Overview | Package | Class | Tree | Deprecated | Index | Help |
Java Platform 1.1.7 |
Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future swing releases.
Base class used to maintain a strongly typed enumeration.
Class AccessibleRole determines the role of a component.
Class AccessibleState describes a componets particular state.
The AccessibleText interface should be implemented by all classes that present textual information on the display.
from its parent and makes it a child of
this node by adding it to the end of this node's child array.
identifies the left/top or
right/bottom child component, and a component with that identifier
was previously added, it will be removed and then comp
will be added in its place.
Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future swing releases.
determines if
a node is a leaf node.
that displays its components
along the the specified axis.
and can't.
and can't.
Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Javacom.sun.java.swing.border - package com.sun.java.swing.border
should be before b
in the
"tab" order.
that do not overlap with rectB
except that its x
and y members have been converted to destination
's coordinate
in source
coordinate system to
coordinate system.
in source
coordinate system to
coordinate system.
in source
coordinate system to
coordinate system.
centered on the parentComponent
in the
's frame.
that displays its components
from left to right.
new JScrollPane(aTable)
that displays its components
from top to bottom.
= 0
= 0
= 0
= 100
= false
is a general-purpose node in a tree data
structure. This class has been deprecated and should no longer be used.
Container for text that supports editing and provides notification of changes (serves as the model in an MVC relationship).
, starting at offset start
in the
component hierarchy and returns the first object of name
in the
component hierarchy and returns the first object of class c
is a Border return it, otherwise
return null.
, which must be a child of this node.
at index
, which must be a child of this node.
s the receiver
at the locations specified by getChildIndices
is a Color return it, otherwise
return null.
, y
is a Font return it, otherwise
return null.
is an Icon return it, otherwise
return null.
in the receivers children.
is true.
By default there is a double buffer per RepaintManager.
getOrientation() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
Returns the component's orientation (horizontal or vertical).
getOrientation() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
getOrientation() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
Returns the orientation.
getOutsideBorder() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.CompoundBorder
Returns the outside border object.
getPage() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
Gets the current url being displayed.
getPainter() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter.Highlight
Gets the painter for the highlighter.
getPaintLabels() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
getPaintTicks() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
getParagraphAttributes() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
Fetches the current paragraph attributes in effect
at the location of the caret, or null if none.
getParagraphElement(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Gets a paragraph element.
getParagraphElement(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledDocument
Gets the element that represents the paragraph that
encloses the given offset within the document.
getParagraphElement(JTextComponent, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determines the element to use for a paragraph/line.
getParent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns this node's parent or null if this node has no parent.
getParentElement() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Gets the parent of the element.
getParentElement() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Element
Fetches the parent element.
getParent() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeNode
Returns the parent TreeNode
of the receiver.
getParent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
Returns the parent of the view.
getParser() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
Fetch the parser to use for reading html streams.
getPartialSize(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
Returns the size used by the views between startOffset
and endOffset
getPartialSpan(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.LabelView
Determines the span along the same axis as tab
expansion for a portion of the view.
getPartialSpan(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.TabableView
Determines the span along the same axis as tab
expansion for a portion of the view.
getPathBetweenRows(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns JTreePath instances representing the path between index0
and index1 (including index1).
getPathBounds(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the Rectangle that the specified node will be drawn
getPathComponent(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath
Returns the path component at the specified index.
getPathCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath
Returns the number of elements in the path.
getPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns the path from the root, to get to this node.
getPathForLocation(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the path for the node at the specified location.
getPathForRow(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the path for the specified row.
getPaths() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
Returns the paths that have been added or removed from the
getPathToRoot(TreeNode, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Builds the parents of node up to and including the root node,
where the original node is the last element in the returned array.
getPathToRoot(TreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
Builds the parents of node up to and including the root node,
where the original node is the last element in the returned array.
getPathToRoot(TreeNode, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
Builds the parents of node up to and including the root node,
where the original node is the last element in the returned array.
getPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeExpansionEvent
Returns the path to the value that has been expanded/collapsed.
getPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelEvent
Convenience method to get the array of objects from the TreePath
instance that this event wraps.
getPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath
Returns an array of Objects containing the components of this
getPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
Returns the first path element.
getPopupMenu() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
Returns the popupmenu associated with this menu
getPositionAbove(JTextComponent, int, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determines the position in the model that is closest to the given
view location in the row above.
getPositionBelow(JTextComponent, int, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determines the position in the model that is closest to the given
view location in the row below.
getPosition(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
Get the relative position of the component within its layer.
getPositionsInRange(Vector, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StringContent
Returns a Vector containing instances of UndoPosRef for the
Positions in the range
to offset
+ length
getPosition() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
getPreferredColumnSpan() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableCell
Gets the preferred span for the column occupied.
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Compute the size of the viewport needed to display visibleRowCount
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the preferred size of the viewport for this table.
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Returns the preferred size of the viewport if this component
is embedded in a JScrollPane.
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Returns the preferred size of the viewport for a view component.
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the preferred viewable size of a JTree.
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Scrollable
Returns the preferred size of the viewport for a view component.
getPreferredSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler
Returns the preferred size of the component.
getPreferredSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ColorChooserPanel
getPreferredSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
If the preferredSize has been set to a non-null value
just return it.
getPreferredSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Returns the preferred size of the TextArea.
getPreferredSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
Returns the preferred size Dimensions needed for this
getPreferredSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar.Separator
Return the preferred size for the separator
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ComponentView
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.FieldView
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.IconView
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.LabelView
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableCell
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPreferredSpan(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
Determines the preferred span for this view along an
getPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
Provides a localized, human readable description of this edit
suitable for use in, say, a change log.
getPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
This default implementation returns "".
getPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
Returns getPresentationName from the last UndoableEdit added to
getPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
Gets the presentation name for this edit
getPresentationName() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
Provide a localized, human readable description of this edit
suitable for use in, say, a change log.
getPressedIcon() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Returns the pressed icon for the button.
getPreviousBounds(JInternalFrame) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
getPreviousLeaf() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns the leaf before this node or null if this node is the
first leaf in the tree.
getPreviousNode() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns the node that precedes this node in a preorder traversal of
this node's tree.
getPreviousSibling() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns the previous sibling of this node in the parent's children
getPreviousWord(JTextComponent, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determine the start of the next word for the given location.
getProgressMonitor() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
getProperty(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
A convenience method for looking up a property value.
getProperty(Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
Gets properties associated with the document.
getPrototypeCellValue() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Returns the cell width of the "prototypical cell" -- a cell used
for the calculation of cell widths, because it has the same value
as all other list items, instead of forcing the calculation to
inspect every item in the list.
getRedoPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
Provides a localized, human readable description of the redoable
form of this edit, e.g. for use as a Redo menu item.
getRedoPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
If getPresentationName() returns "", returns
getRedoPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
Returns getRedoPresentationName from the last UndoableEdit
added to edits.
getRedoPresentationName() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
Provide a localized, human readable description of the redoable
form of this edit, e.g. for use as a Redo menu item.
getRedoPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
If inProgress, returns getRedoPresentationName of the
significant edit that will be redone when redo() is invoked.
getRegisteredKeyStrokes() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Return the KeyStrokes that will initiate registered actions.
getRenderer() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
Returns the renderer used to display the selected item in the JComboBox
getReorderingAllowed() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
Returns true if the receiver allows the user to rearrange columns by
dragging their headers, false otherwise.
getReshowDelay() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
getResizable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
Returns true if the user is allowed to resize the TableColumn
width, false otherwise.
getResizeWeight(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
Determines the resizability of the view along the
given axis.
getResizeWeight(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.FieldView
Determines the resizability of the view along the
given axis.
getResizeWeight(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
Gets the resize weight.
getResizeWeight(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
Determines the resizability of the view along the
given axis.
getResizingAllowed() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
Returns true if the receiver allows the user to resize columns by dragging
between their headers, false otherwise.
getResizingColumn() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
Returns the resizing column.
getResolveParent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Gets the resolving parent.
