Pikachu the Movie
Pikachu the Movie was the first PokΘMon movie ever. It was released in Japan on July 18, 1998, and then released on video sometime in December of the same year. The movie's actually a two-part 97-minute movie, the first 22 minutes of it being a featurette called "Pikachu's Summer Vacation." The rest of the movie (1 hour 15 minutes) is the ACTUAL presentation, titled "MewTwo Strikes Back," a movie starring the mythical PokΘMon Mew and MewTwo. Warner Bros. recently bought the rights to release the movie here in the U.S., as most of the entire internet already is aware about by now ^_^. It's being released in the United States on November 12, 1999, and I can't wait! (Although I've seen it already *heh heh*)
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