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PokΘMon Encyclopedia!
PokΘMon Analyses

A weekly feature of the PokΘDome PokΘDex, the PokΘMon Analyses are in-depth coverage over a certain PokΘMon, and we'll keep doing this until all 150 PokΘMon have been analyzed! By then there'll be perhaps 250...

Melody Balloons!

A Bug Masterpiece

039. Jigglypuff

Jigglypuff...Jiggly...y-y-y puff... Jigglypuff

39. Jigglypuff
Japanese Name Purin
When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysterious soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep.
HT: 1'8" WT: 12 lb.

L00 Jigglypuff
MOON Wigglytuff

Technique Level Type
Defense Curl
Body Slam

The giant moon, a witness. Its bright light is the giant spotlight. The tall mountain is the platform, and "All the world's a stage," as the great poet Shakespeare has said.
The performer: Jigglypuff.
"PokΘMon look ugly when they evolve," says the little girl. That saying does not apply to all PokΘMon! While it is true that a Pikachu may lose it's adoration once it evolves, this does not happen when a Caterpie changes into a Butterfree. Rather than becoming uglier, when a Caterpie changes into a Butterfree, it becomes cuter! This makes Butterfree special in that it's perhaps the only PokΘMon who is cuter than it's first stage of evolution.
"Your Pikachu's at it's cutest stage;" says Brock, "it can't win!" While this is true when it comes to the subject of Pikachus, Butterfree is at it's cutest evolutionary stage, and it can literally have the honor of being the best bug of the PokΘMon World! Which is why it is my favorite PokΘMon.
While Butterfree's physical offense and defense traits may falter because of it's tender body, it's other attributes really excels! It's wings can flap quite fast, allowing it to fly at high speeds, as well as creating whirlwinds. It's wings also can release highly toxic powders, such as Sleep Powders, Poison Powder, or Stun Spores. Another ablility of Butterfree is it's distinctive cry which is able to create confusion with it's great volume.
Butterfree's large eyes has a greater reason than being cute. The large, mysterious red orbs can deeply stare into you, allowing Butterfree to have traits of psychic powers. This means that Butterfree is the best PokΘMon at creating abnormal effects, whether it be confusion, sleep, paralysis, or poison, Butterfree has the ability to do all of them.

In Battle

When battling, Grass PokΘMon can't hurt Butterfree, as it's pre-evolutions proved, and now with Butterfree's psychic attacks, it actually has an advantage against Grass types. Although bug PokΘMon have a disadvantage against Fighting PokΘMon, Butterfree is the one of two bugs which does not, because it's the one of the two Bug and Flying mixes, (the other being Scyther) and Fighting PokΘMon have a disadvantage against Flying PokΘMon, therefore, Butterfree has an advantage against Fighters.
However, Butterfree does have it's weaknesses. Despite it's newly gained Flying attribute, it still flees from pure Flying PokΘMon, such as Pidgeot and Fearow. As before, Butterfree still has a disadvantage against Fire types of PokΘMon, and now it also has a slight disadvantage against Electric PokΘMon, due to it's Flying attribute.

Butterfree - The Best Bug PokΘMon!

Now, why would I name Butterfree the best Bug PokΘMon in the world? Well, let's point out the facts. Butterfree would probably be the one who would win a match between itself, Beedrill, and Venomoth. Yes, I am aware Butterfree is weak against Poison attributes, but none of the other bugs have powerful Poison attacks which comes naturally, while Butterfree has bother the powerful Confusion and Psybeam attacks. Each of the bugs has the same speed attributes, so there's an even chance of being first to strike.
A strategy I use with my Butterfree is to use Sleep Powder on my opponent, then go for the offense with a Psybeam attack. This would easily take out Beedrill, who has a low special rating, allowing it to be most vulnerable to abnormal effects, and even more so to special attacks.
This leaves Venomoth to deal with. Venomoth learns most of the attacks Butterfree learns, except it's Psychic attacks are raised up a notch, learning the Psybeam and Psychic attacks. However, Butterfree doesn't have a disadvantage to psychic attacks, and Venomoth IS.
It's now a contest of speed. Both of them can use the strategy I use (Put enemy to sleep, hit it) so it depends on who goes first. The one who goes first has the option of using the old tactic, or going straight in for the offense. Either way, Butterfree has the advantage, so in the end, Butterfree is 80% likely to defeat Venomoth!
Now, there's also those other Bugs: Scyther, Parasect, and Pinsir. First, Scyther is another favorite bug-type PokΘMon among many, because of it's representation of death with it's sickle-like arms. These two razor-sharp arms looks extremely deadly, and Scyther's high Attack attributes proves it. However, Butterfree can still win a battle against Scyther. Why? Scyther's Special attribute is drastically low, allowing it to be vulnerable to Special attacks such as Butterfree's Sleep Powder and Psybeam, perhaps its most deadliest combination of attacks. Once again, the Sleep then attack tactic can be used, and Scyther can easily be beaten.
Same goes for Pinsir. Pinsir's attributes are nearly the same as Scyther's, except it's slower. That makes it even more vulnerable, because Butterfree is actually a decently fast PokΘMon.
And of course, there's Parasect. Some may say it's one of the only PokΘMon who has a chance against the great MewTwo. Yeah. Sure. The deadly Leech Life attack.
MewTwo will sure have a problem with this one.
By the way, I'm being rather sarcastic at the moment.
Parasect's attributes aren't the best in the world. It's speed is extremely poor, and it's Special is only fair, compared to Butterfree's very good Special, and MewTwo's extremely HIGH Special. Parasect's only special attacks are Grass and Bug types, two types that Butterfree just COINCIDENTALLY happened to be invulnerable to. Parasect, the slow Bug and Grass PokΘMon, can also be victimized by Butterfree's special tactic which I've been jabbering about all this time, PROVING that Butterfree IS in fact the best Bug Pocket Monster!

011. Metapod

Metapod, Metapod ~ Metapod Metapod

11. Metapod
Japanese Name Turanseru
This PokΘMon is vulnerable to attack while it's shell is soft, exposing it's weak and tender body.
HT: 2'04" WT: 22 lb.

L00 Caterpie
L07 Metapod
L10 Butterfree

Technique Level Type
Harden - Normal

Metapod is a transitional stage between Caterpie and Butterfree. After Caterpie has gained enough experience points to move on to level 7, it wraps itself in a hardshell, becoming Metapod for only 3 levels. When you look at Metapod, one may wonder how it can possibly relate to Caterpie and Butterfree. It's eyes are solemn and stern, it has no facial expression, and it simply does not like to move.
As stated before, Metapod only stays Metapod from level 7 to level 9, evolving to Butterfree at level 10. However, a LONG 3 levels it is! Metapod is absolutely useless in battle if you caught one from the wild, as it only learns Harden, and nothing else. However, if you raise a Caterpie into a Metapod, it CAN use Caterpie's original Tackle and String Shot attack, but doesn't learn Harden. But if you should meet a wild Metapod, physical attacks don't do much, so you should rely on Special attacks, preferably fire attacks. Yet, Caterpie and Metapod both have SOMETHING coming for you, as they are not going to let you suffer through leveling them up without a reward!

Online Since August 31, 1998

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