getResolveParent() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AttributeSet
Gets the resolving parent.
getResolveParent() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Keymap
Fetches the parent keymap used to resolve key-bindings.
getResolveParent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
Gets the resolving parent.
getResolveParent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
Gets attributes from the parent.
getRightComponent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
Returns the component to the right (or below) the divider.
getRightIndent(AttributeSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
Gets the right indent setting.
getRightInset() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
Gets the right inset.
getRolloverIcon() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Returns the rollover icon for the button.
getRolloverSelectedIcon() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Returns the rollover seletion icon for the button.
getRoot() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns the root of the tree that contains this node.
getRoot() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
getRootElement() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
Gets the root element.
getRootElements() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Gets all root elements defined.
getRootElements() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
Returns all of the root elements that are defined.
getRootFrame() -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
Returns the Frame to use for the class methods in which a frame
is not provided.
getRootPane() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
Returns the rootPane object for this applet.
getRootPane() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Returns the JRootPane ancestor for a component
getRootPane() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
Returns the rootPane object for this dialog.
getRootPane() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
Returns the rootPane object for this frame.
getRootPane() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
getRootPane() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
Returns the rootPane object for this window.
getRootPane() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.RootPaneContainer
Return this component's single JRootPane child.
getRootPane(Component) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
If c is a JRootPane descendant return its JRootPane ancestor.
getRoot(Component) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
getRoot() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeModel
Returns the root of the tree.
getRowBounds(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the Rectangle that the node at the specified row is
drawn in.
getRowCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
getRowCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the number of rows in the table.
getRowCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the number of rows that are currently being displayed.
getRowCount() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableModel
Returns the number of records managed by the data source object.
getRowCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableCell
Gets the number of rows this cell spans (that is, the
grid height).
getRowEnd(JTextComponent, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determines the ending row model position of the row that contains
the specified model position.
getRowForLocation(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the row for the specified location.
getRowForPath(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the row that displays the node identified by the specified
getRowHeader() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
Returns the row-header viewport.
getRowHeader() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
Returns the row header component.
getRowHeight() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the height of a table row in the receiver.
getRowHeight() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Defines the meaning of the height of a row.
getRowHeight() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the height of each row.
getRowMapper() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Returns the RowMapper instance that is able to map a path to a
getRowMapper() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Returns the RowMapper instance that is able to map a path to a
getRowSelectionAllowed() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns true if rows can be selected.
getRowsForPaths(TreePath[]) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.RowMapper
Returns the rows that the TreePath instances in path
are being displayed at.
getRows() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Returns the number of rows in the TextArea.
getRowStart(JTextComponent, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determines the starting row model position of the row that contains
the specified model position.
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns The visibleRect.height or visibleRect.width, depending on the
table's orientation.
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Components that display logical rows or columns should compute
the scroll increment that will completely expose one block
of rows or columns, depending on the value of orientation.
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the amount for a block inrecment, which is the height or
width of visibleRect
, based on orientation
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Scrollable
Components that display logical rows or columns should compute
the scroll increment that will completely expose one block
of rows or columns, depending on the value of orientation.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
If this JList is displayed in a JViewport, don't change its height
when the viewports height changes.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns false to indicate that the height of the viewport does not
determine the height of the table.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Return true if a viewport should always force the height of this
Scrollable to match the height of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns false to indicate that the height of the viewport does not
determine the height of the table.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Scrollable
Return true if a viewport should always force the height of this
Scrollable to match the height of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
Returns true if a viewport should always force the width of this
Scrollable to match the width of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
If this JList is displayed in a JViewport, don't change its width
when the viewports width changes.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns false to indicate that the width of the viewport does not
determine the width of the table.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Returns true if a viewport should always force the width of this
Scrollable to match the width of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Return true if a viewport should always force the width of this
Scrollable to match the width of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
Returns true if a viewport should always force the width of this
Scrollable to match the width of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns false to indicate that the width of the viewport does not
determine the width of the table.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Scrollable
Return true if a viewport should always force the width of this
Scrollable to match the width of the viewport.
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
If we're scrolling downwards (direction
greater than 0)
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the scroll increment that completely exposes one new row
or column (depending on the orientation).
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Components that display logical rows or columns should compute
the scroll increment that will completely expose one new row
or column, depending on the value of orientation.
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Components that display logical rows or columns should compute
the scroll increment that will completely expose one new row
or column, depending on the value of orientation.
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the amount to increment when scrolling.
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Scrollable
Components that display logical rows or columns should compute
the scroll increment that will completely expose one new row
or column, depending on the value of orientation.
getScrollOffset() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
Gets the scroll offset.
getSelectedColumnCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
getSelectedColumnCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the number of selected columns.
getSelectedColumnCount() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
getSelectedColumn() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the index of the last column selected or added to the selection.
getSelectedColumns() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
getSelectedColumns() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the indices of all selected columns.
getSelectedColumns() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
getSelectedComponent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the currently selected component for this tabbedpane.
getSelectedIcon() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Returns the selected icon for the button.
getSelectedIndex() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultSingleSelectionModel
getSelectedIndex() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
Returns the index of the currently selected item in the list.
getSelectedIndex() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
A convenience method that returns the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the currently selected index for this tabbedpane.
getSelectedIndex() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.SingleSelectionModel
getSelectedIndices() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Return an array of all of the selected indices in increasing
getSelectedItem() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ComboBoxModel
Return the selected item
getSelectedItem() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
Returns the currently selected item.
getSelectedObjects() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
getSelectedObjects() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
getSelectedObjects() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
Returns an array (length 1) containing the checkbox menu item
label or null if the checkbox is not selected.
getSelectedObjects() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
Returns an array containing the selected item.
getSelectedPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.MenuSelectionManager
getSelectedRowCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the number of selected rows.
getSelectedRow() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the index of the last row selected or added to the selection.
getSelectedRows() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the indices of all selected rows.
getSelectedText() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleText
Returns the portion of the text that is selected.
getSelectedTextColor() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Fetches the current color used to render the
selected text.
getSelectedText() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
Returns the portion of the text that is selected.
getSelectedText() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Returns the selected text contained in this TextComponent.
getSelectedValue() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
A convenience method that returns the first selected value
or null, if the selection is empty.
getSelectedValues() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Return an array of the values for the selected cells.
getSelectionBackground() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Returns the background color for selected cells.
getSelectionBackground() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the background color for selected cells.
getSelection() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ButtonGroup
Return the selected button model.
getSelectionColor() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Fetches the current color used to render the
getSelectionCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Returns the number of paths that are selected.
getSelectionCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the number of nodes selected.
getSelectionCount() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Returns the number of paths that are selected.
getSelectionEnd() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleText
Returns the end offset within the selected text.
getSelectionEnd() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
Returns the end offset within the selected text.
getSelectionEnd() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Returns the selected text's end position.
getSelectionForeground() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Returns the foreground color.
getSelectionForeground() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the foreground color for selected cells.
getSelectionMode() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
getSelectionMode() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Returns the selection mode.
getSelectionMode() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
getSelectionModel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
Returns the ListSelectionModel that is used to maintain column
selection state.
getSelectionMode() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
getSelectionModel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Returns the value of the current selection model.
getSelectionModel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
Returns the model object that handles single selections.
getSelectionModel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
Returns the model object that handles single selections.
getSelectionModel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the ListSelectionModel that is used to maintain row
selection state.
getSelectionModel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the model for selections.
getSelectionModel() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
getSelectionMode() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Returns the selection mode.
getSelectionPainter() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Gets the painter for the Highlighter.
getSelectionPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Returns the first path in the selection.
getSelectionPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the path to the first selected node.
getSelectionPaths() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Returns the paths in the selection.
getSelectionPaths() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the paths of all selected values.
getSelectionPaths() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Returns the paths in the selection.
getSelectionPath() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Returns the first path in the selection.
getSelectionRows() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Returns all of the currently selected rows.
getSelectionRows() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns all of the currently selected rows.
getSelectionRows() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Returns all of the currently selected rows.
getSelectionStart() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleText
Returns the start offset within the selected text.
getSelectionStart() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
Returns the start offset within the selected text.
getSelectionStart() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Returns the selected text's start position.
getSelectionValues() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
Returns the selection values.
getShadowColor(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EtchedBorder
Returns the shadow color of the etched border.
getShadowInnerColor(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
Returns the inner shadow color of the bevel border.
getShadowOuterColor(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
Returns the outer shadow color of the bevel border.
getSharedAncestor(DefaultMutableTreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns the nearest common ancestor to this node and aNode
getShowHorizontalLines() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns true if the receiver draws horizontal lines between cells, false if it
getShowsRootHandles() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns true if handles for the root nodes are displayed.
getShowVerticalLines() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns true if the receiver draws vertical lines between cells, false if it
getSiblingCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns the number of siblings of this node.
getSize() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object.
