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Misty - Kasumi - Water Trainer Name: Misty Misty!
Japanese Name: Kasumi
Voice Actor: Rachael Lillis
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
About Misty:
Misty seems like a brat, acts like a brat, and *gasp* IS a brat. Well, according to the preferences of many people who think she's a loud-mouthed scrawny chick. But, in one way or another, Misty's still a good girl on the inside.
Now, Misty is a Water PokΘMon trainer. She adores them! All water PokΘMon are either adorable, beautiful, cute, cuddly, mysterious, or just downright groovy to Misty. She likes all of them, no matter what. However, there are some...
Anyhow, Misty doesn't seem to have gotten enough love as a child. She was always jealous of her sisters, who are graceful and like swans, while Misty herself in comparison is just an ol' quack.
Which is why she doesn't know how to seriously love someone, in my opinion. It's evident that she has a crush on Ash, but she just can't bring herself to confessing her love. She first joined Ash only because he, or rather his Pikachu, broke her bike. But she never really does get her bike back, and by now, she really doesn't care about her bike anymore.
Misty's also a good PokΘMon trainer, being one of the four PokΘMon gym leaders of Cerulean City. The Gym leaders would be the Four Sisters of Cerulean City (AKA The Water Lillies), also including herself. Her sisters are very beautiful, and perhaps they just took away the beauty that could have been her's. Anyway, Misty's specialty in PokΘMons are Water PokΘMons.

Psyduck - Misty sometimes may seem to be a worse PokΘMon battler than Ash, but in actuallity, it's only because of...distractions. Namely her Psyduck. It always pops out of its PokΘBall at the worst times, and its actually mentally retarded, even for a Psyduck. It could only use it's powers when it's headache becomes bad, limiting its usage of its own power, which is quite strong.

Togepi - Misty quite unfairly won her only non-Water PokΘMon, Togepi. The only reason its her's is because she was the first thing Togepi saw when it was born. Togepi may seem to be just a burden, because it only can cause mischief for Pikachu, who acts like its caretaker, for Togepi is very care-free. However, Togepi does have its own powers. It has psychic attacks, such as Teleport and barrier, and other attacks such as the Metronome. However, it rarely proves its helpfulness. Togepi can be very socializing, however, attracting many people with it's adorable face, and making friends with even the toughest of PokΘMon.

Starmie - Misty loved her Starmie, and had used it many times, rarely letting her other PokΘMon get a chance. However, Misty's sisters convinced Misty to put let her Starmie stay with them in the Cerulean Gym.

Staryu - After Misty left Starmie in the Cerulean Gym, her choice PokΘMon became Staryu, the Starfish PokΘMon, and pre-evolution of Starmie. Staryu is a fast and powerful PokΘMon, who's very loyal to Misty.

Horsea - Although Misty adores her Horsea, she never does use it for battle. Almost never sending it out of its PokΘBall, Misty sometimes can be confused herself on which PokΘBall of her's contains Horsea. Because she rarely calls Horsea out, she has left her Horsea in the Cerulean Gym.

Goldeen - Goldeen is one of Misty's weakest PokΘMon, not ever winning a battle before. It can only battle on water, because it can only flop around on land. Because of this, Misty almost never uses Goldeen.

Online Since August 31, 1998

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