of a drive in an Austin 7 Ulster. 1.4MB. Click on the Logo, then right click and chose "Save location as: (IE 4/5) or Save link as: (Netscape)" This will then download to your chosen place on the Hard Disc. Otherwise double click Logo, the file will then download as above or may automatically start your default player and be downloaded to a temporary directory on your hard disc. Ulster.mpeg
If you have an article that you would like to see published on the VSCC web site send it in MS word with .JPG pictures to .We would also be pleased to receive ditigal video clips, providing they are not to large in file size