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object.
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object.
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object.
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object.
getSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Store the width/height of this component into "return value" rv
and return rv.
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object.
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object.
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
getSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object.
getSize() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListModel
Returns the length of the list.
getSnapToTicks() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
Returns true if the knob (and the data value it represents)
resolve to the closest tick mark next to where the user
positioned the knob.
getSpaceAbove(AttributeSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
Gets the space above setting.
getSpaceBelow(AttributeSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
Gets the space below setting.
getStartOffset() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Gets the starting offset in the model for the element.
getStartOffset() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.BranchElement
Gets the starting offset in the model for the element.
getStartOffset() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.LeafElement
Gets the starting offset in the model for the element.
getStartOffset() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Element
Fetches the offset from the beginning of the document
that this element begins at.
getStartOffset() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter.Highlight
Gets the starting model offset for the highlight.
getStartOffset() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
Fetches the portion of the model that this view is
responsible for.
getStartPosition() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Returns a position that represents the start of the document.
getStartPosition() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
Returns a position that represents the start of the document.
getState() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
Returns the selected-state of the item.
getString(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.Content
Fetches a string of characters contained in the sequence.
getString(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.GapContent
Retrieves a portion of the content.
getString(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StringContent
Retrieves a portion of the content. where + len must be <= length().
getString(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
If the value of key
is a String return it, otherwise
return null.
getString(Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
getStyledDocument() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
Fetches the model associated with the editor.
getStyledDocument(JEditorPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
Gets the document associated with an editor pane.
getStyledEditorKit() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
Gets the editor kit.
getStyledEditorKit(JEditorPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
Gets the editor kit associated with an editor pane.
getStyle(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Fetches a named style previously added.
getStyle(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
Fetches a named non-null style previously added.
getStyleNames() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
Fetches the names of the styles defined.
getStyle(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
Fetches a named style previously added to the document
getStyle(String) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledDocument
Fetches a named style previously added.
getSubElements() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
This method should return an array containing the sub-menu components for this menu component
getSubElements() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
Implemented to be a MenuElement -- returns the menus in this menu
getSubElements() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
This method returns an array containing the sub-menu components for this menu component.
getSubElements() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
getSubElements() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.MenuElement
This method should return an array containing the sub-elements for the receiving menu element
getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
Returns the name of the LookAndFeel class that implements
the native systems look and feel if there is one,
otherwise the name of the default cross platform LookAndFeel
getTabAfter(float) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabSet
Returns the Tab instance after location
getTabbedSpan(float, TabExpander) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.LabelView
Determines the desired span when using the given
tab expansion implementation.
getTabbedSpan(float, TabExpander) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.TabableView
Determines the desired span when using the given
tab expansion implementation.
getTabbedTextOffset(Segment, FontMetrics, int, int, TabExpander, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determines the relative offset into the given text that
best represents the given span in the view coordinate
getTabbedTextWidth(Segment, FontMetrics, int, TabExpander, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determines the width of the given segment of text taking tabs
into consideration.
getTabCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the number of tabs in this tabbedpane.
getTabCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabSet
Returns the number of Tab instances the receiver contains.
getTabIndexAfter(float) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabSet
Returns the index of the Tab to be used after location
getTabIndex(TabStop) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabSet
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableCellEditor
Sets an initial value for the editor.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableCellRenderer
This method is sent to the renderer by the drawing table to
configure the renderer appropriately before drawing.
getTableHeader() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the tableHeader working with this JTable.
getTable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
Returns the header's partner table
getTabPlacement() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the placement of the tabs for this tabbedpane.
getTabRunCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the number of tab runs currently used to display
the tabs.
getTabSet() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
Gets the Tabset to be used in calculating tabs.
getTabSet(AttributeSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
Gets the TabSet.
getTabSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Gets the number of characters used to expand tabs.
getTabSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
Returns the tab size set for the document, defaulting to 8.
getTabSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
Returns the tab size set for the document, defaulting to 8.
getTab(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabSet
Returns the TabStop at index index
getText() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Returns the button's text.
getText(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Gets a sequence of text from the document.
getText(int, int, Segment) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Gets some text from the document potentially without
making a copy.
getTextComponent(ActionEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TextAction
Determines the component to use for the action.
getText(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
Fetches the text contained within the given portion
of the document.
getText(int, int, Segment) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
Fetches the text contained within the given portion
of the document.
getText() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
Returns the text string that the label displays.
getText(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Fetches a portion of the text represented by the
getText() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Returns the text contained in this TextComponent.
getThickness() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.LineBorder
Returns the thickness of the border.
getTiledSizeRequirements(SizeRequirements[]) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SizeRequirements
Determines the total space necessary to
place a set of components end-to-end.
getTipText() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolTip
Returns the text that is shown when the tool tip is displayed.
getTitleAt(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the tab title at index.
getTitleColor() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
Returns the title-color of the titled border.
getTitleFont() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
Returns the title-font of the titled border.
getTitle() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
Returns the title of the JInternalFrame.
getTitleJustification() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
Returns the title-justification of the titled border.
getTitlePosition() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
Returns the title-position of the titled border.
getTitle() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
Returns the title of the titled border.
getToIndex() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent
Returns the toIndex.
getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Return the tooltip location in the receiving component coordinate system
If null is returned, Swing will choose a location.
getToolTipText() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Return the tooltip string that has been set with setToolTipText()
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Returns the string to be used as the tooltip for event.
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the tooltip text for the component determined by the
mouse event location.
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Overrides JComponent's setToolTipText method to allow use of the
renderer's tips (if the renderer has text set).
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
Overriding to allow renderer's tips to be used if it has
text set.
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Overrides JComponent's getToolTipText method in order to allow
renderer's tips to be used if it has text set.
getTopComponent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
Returns the component above, or to the left of the divider.
getTopInset() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
Gets the top inset.
getTopLevelAncestor() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Returns the top-level ancestor of this component (either the
containing Window or Applet), or null if this component has not
been added to any container.
getTotalColumnWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
getTotalColumnWidth() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
Returns the total width of all the columns.
getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor
getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeCellEditor
Sets an initial value for the editor.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeCellRenderer
Sets the value of the current tree cell to value
getTreePath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelEvent
Returns the TreePath object identifying the changed node.
getType() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
Returns the type of event.
getType() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
Gets the element type.
getType() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.DocumentEvent
Gets the type of event.
