News!In the News section, we'll keep you updated on all the latest gossip, rants, tidbits, rumors, facts, falts, and other what-nots in the ever-growing and ever-so-cute PokΘMon industry!
-EEK!- By Oddy Sunday, November 14, 1999 - 10:25 AM My... *looks at chinese newspaper* dere's dis 7th grader who brought pokemon cards to school [where it's not allowed >_<] and a teacher was going to take dem away. The kid *cough* hit her.. he's going to be suspended for more then a year. @_@ And there's ALSO this 7 yr old who put those bouncy pokemon balls in his mouth and swallowed it... and da ball got stuck in his throat and he.. died. Now they want to sue da pokemon company. x_X My reaction: "WHAT?! Sue..? It's not the pokemon company's fault that the kid decided he had to see if the bouncy rubber ball thingy was edible!" *sweatdrop*
-Japanese PokΘmon Cards, DISCONTINUED!?- By GonkJM Thursday, November 04, 1999 - 2:17 PM Yesh, I got dis info from da owner of da local import store. Da word from his distributor is datt dey are discontinuing ALL PokΘmon Cards in Japan. However he didn't say whether it was permanently or temporary. I am assuming dat it will be temporary. And on da note of discontinued cards, Jungle and Basic Set American will sonn be discontinued and replaced by Basic Set II.