It is taken for granted at this point that you are both SHAVED. Again, remember the ultimate joy will only be felt when you are shaved, using the MERH and applying the ancient wisdom of sexual delights and joy. Gently stimulate the external genitals. You want to avoid starting at the most sensitive areas first. Start with the pubic area by pushing the skin upward in gentle circles with the palm of the hand.
The labial lips will fill with blood and swell. The area around the vagina will turn red or pink. The entire genital area will change. She will make sounds rather than speak as she begins to reach the higher levels of arousal. Her facial expression will let you know what feels good. As she presses her genitals into your hands, you will know she wants more stimulation. Sense how your partner feels and follow her previous instructions. See illustration B.
At anytime during the stimulation of the clitoris, you can place one or two fingers inside your partner's vagina. Gently touch the opening of her vagina around the (PC) muscle. This will increase her arousal while you are stroking and massaging her clitoris. By the time she is ready to have an orgasm, you should have one or two fingers inside the entrance to her vagina.
Now that you are able to contract and relax the (PC) muscle, you must learn to push out on the (PC) muscle. This is also known as a bearing down contraction. There cannot be enough said about the practice and the understanding of these two types of contractions. See illustration C. showing the push out contraction. Gaining strength and control over the (PC) muscle is very important for sexual ecstasy. Both the male and the female should practice strengthening the (PC) muscle by Kegel exercises (the contracting, holding and releasing of the (PC) muscle).
Breath control in this context can be seen as a form of relaxation. As your level of arousal continues to rise, you may become tense. It is normal to breathe about eleven times per minute. As you rise higher in your sexual arousal, you may tend to hold your breath or breathe less. Now if you start putting too much of your attention into controlling your breathing, it becomes difficult to keep your attention in feeling the joy of ecstasy. However, you may slightly direct the control of your breathing to assist in increasing your joy. Some people prevent orgasm by holding their breath. When muscle tension is high, you may experience yourself holding your breath. To relax this tension, let some of your attention be with your breathing. Continue feeling your contractions and joys while letting your breath out and in. Don't forget to breathe. You will notice that if you keep your breath rhythmic, it will assist you in your orgasms. Alternate between breathing in for seven seconds and then out for seven seconds. Repeat. Keep the tension of contraction in the genital area and let go of the tension in the rest of your body.
Pushout Contractions [ Illustration C ]
![]() At these first stages of orgasmic contractions, move your fingers in and out of the vagina like a thrusting penis. This is the time for your attention to be on the (G) spot. Remember, it is located one to two inches inside the vagina, just behind the pubic bone. Look at the anatomy drawing again to familiarize yourself with its location. The (G) spot feels firmer than the rest of the vaginal wall. The more your partner is stimulated, the firmer her (G) spot becomes. Vaginal stimulation of your partner as she begins to have her orgasms will cause her to become more aroused. She will climb higher in her joy. It is important to remember not to stimulate the (G) spot before orgasm. Stimulation of the (G) spot before orgasm may cause the opposite effect you are looking for. This stage is similar to the male. Once he has an orgasm, the glans of the penis become very sensitive. So lightly touch the clitoris after your partner has started to orgasm.
The rhythm you initiated as you stroked and massaged her clitoris should be employed inside the vagina. Give ten to fifteen strokes about one second apart, then several softer, slower, gentler strokes. Increase and then decrease the pressure. This stimulation within the vagina initiates the deep contractions of permanent sexual ecstasy. The type of initial contraction generated from stimulation of the clitoris is an exterior, superficial contraction as opposed to the internal, deep muscle contraction of the uterus and other areas of the vagina. The deep contraction will last longer and will be more pleasing to your partner. You will recognize the difference between the exterior contractions and the deep pelvic and uterus contractions by the change in conformation of the vagina. Once your partner begins to have these deep contractions, she has started into the continuous orgasmic stage of ecstasy. Her vagina feels as if it is enlargening or opening up with the exterior contraction. As she reaches this new stage of deep contraction, she will begin her push out contractions. The area of the vagina will seem to fill up and close off. The uterus will push toward the opening of the vagina as if the vagina were shortening and closing from within. When her vagina draws back and opens up, you must lighten your touch until she starts the push out contraction. As she begins the push out contractions, increase your speed and pressure. This will assist her to rise higher and reach a new level of ecstasy. She will move her pelvis closer to you signaling that she wants more stimulation. Again her vagina will draw back and you will need to slow and lighten up. Then increase the pressure and speed to take her to an even higher level. Continue this cycle taking your partner to a permanent state of sexual ecstasy. When she has reached the stage where she does not climb anymore, return your attention to her clitoris. Use the same rhythm as you used previously (ten to fifteen strokes one second apart and then three to five slower, lighter strokes). This will cause her to have more intense contractions. At this point, return your attention back to the vagina. Stimulate the (G) spot with the same rhythm as before. Watch for the push out contractions. This is when she rises to even higher stages of ecstasy. Continue to stimulate your partner in a manner which will cause her to have continuous surges of push out contractions. When the joy levels off and the rising of joy stops, go directly back to the clitoris and stimulate it with the same rhythm. As soon as she begins to have contractions again, go right back to stimulating the vagina and the (G) spot. See illustration D. As you continue this back and forth process of stimulation between the vagina and the clitoris, the time where she is not rising with joy will shorten. These resting periods will become shorter and finally disappear. Once these resting periods have ceased, she has reached the next major stage of permanent sexual ecstasy. At this major stage of ecstasy, your partner most likely will not want to speak or may not be able to speak. You will be able to communicate by watching her expression and listening to her sounds. Her body may seem out of control, with her head tossing, limbs jerking and other body movements. At this stage of ecstasy, she is out of control and lost in her feelings. She is not thinking, just feeling the waves of orgasms rushing through her body. She is in your control and she will let you take control of giving her ecstasy. When you are in control and the stimulation is just right, she will not move close to you or away from you. She will be totally in the ecstasy of her feelings and joy. Normally, it takes about one half hour to reach this advanced stage of orgasmic ecstasy. After about forty five minutes of stimulation and push out contraction, she will begin to reach into the blissful ecstasy stage. This stage has no level points or drawing back. It is characterized by continued rising, constant ecstasy and delightful joy. This permanent stage will continue on for hours. You and your partner are capable of enjoying the final rising stage for as long as you have the time. Two, four, eight, even twelve hours of ecstasy is common when both partners become practiced in permanent sexual ecstasy. This is a timeless stage where hours will pass unnoticed.
Both the male and the female will feel sexual orgasms for days after experiencing a long session of permanent ecstasy. The female will begin to orgasm almost immediately the next time she begins to experience your stimulation. The experience of sexual ecstasy will make you happier, healthier and more relaxed in life.
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