getType() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.ListDataEvent
getType() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
Returns the type of event - one of: INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Returns the button's current UI.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JButton
Returns a string that specifies the name of the L&F class
that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox
Returns a string that specifies the name of the L&F class
that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
Returns the name of the L&F class
that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Return the UIDefaults key used to look up the name of the
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDesktopPane
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
Gets the class ID for the UI.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
Returns a string that specifies the name of the l&f class
that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Returns the name of the UIFactory class that generates the
look and feel for this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
Returns the name of the UI class that implements the
L&F for this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPasswordField
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton
Returns the name of the L&F class
that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
Returns the name of the LookAndFeel class for this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSeparator
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the name of the UI class that implements the
L&F for this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Returns the class ID for the UI.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
Gets the class ID for a UI.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
Returns the class ID for the UI.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton
Returns a string that specifies the name of the l&f class
that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolTip
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClassID() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUIClass(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
The value of get(uidClassID) must be the String name of a
class that implements the corresponding ComponentUI
get(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
getUIError(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
If getUI() fails for any reason, it calls this method before
returning null.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDesktopPane
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
Returns the menubar's current UI.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
Returns the UI object which implements the L&F for this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
Returns the delegate that implements the look and feel for
this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSeparator
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
Gets the UI object which implements the L&F for this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
Returns the SplitPaneUI that is providing the current look and
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the UI object which implements the L&F for this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Fetches the user-interface factory for this text-oriented editor.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
Returns the toolbar's current UI.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolTip
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
getUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
get(Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
getUI(JComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
Create an ComponentUI implementation for the
specified component.
getUI(JComponent) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
getUndoOrRedoPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
Return the appropriate name for a command that toggles between
undo and redo.
getUndoPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
Provides a localized, human readable description of the undoable
form of this edit, e.g. for use as an Undo menu item.
getUndoPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
If getPresentationName() returns "", returns
getUndoPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
Returns getUndoPresentationName from the last UndoableEdit
added to edits.
getUndoPresentationName() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
Provide a localized, human readable description of the undoable
form of this edit, e.g. for use as an Undo menu item.
getUndoPresentationName() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
If inProgress, returns getUndoPresentationName of the
significant edit that will be undone when undo() is invoked.
getUnitIncrement(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
Returns the amount to change the scrollbar's value by,
given a unit up/down request.
getUnitIncrement() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
For backwards compatibility with java.awt.
getUnitIncrement(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane.ScrollBar
If the viewports view is a Scrollable then ask the view
to compute the unit increment.
getUpdateLevel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
getUpdateTableInRealTime() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
Returns true if the receiver updates the body of the table view in real
time when a column is resized or dragged.
getURL() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent
Gets the URL that the link refers to.
getUserObject() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns this node's user object.
getUserObjectPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Returns the user object path, from the root, to get to this node.
getValue(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractAction
getValue(String) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Action
Puts/gets one of this object's properties
using the associated key.
getValueAt(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Returns an attribute value for the cell at row
and column.
getValueAt(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Returns the cell value at row and column.
getValueAt(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableModel
Returns an attribute value for the cell at columnIndex
and rowIndex.
getValue() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.BoundedRangeModel
Returns the model's current value.
getValue() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
getValueIsAdjusting() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.BoundedRangeModel
Returns true if the current changes to the value property are part
of a series.
getValueIsAdjusting() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
Returns true if the value is in the process of changing
as a result of actions being taken by the user.
getValueIsAdjusting() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
getValueIsAdjusting() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Returns the value of the data model's isAdjusting property.
getValueIsAdjusting() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
True if the scrollbar knob is being dragged.
getValueIsAdjusting() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
True if the slider knob is being dragged.
getValueIsAdjusting() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent
getValueIsAdjusting() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
getValue() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
Returns the value the user has selected.
getValue() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
Returns the model's current value.
getValue() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
Returns the scrollbar's value.
getValue() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
Returns the sliders value.
getVerticalAlignment() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Returns the vertical alignment of the text and icon.
getVerticalAlignment() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
Returns the alignment of the label's contents along the Y axis.
getVerticalScrollBar() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
Returns the vertical scroll bar currently in use.
getVerticalScrollBarPolicy() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
Returns the vertical scrollbar policy.
getVerticalScrollBarPolicy() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
Returns the vertical scrollbar-display policy.
getVerticalScrollBar() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
Returns the vertical scrollbar.
getVerticalTextPosition() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Returns the vertical position of the text relative to the icon
Valid keys: CENTER (the default), TOP, BOTTOM
getVerticalTextPosition() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
Returns the vertical position of the label's text,
relative to its image.
getViewAtPoint(int, int, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
Fetches the child view at the given point.
getViewAtPoint(int, int, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
Fetches the child view at the given point.
getViewAtPosition(int, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
Fetches the child view that represents the given position in
the model.
getViewAtPosition(int, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
Fetches the child view that represents the given position in
the model.
getView(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
Gets the n-th view in this container.
getViewCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
Returns the number of views in this view.
getViewCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
Returns the number of views in this view.
getViewFactory() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Fetches a factory that is suitable for producing
views of any models that are produced by this
getViewFactory() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.EditorKit
Fetches a factory that is suitable for producing
views of any models that are produced by this
getViewFactory() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
Fetch a factory that is suitable for producing
views of any models that are produced by this
getViewFactory() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit
Fetches a factory that is suitable for producing
views of any models that are produced by this
getViewFactory() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
Fetches the ViewFactory implementation that is feeding
the view hierarchy.
getView() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
Returns the Viewport's one child or null.
getViewportBorderBounds(JScrollPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
Returns the bounds of the border around the specified scroll pane's
getViewportBorder() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
Returns the value of the viewportBorder property.
getViewport() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
Returns the current JViewport.
getViewport() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
Returns the view port object.
getViewPosition() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
Returns the view coordinates that appear in the upper left
hand corner of the viewport, 0,0 if there's no view.
getViewRect() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
Return a rectangle whose origin is getViewPosition and size is
getViewSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
If the view's size hasn't been explicitly set, return the
preferred size, otherwise return the view's current size.
getView(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
Gets the nth child view.
getVisibleAmount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
Returns the scrollbar's extent, aka its "visibleAmount".
getVisibleRect() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Returns the Component's "visible rectangle" - the
intersection of this components visible rectangle:
new Rectangle(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
and all of its ancestors visible Rectangles.
getVisibleRowCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Return the preferred number of visible rows.
getVisibleRowCount() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Returns the number of rows that are visible in the display area.
getWantsInput() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
Returns true if a parentComponent will be provided for the user to
getWarningString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
Gets the warning string that is displayed with this window.
getWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
The current width of the box.
getWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Return the current width of this component.
getWidth() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
Returns the width of the TableColumn.
getWordEnd(JTextComponent, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determines the end of a word for the given location.
getWordStart(JTextComponent, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities
Determines the start of a word for the given model location.
getWrapStyleWord() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Get the style of wrapping used if the text area is wrapping
getX() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Return the current x coordinate of the components origin.
getY() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Return the current y coordinate of the components origin.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
Bound property name.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
A pane that is guaranteed to be painted on top
of all panes beneath it.
glassPane -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
The glass pane that overlays the menu bar and content pane,
so it can intercept mouse movements and such.
GoodBreakWeight -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
The weight to indicate a view supports breaking,
but better opportunities probably exist.
grabFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Set the focus on the receiving component.
GrayFilter - class com.sun.java.swing.GrayFilter.
An image filter that "disables" an image by turning
it into a grayscale image, and brightening the pixels
in the image.
gridColor -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
The color of the grid
group -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- HTMLEditorKit() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- Constructs an HTMLEditorKit, creates a StyleContext,
and loads the style sheet.
- HyperlinkEvent(Object, HyperlinkEvent.EventType, URL) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent
- Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event.
- hasChildren -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode
- hasFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Returns true if this Component has the keyboard focus.
- hashCode() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.KeyStroke
- Returns a numeric value for this object that is likely to be
reasonably unique, so it can be used as the index value in a
- hashCode() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Returns a hashcode for this set of attributes.
- hashCode() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
- Returns the hashCode for the object.
- hashCode() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath
- Returns the hashCode for the object.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Bound property name.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Bound property name.
- headerRenderer -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- The renderer used to draw the header of the column
- headerValue -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- The header value of the column
- height -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.WindowConstants
- The hide-window default window close operation
- hidePopup() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Causes the combo box to close its popup window
- highestLayer() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Returns the highest layer value from all current children.
- Highlighter.Highlight - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter.Highlight.
- Highlighter.HighlightPainter - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter.HighlightPainter.
- Highlight renderer.
- Highlighter - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter.
- An interface for an object that allows one to mark up the background
with colored areas.
