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Mail Us!

If you'd like to contact the PokΘDome, then here's the place! I'd allow any mail as long as you follow these simple rules:

  1. NO Chain Letters!
  2. NO hate mail!
  3. Stay postive and nice
  4. Don't ask for Affiliation
  5. Don't ask for me to become a staff member of anything

    [Mailbag] [Fan Mail] [Request] [Contribute]
Send a Fan Mail!

If you'd like to compliment us on our hard efforts on PokΘDome, or if you have any comments, such as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, or if you have corrections and the such, then go ahead and use this form to send us an e-mail ^_^. Please remember to keep comments positive ^_^
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If you would prefer to send mail using your e-mail client, then send to

Send a Request

If you'd like to ask for something from the PokΘDome, such as borrowing a picture, files, etceteras, then ask here! You could also request me, Slimu, to draw some art for you, or just ask any question related to PokΘMon or this site. Remember though that I probably won't be able to respond to ALL requests.

Please do not ask me for any kind of web page assistance, because it took me quite a while to learn my webpage skills, and it quite frankly would not be fair if you just had me help you. If you would prefer to send mail using your e-mail client, then send to

Contribute to PokΘDome

If you have anything to contribute to PokΘDome, such as music, pictures (fan art, etc.), fan fiction, information, etc., then don't hesitate to send it in! Just e-mail them to domefiles@slimemansion.com

Online Since August 31, 1998

The PokΘDome Copyright ⌐ 1998-1999 Slime Mansion. All rights reserved. All contents found in the pages of this server are all the property of Slimu and the staff of the Slime Mansion, unless otherwise noted. THAT INCLUDES THE BUTTERFREE ANIMATED GIF!!! THAT IS MY MOST PRIZED POSESSION! I MADE THAT FROM SCRATCH!!! Stealing images and HTML, or editting them, (that INCLUDES THE BUTTERFREE ANIGIF TOO) is strickly prohibited without written permission.

Images composed by Slimu using MS Paint Brush, Paint Shop Pro 4.12, and Corel Photo-Paint 8. This web site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 3+ with an 800 ╫ 600 resolution with 16 bit or above.

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