Episode 6 - Clefairy and the Moon Stone!
First Date Aired
September 15, 1998
New characters
Seymour the Scientist
New PokΘMon
Zubat, Clefairy, Clefable, Paras, Staryu
Who's That PokΘMon?
Last episode, Ash visited Pewter City, where Ash challenges
a Gym Leader for the first time. When Ash proves to Brock,
the gym leader, that Ash does in fact have a good heart, Brock
gave Ash his Gym Leader badge. Then, Brock meets up with his
long lost father, and leave his sibling's care to him, as Brock
join Ash in his incredible journey to become a PokΘMon Master!
This episode starts with Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu
walking along a road. Brock was talking about the legends of
Mt. Moon. Misty was talking about how romantic it all sounded.
Brock said that in the mountain, there's a legend that there's
a large meteorite called the Moon Stone.
"How romantic..." Misty commented.
Then, Ash hears a scream and sees a person being attacked by
Zubats outside of a cave. Ash saves him, and the person showed
his gratitude to Ash a bit over-exuberantly. He then introduced
himself as Seymore the Scientist(!!!) in a lovely poem. He then
explains why the PokΘMons are having strange behaviours (in
poetry). Turns out that people put lights into Mt. Moon, as
Ash and the others see as they got a tour of some of the insides
of Mt. Moon.
Seymore also explains that Mt. Moon is where most nocturnal
animals live. The PokΘMons now are suffering from heat inside
the cave. Then, Ash spotted a Clefairy, one of the rarer
It's so cute! It has a lovely soft voice, saying
"Clefairy, Clefairy," as it hops around with it's...stone.
Seems like it's a piece of the Moon Stone, as SOMEONE explains
later on (I think Brock or Seymore does.)
Ash then tried to catch it, but was stopped by Brock,
telling Ash something about Clefairy happiness. Then, Ash and
the others heard a scream from Clefairy, and saw the Meowth was
after it!
Ash then attacked with his Butterfree and Brock alongside
him. Ash was surprised that Brock had a Zubat, which Brock said
he got just before they went in the cave. "I should've got
one," Ash scowled.
As always, Jesse and James used their Ekans and Koffing
PokΘMons. Then, James' Koffing let out his dark fog stuff,
but Zubat's and Butterfree's air attack blew it back to them,
followed by a giant air attack from the two of them, blowing
them out of the cave! "It's time Team Rocket blasted off!"
But they forgot about something, and that was Meowth, who
has escaped, persuing Clefairy. Seymore was following it,
and Misty caught on just on time to see Meowth attacking them.
Then, Misty called her Staryu! The Staryu, a star fish water
PokΘMon, splashed into the stream where Meowth was attacking
Seymore and Clefairy, and jetted water from it's the crystal
in the center of him at Misty's command. Staryu filled
Meowth's body full of water, then once he stopped, Meowth blasted
off ^_^. (Slimu's Note: I smile because I made a pun. I think
Meowth's groovy)
Later on, Brock was feeding his Zubat food, which he explains
is a recipe he's been developing for PokΘMons for quite some
time. Ash was feeding his Butterfree some too. (I guess it must
be food for Flying PokΘMons only.) Brock said he might be able
to make some for Pikachu too, who was on a rock, talking to
Clefairy. It's just so cute whenever it talks!!!
Anyway, Seymore decided to taste one of the pieces of Brock's
PokΘMon food, which HE decided he liked. Well, Ash decided to
try some too, and obviously he didn't enjoy it at all. Oh well,
that's what you expect from strange nerdy people. They enjoy
anything they eat...
Ash then decided he's interested in what Pikachu and Clefairy
was talking about. Clefairy and Pikachu gave a sign that
indicated Ash and the others to follow them. Clefairy led them
up the mountain, and shown them to a different cave. Inside,
they found...the Moon Stone! It was put directly under a large
hole in the mountain, obviously caused by the meteor itself.
Clefairy then put down the piece of the moon stone it was
holding, filling in a ring of moon stones around the main Moon
Stone. The stone started glowing, and lots of Clefairies started
walking out and dancing around it! So cute!!! Pikachu then
tried to explain to Ash what the Clefairies were doing, and
after many humorously failed attempts, Ash finally got the
message that the Clefairies were praying to the Moon Stone.
"YES!" Seymore shocked Ash and the others. "It all makes
sense now! Outer space!" Seymore had talked about his theory
of the PokΘMon coming to earth through the Moon Stone as their
spaceship. "We shall travel first to the moon! Then to mars!
Then to the stars!"
"Stars! That's our que!" Meowth yelled out! Team Rocket
had found them. Seymore was very mad at them, and attempted
to threat them, with shaking knees. Then, he tried to attack
them, but fell down due to Meowth's feet, losing his glasses.
Then Ash called Pikachu, who jumped on Onix, who was called
out by Brock. Jesse and James let out Ekans and Koffing, who
promptly filled the room with it's black fog. Ash then called
Pidgeotto, who blew the fog away, which revealed an empty cave.
Team Rocket had stolen the Moon Stone! Brock then told Onix to
go underground and follow them, and then he and Ash and the
others ran out of the cave and tried to persue Team Rocket
by feet.
Seymore was still in the cave, looking for his glasses, which
a Clefairy handed to him (How sweet!). He asked why the
Clefairies weren't following the Moon Stone, but the Clefairies
didn't look like they understood, but they of course DID...
Team Rocket was riding the Moon Stone down the mountain,
which was on a...trailer or just a board with wheels or
something. Then, they were cut off by Onix, which flipped them
off. Ash and the others caught up with them, just in time to see
by Koffing attacking Onix. They both fell unconscious though...
Then, it seems like Clefairies dug out to the Moon Stone too,
or simply followed Onix's route. Then, the Clefairies started
waving their fingers, left and right, left and right, left and
right. Everyone around was hypnotised by this, tilting their
heads left and right. Pikachu looks so cute here! Then, they
stopped, and a giant stream of red blasted Team Rocket high
in the sky...I think it also blasted the Moon Stone...
Anyway, Moon Stone pieces started following from the sky,
and half of the Clefiaries evolved into Clefables! One of the
rarest PokΘMon in the world, as PokΘDex claims.
Then, later, we're shown to Clefables and Clefairies dancing
around the Moon Stone (Guess it either restored itself magically
or was never blown or is just a second copy). Seymore decided
that he wanted to stay with the Clefairies and Clefables, and
be the one to travel with them to outer space.
Ash and his friends approached a sign. "Cerulean City. I
guess we're headed the right way," Brock said. "And look,
there's something else written on here..."
Ash then commented that some kids like to write on these
things, but then when he took a look at it for himself...
Gary was here Ash is a loser!
"LOSER?!? I'll show him!!!"