- highlight -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EtchedBorder
- highlightInner -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
- highlightOuter -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Horizontal split indicates the Components are split along the
x axis, eg the two Components will be split one to the left of the
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates the orientation of this object is horizontal.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
- These constants specify a horizontal or
vertical orientation.
- hsbPolicy -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The display policy for the horizontal scrollbar.
- hsb -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The horizontal scrollbar
- HTMLEditorKit.HTMLFactory - class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.HTMLFactory.
- A factory to build view fragments for html.
- HTMLEditorKit.LinkController - class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.LinkController.
- Class to watch the associated component and fire
hyperlink events on it when appropriate.
- HTMLEditorKit - class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.
- This is the default implementation of html editing
- HyperlinkEvent.EventType - class com.sun.java.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent.EventType.
- HyperlinkEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent.
- HyperlinkEvent is used to notify interested parties that
something has happened with respect to a hypertext link.
- HyperlinkListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.HyperlinkListener.
- HyperlinkListener
- hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.HyperlinkListener
- Called when a hypertext link is updated.
- IconView(Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.IconView
- Creates a new icon view that represents an element.
- ImageIcon(String, String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file.
- ImageIcon(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file.
- ImageIcon(URL, String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL. The image will
be preloaded by using MediaTracker to monitor the loaded state
of the image.
- ImageIcon(URL) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL. The image will
be preloaded by using MediaTracker to monitor the loaded state
of the image.
- ImageIcon(Image, String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Creates an ImageIcon from the image.
- ImageIcon(Image) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Creates an ImageIcon from the image.
- ImageIcon(byte[], String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Creates an ImageIcon from an array of bytes which were
read from an image file containing a supported image format,
such as GIF or JPEG. Normally this array is created
by reading an image using Class.getResourceAsStream(), but
the byte array may also be statically stored in a class.
- ImageIcon(byte[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Creates an ImageIcon from an array of bytes which were
read from an image file containing a supported image format,
such as GIF or JPEG. Normally this array is created
by reading an image using Class.getResourceAsStream(), but
the byte array may also be statically stored in a class.
- ImageIcon() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Creates an uninitialized image icon.
- InternalFrameEvent(JInternalFrame, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- Constructs a InternalFrameEvent object.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bound property name for icon.
- iconable -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- The frame can "iconized" (shrunk down and displayed as
an icon-image).
- IconAttribute -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.CharacterConstants
- Name of the icon attribute.
- IconAttribute -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Name of the icon attribute.
- Icon - interface com.sun.java.swing.Icon.
- A small fixed size picture, typically used to decorate components.
- IconElementName -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Name of elements used to represent icons.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this object is minimized and is represented only by an
- iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
- Removes the frame from it's parent and adds it's desktopIcon to the parent.
- iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.DesktopManager
- Generally, remove this frame from it's parent and add an iconic representation.
- icon -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Icon used in pane.
- IconView - class com.sun.java.swing.text.IconView.
- Icon decorator that implements the view interface.
- identifier -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- This object is not used internally by the drawing machinery of
the JTable.
- ImageIcon - class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon.
- An implementation of the Icon interface that paints Icons
from Images.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- Align images at the bottom.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- Align images in the middle.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- Align images at the top.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- Align images at the border.
- indexOfComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Returns the index of the tab for the specified component.
- indexOf(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- indexOf(Object, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- indexOfTab(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Returns the first tab index with a given title,
Returns -1 if no tab has this title.
- indexOfTab(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Returns the first tab index with a given icon.
- indexToLocation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Returns the origin of the specified item in JList
coordinates, null if index isn't valid.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Used for information messages.
- init(String, Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bound property name for initialSelectionValue.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bounds property name for initialValue.
- initializeLocalVars() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Initializes table properties to their default values.
- initializeLocalVars() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- initialize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel calls this method before the first
call (and typically the only call) to getDefaults().
- initialSelectionValue -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Initial value to select in selectionValues.
- initialValue -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Value that should be initialy selected in options.
- init(String, Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- init(String, Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Initialize the menu item with the specified text and icon.
- init(String, Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
- Initialize the JRadioButtonMenuItem with the specified text
and Icon.
- init(StateEditable, String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bound property name for inputValue.
- inputValue -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Value the user has input.
- insertBreakAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the action to place a line/paragraph break into
the document.
- insertComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Inserts a component into the document as a replacement
for the currently selected content.
- insert(int, View) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
- Inserts a single child view.
- insertContentAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the action to place content into the associated
- insert(MutableTreeNode, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Removes
from its present parent (if it has a
parent), sets the child's parent to this node, and then adds the child
to this node's child array at index childIndex
- insert(int, DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
- Inserts new elements in bulk.
- insert(int, int, DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[], AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
- Inserts new content.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.DocumentEvent.EventType
- Insert type.
- insertElementAt(Object, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- insertIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Inserts an icon into the document as a replacement
for the currently selected content.
- insertIndexForLayer(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Primative method that determines the proper location to
insert a new child based on layer and position requests.
- insertIndexInterval(int, int, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- Insert length indices beginning before/after index.
- insertIndexInterval(int, int, boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- Insert length indices beginning before/after index.
- insertItemAt(Object, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Inserts an item into the item list at a given index.
- insert(String, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Insert a new menuitem with the specified text at a
given position.
- insert(JMenuItem, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Insert the specified JMenuitem at a given position.
- insert(Action, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Insert a new menuitem attached to the specified Action
object at a given position.
- insert(Action, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Inserts a menu item for the specified Action object at a given
- insert(Component, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Inserts the specified component into the menu at a given
- insert(String, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Inserts the specified text at the specified position.
- insert(MutableTreeNode, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode
- Adds
to the receiver at index
- insertNodeInto(MutableTreeNode, MutableTreeNode, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Invoked this to insert newChild at location index in parents children.
- insertRow(int, Vector) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Insert a row at row in the model.
- insertRow(int, Object[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Insert a row at row in the model.
- insertSeparator(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Inserts a separator at the specified position.
- insertString(int, String, AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Inserts some content into the document.
- insertString(int, String) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.Content
- Inserts a string of characters into the sequence.
- insertString(int, String, AttributeSet) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
- Inserts a string of content.
- insertString(int, String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.GapContent
- Inserts a string into the content.
- insertString(int, String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StringContent
- Inserts a string into the content.
- insertTabAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the action to place a tab character into
the document.
- insertTab(String, Icon, Component, String, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Inserts a component, at index, represented by a
title and/or icon, either of which may be null.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
- insertUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent, AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Updates document structure as a result of text insertion.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Gives notification that something was inserted into the document
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- insertUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent, AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
- Updates document structure as a result of text insertion.
- insertUpdate(DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
- Inserts an update into the document.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.DocumentListener
- Gives notification that there was an insert into the document.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.FieldView
- Gives notification that something was inserted into the document
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
- Handles document insert (fire appropriate property change event
which is AccessibleContext.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
- Gives notification that something was inserted into the document
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- insertUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent, AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainDocument
- Updates document structure as a result of text insertion.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
- Gives notification that something was inserted into the document
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Gives notification that something was inserted into the document
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
- Gives notification that something was inserted into the
document in a location that this view is responsible for.
- insideBorder -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.CompoundBorder
- installAncestorListener() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- installBorder(JComponent, String) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- Convenience method for installing a component's default Border
object on the specified component if either the border is
currently null or already an instance of UIResource.
- install(JTextComponent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Called when the UI is being installed into the
interface of a JTextComponent.
- installChooserPanel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ColorChooserPanel
- This get called when the panel is added to the chooser.
- installColorsAndFont(JComponent, String, String, String) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- Convenience method for initializing a components foreground
background and font properties with values from the current
defaults table.
- installColors(JComponent, String, String) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- Convenience method for initializing a component's foreground
and background color properties with values from the current
defaults table.
- install(JTextComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Called when the UI is being installed into the
interface of a JTextComponent.
- install(JTextComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter
- Called when the UI is being installed into the
interface of a JTextComponent.
- install(JEditorPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.EditorKit
- Called when the kit is being installed into the
a JEditorPane.
- install(JTextComponent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter
- Called when the UI is being installed into the
interface of a JTextComponent.
- install(JEditorPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- Called when the kit is being installed into the
a JEditorPane.
- installLookAndFeel(UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
- Adds the specified look and feel to the current array and
then calls setInstalledLookAndFeels.
- installLookAndFeel(String, String) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
- install(JEditorPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit
- Called when the kit is being installed into
a JEditorPane.
- insureRowContinuity() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Useful for CONTIGUOUS_TREE_SELECTION. If the rows that are selected
are not contiguous then the selection is reset to be contiguous.
- insureUniqueness() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Insures that all the elements in path are unique.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- The window activated event type.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- The window closed event.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- The "window is closing" event.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- The window deactivated event type.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- The window deiconified event type.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- The first number in the range of ids used for window events.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- The window iconified event.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- The last number in the range of ids used for window events.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- The window opened event.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A frame-like object that is clipped by a desktop pane.
- internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter
- Invoked when an internal frame is activated.
- internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameListener
- Invoked when an internal frame is activated.
- InternalFrameAdapter - class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter.
- An abstract adapter class for receiving internal frame events.
- internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter
- Invoked when an internal frame has been closed.
- internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameListener
- Invoked when an internal frame has been closed.
- internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter
- Invoked when an internal frame is in the process of being closed.
- internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameListener
- Invoked when an internal frame is in the process of being closed.
- internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter
- Invoked when an internal frame is de-activated.
- internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameListener
- Invoked when an internal frame is de-activated.
- internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter
- Invoked when an internal frame is de-iconified.
- internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameListener
- Invoked when an internal frame is de-iconified.
- InternalFrameEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent.
- InternalFrameEvent: an AWTEvent which adds support for
JInternalFrame objects as the event source.
- internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter
- Invoked when an internal frame is iconified.
- internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameListener
- Invoked when an internal frame is iconified.
- InternalFrameListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameListener.
- The listener interface for receiving internal frame events.
- internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter
- Invoked when an internal frame has been opened.
- internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameListener
- Invoked when a internal frame has been opened.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.ListDataEvent
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.ListDataEvent
- intervalAdded(ListDataEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Invoked items have been added to the internal data model.
- intervalAdded(ListDataEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList
- List Data Listener interval added method.
- intervalAdded(ListDataEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.ListDataListener
- Sent after the indices in the index0,index1
interval have been inserted in the data model.
- intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Invoked when values have been removed from the data model.
- intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList
- List Data Listener interval removed method.
- intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.ListDataListener
- Sent after the indices in the index0,index1 interval
have been removed from the data model.
- invalidate() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane
- Overridden to avoid propogating a invalidate up the tree when the
cell renderer child is configured.
- invalidateLayout(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.BoxLayout
- Indicates that a child has changed its layout related information,
and thus any cached calculations should be flushed.
- invalidateLayout(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.RootLayout
- invalidateLayout(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.OverlayLayout
- Indicates a child has changed its layout related information,
which causes any cached calculations to be flushed.
- invokeAndWait(Runnable) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- Causes doRun.run() to be executed synchronously on the
AWT event dispatching thread.
- invokeLater(Runnable) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- Causes doRun.run() to be executed asynchronously on the
AWT event dispatching thread.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Bound property name for messagesStopCellEditing.
- invokesStopCellEditing -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- If true, when editing is to be stopped by way of selection changing,
data in tree changing or other means stopCellEditing is invoked, and
changes are saved.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Constrained property name indicating that the frame is closed.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Constrained property name indicating that the frame is iconified.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Constrained property name indicating that the frame is maximized.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Constrained property name indicated that this frame has selected status.
- isAccessibleChildSelected(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleSelection
- Determines if the current child of this object is selected.
- isAccessibleChildSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList
- Returns true if the current child of this object is selected.
- isAccessibleChildSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu.AccessibleJMenu
- Returns true if the current child of this object is selected.
(i.e. if this child is a pop-ed up sub-menu)
- isAccessibleChildSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar
- Returns true if the current child of this object is selected.
- isAccessibleChildSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane
- isAccessibleChildSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- Returns true if the current child of this object is selected.
- isAccessibleChildSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- Returns true if the current child of this object is selected.
- isAddedPath() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
- Returns true if the first path element has been added to the
selection, a return value of false means the first path has been
removed from the selection.
- isAddedPath(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
- Returns true if the path identified by path was added to the
- isAfter(int, int, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Determines if a point falls after an allocated region.
- isAfter(int, int, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
- Tests whether a point lies after the rectangle range.
- isAllocationValid() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Are the allocations for the children still
- isArmed() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- isArmed() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Returns whether the button is "armed".
- isArmed() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Returns whether the menu item is "armed".
- isBackingStoreEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Returns true if this viewport is maintaining an offscreen
image of its contents.
- isBefore(int, int, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Determines if a point falls before an allocated region.
- isBefore(int, int, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
- Tests whether a point lies before the rectangle range.
- isBold(AttributeSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Checks whether the bold attribute is set.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.AbstractBorder
- This default implementation returns false.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
- Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.border.Border
- Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.CompoundBorder
- Returns whether or not this compound border is opaque.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EmptyBorder
- Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EtchedBorder
- Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.LineBorder
- Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.MatteBorder
- Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder
- Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
- isBorderOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
- isBorderPainted() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Returns whether the border should be painted.
- isBorderPainted() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Returns true if a the Menubar's border should be painted.
- isBorderPainted() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Checks whether the border should be painted.
- isBorderPainted() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Returns true if the progress bar has a border or false if it does not.
- isBorderPainted() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
- Checks whether the border should be painted.
- isCanceled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitor
- Returns true if the user does some UI action to cancel this operation.
(like hitting the Cancel button on the progress dialog).
- isCellEditable(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
- This default implementation returns false for all cells
- isCellEditable(EventObject) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.CellEditor
- Ask the editor if it can start editing using anEvent.
- isCellEditable(EventObject) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor
- isCellEditable(EventObject) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
- isCellEditable(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Returns true if the cell at row and column
is editable.
- isCellEditable(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Returns true if the cell at row and column
is editable.
- isCellEditable(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableModel
- Returns true if the cell at rowIndex and columnIndex
is editable.
- isCellSelected(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Returns true if the cell at the specified position is selected.
- isClosable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Returns whether this JInternalFrame be closed by some user action.
- isClosed -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- The frame has been closed.
- isClosed() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Returns whether this JInternalFrame is currently closed.
- isCoalesce() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Returns true if the Timer coalesces multiple pending
performCommand() messages.
- isCollapsed(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the value identified by path is currently collapsed,
this will return false if any of the values in path are currently
not being displayed.
- isCollapsed(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the node at the specified display row is collapsed.
- isColumnSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Returns true if the column at the specified index is selected
- isCompletelyDirty(JComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- Convenience that returns true if aComponent will be completely
painted during the next paintDirtyRegions().
- isComponentPartOfCurrentMenu(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.MenuSelectionManager
- Return true if c is part of the currently used menu
- isConsumer(ImageConsumer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
- isContinuousLayout() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Returns true if the child comopnents are continuously redisplayed and
layed out during user intervention.
- isDefaultButton() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JButton
- Returns whether or not this button is the default button
on the RootPane.
- isDefined(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
- Checks whether a given attribute is defined.
- isDefined(Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AttributeSet
- Checks whether the named attribute has a value specified in
the set without resolving through another attribute
- isDefined(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Tells whether a given attribute is defined.
- isDefined(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Checks whether a given attribute is defined.
- isDescendant(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath
- Returns true if the specified node is a descendant of this
- isDescendingFrom(Component, Component) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- Return
if a component a
descends from a component b
- isDoubleBuffered() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Return whether the receiving component should use a buffer to paint.
- isDoubleBufferingEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- isDrawingBuffer() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- isEditable -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- isEditable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Returns true if the JComboBox is editable.
- isEditable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Returns the boolean indicating whether this TextComponent is
editable or not.
- isEditable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the tree is editable.
- isEditing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Returns true is the table is editing a cell.
- isEditing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the tree is being edited.
- isEmpty() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- isEmpty() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Checks whether the set of attributes is empty.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractAction
- isEnabled() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Determine if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Action
- isEnabledAt(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Returns whether or not the tab at index is
currently enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Determines if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Determines if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Determine if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Checks if the button is disabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Determine if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Determine if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Determine if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Determine if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Determine if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Determine if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Determine if the object is enabled.
- isEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- isEqual(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
- Checks whether two attribute sets are equal.
- isEqual(AttributeSet) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AttributeSet
- Determines if the two attribute sets are equivalent.
- isEqual(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Compares two attribute sets.
- isEqual(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Checks whether two attribute sets are equal.
- isEventDispatchThread() -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- isExpanded(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the node identified by the path is currently expanded,
- isExpanded(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the node at the specified display row is currently
- isFixedRowHeight() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the height of each display row is a fixed size.
- isFloatable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
- Return true if the Toolbar can be dragged out by the user.
- isFocusCycleRoot() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Override this method and return true if your component is the root of
of a component tree with its own focus cycle.
- isFocusManagerEnabled() -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.FocusManager
- Return whether Swing's focus manager is enabled
- isFocusPainted() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Returns whether focus should be painted.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Determines whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Returns true if the component can receive the focus.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Returns true if the focus can be traversed.
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- isFocusTraversable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
- isIconifiable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Returns whether the JInternalFrame can be iconified by some user action.
- isIcon -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- The frame has been iconized.
- isIcon() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Returns whether the JInternalFrame is currently iconified.
- isInProgress() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
- Returns true if this edit is in progress--that is, it has not
received end.
- isItalic(AttributeSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Checks whether the italic attribute is set.
- isLargeModel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the tree is configured for a large model.
- isLeadAnchorNotificationEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- Returns the value of the leadAnchorNotificationEnabled flag.
- isLeaf() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
- Checks whether the element is a leaf.
- isLeaf() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.BranchElement
- Checks whether the element is a leaf.
- isLeaf() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.LeafElement
- Checks whether the element is a leaf.
- isLeaf() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Returns true if this node has no children.
- isLeaf(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Returns whether the specified node is a leaf node.
- isLeaf() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Element
- Is this element a leaf element?
- isLeaf() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode
- Returns true if this node allows children.
- isLeaf(Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeModel
- Returns true if node is a leaf.
- isLeaf() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeNode
- Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.
- isLeftMouseButton(MouseEvent) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- isLightweightComponent(Component) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Returns true if this component is a lightweight, i.e. if it doesn't
have a native window system peer.
- isLightWeightPopupEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Returns true if lightweight (all-Java) popups are in use,
or false if heavyweight (native peer) popups are being used.
- isLightWeightPopupEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Returns true if lightweight (all-Java) popups are in use,
or false if heavyweight (native peer) popups are being used.
- isLightWeightPopupEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- Returns true if lightweight (all-Java) Tooltips are in use,
or false if heavyweight (native peer) Tooltips are being used.
- isLocallyDefined(KeyStroke) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Keymap
- Determines if the given key sequence is locally defined.
- isManagingFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Override this method and return true if your JComponent manages focus.
- isManagingFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
- Turns off tab traversal once focus gained.
- isManagingFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Returns true to indicate that this component manages focus
events internally.
- isManagingFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Turns off tab traversal once focus gained.
- isMaximizable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Returns whether the JInternalFrame can be maximized by some user action.
- isMaximum -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- The frame has been expanded to its maximum size.
- isMaximum() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Returns whether the JInternalFrame is currently maximized.
- isMenuComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Returns true if the specified component exists in the
submenu hierarchy.
- isMiddleMouseButton(MouseEvent) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- isNativeLookAndFeel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- If the underlying platform has a "native" look and feel, and this
is an implementation of it, return true.
- isNodeAncestor(TreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Returns true if
is an ancestor of this node
-- if it is this node, this node's parent, or an ancestor of this
node's parent.
- isNodeChild(TreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Returns true if
is a child of this node.
- isNodeDescendant(DefaultMutableTreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Returns true if
is a descendant of this node
-- if it is this node, one of this node's children, or a descendant of
one of this node's children.
- isNodeRelated(DefaultMutableTreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Returns true if and only if
is in the same tree
as this node.
- isNodeSibling(TreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Returns true if
is a sibling of (has the
same parent as) this node.
- isOneTouchExpandable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Returns true if the pane provides a UI widget to collapse/expand
the divider.
- isOnKeyRelease() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.KeyStroke
- isOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Returns true to indicate that this component paints every pixel
in its range.
- isOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
- isOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDesktopPane
- Returns true to indicate that this component paints every pixel
in its range.
- isOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- JList components are opaque.
- isOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Returns true if this component paints every pixel
in its range.
- isOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Returns true to indicate that this component paints every pixel
in its range.
- isOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- isOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
- isOpaque() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true to indicate that this component paints every pixel
in its range.
- isOptimizedDrawingEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Returns true if this component tiles its children, i.e. if
it can guarantee that the children will not overlap.
- isOptimizedDrawingEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Returns false if components in the pane can overlap, which makes
optimized drawing impossible.
- isOptimizedDrawingEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- The JViewport overrides the default implementation of
this method (in JComponent) to return false.
- isPaintingTile() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Returns true if the receiving component is currently painting a tile.
- isPathEditable(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns
- isPathSelected(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Returns true if the path, path, is in the current selection.
- isPathSelected(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the item identified by the path is currently selected.
- isPathSelected(TreePath) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Returns true if the path, path, is in the current selection.
- isPopupMenuVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Returns true if the menu's popup window is visible.
- isPressed() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- isPressed() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Checks if the button is pressed.
- isRectangleContainingRectangle(Rectangle, Rectangle) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- Return true if
contains b
- isRepeats() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Returns true if the Timer will send a actionPerformed()
message to its listeners multiple times.
- isRequestFocusEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Return whether the receiving component can obtain the focus by
calling requestFocus
- isResizable() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Returns whether the JInternalFrame can be resized by some user action.
- isResizable -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Resizable flag
- isRightMouseButton(MouseEvent) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- isRollover() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- isRollover() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Checks if the button is rolled over.
- isRolloverEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Checks whether rollover effects are enabled.
- isRoot() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Returns true if this node is the root of the tree.
- isRootPaneCheckingEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- isRootPaneCheckingEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- isRootPaneCheckingEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Returns whether calls to
cause an exception to be thrown.
- isRootPaneCheckingEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Returns whether calls to
cause an exception to be thrown.
- isRootPaneCheckingEnabled() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- Returns whether calls to
cause an exception to be thrown.
- isRootVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the root node of the tree is displayed.
- isRowSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Returns true if the row identitifed by row is selected.
- isRowSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Returns true if the row at the specified index is selected
- isRowSelected(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the node identitifed by row is selected.
- isRowSelected(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Returns true if the row identitifed by row is selected.
- isRunning() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Returns true if the Timer is running.
- isSelected() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Returns the state of the button.
- isSelected(ButtonModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ButtonGroup
- Returns the selected value for the button.
- isSelected() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- isSelected() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Checks if the button is selected.
- isSelected() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultSingleSelectionModel
- isSelectedIndex(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- isSelectedIndex(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Returns true if the specified index is selected.
- isSelectedIndex(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- Returns true if the specified index is selected.
- isSelected -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- The frame is currently selected.
- isSelected() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Returns whether the JInternalFrame is the currently "selected" or
active frame.
- isSelected() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Returns true if the menu is currently selected (popped up).
- isSelected() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Returns true if the MenuBar currently has a component selected
- isSelected() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel
- Checks if the button is selected.
- isSelected() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.SingleSelectionModel
- Returns true if the selection model currently has a selected value.
- isSelectionEmpty() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- isSelectionEmpty() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Returns true if the selection is currently empty.
- isSelectionEmpty() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Returns true if nothing is selected
This is a convenience method that just delegates to the selectionModel.
- isSelectionEmpty() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the selection is currently empty.
- isSelectionEmpty() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- Returns true if no indices are selected.
- isSelectionEmpty() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Returns true if the selection is currently empty.
- isSelectionVisible() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Determines if the selection is currently visible.
- isSelectionVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Checks whether the current selection is visible.
- isShowing() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Determine if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Determines if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Determines if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Determine if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Determine if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Determine if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Determine if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Determine if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Determine if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Determine if the object is showing.
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- isShowing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Determine if the object is showing.
- isSignificant() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
- DefaultDocument events are significant.
- isSignificant() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
- This default implementation returns true.
- isSignificant() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
- Returns true if any of the UndoableEdits in edits do.
- isSignificant() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
- Return false if this edit is insignificant--for example one
that maintains the user's selection, but does not change any
model state.
- isStatic() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
- isSupportedLookAndFeel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- Return true if the underlying platform supports and or permits
this look and feel.
- isTearOff() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Returns true if the menu can be torn off.
- isTopLevelMenu() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Returns true if the menu is a 'top-level menu', that is, if it is
the direct child of a menubar.
- isUnderline(AttributeSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Checks whether the underline attribute is set.
- isValidateRoot() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- If this method returns true, revalidate() calls by descendants of
this component will cause the entire tree beginning with this root
to be validated.
- isValidateRoot() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- If a descendant of this JRootPane calls revalidate, validate
from here on down.
- isValidateRoot() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Calls to revalidate() any descendant of this JScrollPane, e.g.
the viewports view, will cause a request to be queued that
will validate this JScrollPane and all its descendants.
- isValidateRoot() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Calls to revalidate that come from within the textfield itself will
be handled by validating the textfield.
- isViewSizeSet -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- True when the viewport dimensions have been determined.
- isVisible() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Determine if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Determines if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Determines if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Determines if the caret is currently visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Determine if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Determines if the caret is currently visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Determine if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Determine if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Determine if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Determine if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Returns true if the popupmenu is visible (currently
being displayed).
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Determine if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Determine if the object is visible.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- isVisible(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns true if the value identified by path is currently visible,
false otherwise.
- isVisible() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Determine if the object is visible.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- The italic action identifier
- Italic -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.CharacterConstants
- Name of the italic attribute.
- Italic -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Name of the italic attribute.
- Italic -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.FontConstants
- Name of the italic attribute.
- itemListener -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
- JApplet() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- Creates a swing applet instance.
- JButton() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JButton
- Creates a button with no set text or icon.
- JButton(Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JButton
- Creates a button with an icon.
- JButton(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JButton
- Creates a button with text.
- JButton(String, Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JButton
- Creates a button with initial text and an icon.
- JCheckBox() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox
- Creates an initially unselected checkbox button with no text, no icon.
- JCheckBox(Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox
- Creates an initially unselected checkbox with an icon.
- JCheckBox(Icon, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox
- Creates a checkbox with an icon and specifies whether
or not it is initially selected.
- JCheckBox(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox
- Creates an initially unselected checkbox with text.
- JCheckBox(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox
- Creates a checkbox with text and specifies whether
or not it is initially selected.
- JCheckBox(String, Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox
- Creates an initially unselected checkbox with
the specified text and icon.
- JCheckBox(String, Icon, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox
- Creates a checkbox with text and icon,
and specifies whether or not it is initially selected.
- JCheckBoxMenuItem() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with no set text or icon.
- JCheckBoxMenuItem(Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with an icon.
- JCheckBoxMenuItem(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with text.
- JCheckBoxMenuItem(String, Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with the specified text and icon.
- JCheckBoxMenuItem(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- Creates a checkboxMenuItem with the specified text and selection state.
- JCheckBoxMenuItem(String, Icon, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- Creates a checkboxMenuItem with the specified text, icon, and selection state.
- JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList(JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox, JComboBox) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- JComboBox(ComboBoxModel) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Creates a JComboBox that takes its items from an existing ComboBoxDataModel.
- JComboBox(Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Creates a JComboBox that contains the elements in the specified array.
- JComboBox(Vector) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Creates a JComboBox that contains the elements in the specified Vector.
- JComboBox() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Creates a JComboBox with a default data model.
- JComponent.AccessibleJComponent(JComponent) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- JComponent() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Default JComponent constructor.
- JDesktopPane() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JDesktopPane
- Creates a new JDesktopPane.
- JDialog() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Creates a non-modal dialog without a title and without
a specified Frame owner.
- JDialog(Frame) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Creates a non-modal dialog without a title with the
specifed Frame as its owner.
- JDialog(Frame, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Creates a modal or non-modal dialog without a title and
with the specified owner frame.
- JDialog(Frame, String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Creates a non-modal dialog with the specified title and
with the specified owner frame.
- JDialog(Frame, String, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Creates a modal or non-modal dialog with the specified title
and the specified owner frame.
- JEditorPane() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
- Constructs a new JEditorPane.
- JEditorPane(URL) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
- Creates a JEditorPane based on a specified URL for input.
- JEditorPane(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
- Creates a JEditorPane based on a string containing a URL specification.
- JFrame() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Constructs a new Frame that is initially invisible.
- JFrame(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Constructs a new, initially invisible Frame with the specified
- JInternalFrame() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Creates a non-resizable, non-closable, non-maximizable,
non-iconifiable JInternalFrame with no title.
- JInternalFrame(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Creates a non-resizable, non-closable, non-maximizable,
non-iconifiable JInternalFrame with the specified title.
- JInternalFrame(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Creates a non-closable, non-maximizable, non-iconifiable
JInternalFrame with the specified title and with resizability
- JInternalFrame(String, boolean, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Creates a non-maximizable, non-iconifiable JInternalFrame with the
specified title and with resizability and closability specified.
- JInternalFrame(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Creates a non-iconifiable JInternalFrame with the specified title
and with resizability, closability, and maximizability specified.
- JInternalFrame(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Creates a JInternalFrame with the specified title and
with resizability, closability, maximizability, and iconifiability
- JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon(JInternalFrame) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
- Create an icon for an internal frame
- JLabel(String, Icon, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Creates a
instance with the specified
text, image, and horizontal alignment.
- JLabel(String, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Creates a
instance with the specified
text and horizontal alignment.
- JLabel(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Creates a
instance with the specified text.
- JLabel(Icon, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Creates a
instance with the specified
image and horizontal alignment.
- JLabel(Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Creates a
instance with the specified image.
- JLabel() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Creates a
instance with
no image and with an empty string for the title.
- JLayeredPane() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Create a new JLayeredPane
- JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild(JList.AccessibleJList, JList, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- JList(ListModel) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Construct a JList that displays the elements in the specified,
non-null model.
- JList(Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Construct a JList that displays the elements in the specified
- JList(Vector) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Construct a JList that displays the elements in the specified
- JList() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Constructs a JList with an empty model.
- JMenu() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Creates a new JMenu with no text.
- JMenu(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Creates a new JMenu with the supplied string as its text
- JMenu(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Creates a new JMenu with the supplied string as its text
and specified as a tear-off menu or not.
- JMenu.WinListener(JMenu, JPopupMenu) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu.WinListener
- Create the window listener for the specified popup.
- JMenuBar() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Creates a new menu bar.
- JMenuItem() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Creates a menuItem with no set text or icon.
- JMenuItem(Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Creates a menuItem with an icon.
- JMenuItem(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Creates a menuItem with text.
- JMenuItem(String, Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Creates a menuItem with the supplied text and icon.
- JMenuItem(String, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Creates a menuItem with the specified text and
keyboard mnemonic.
- JOptionPane() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Creates a JOptionPane with a test message.
- JOptionPane(Object) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Creates a instance of JOptionPane to display a message using the
plain-message message type and the default options delivered by
the UI.
- JOptionPane(Object, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Creates an instance of JOptionPane to display a message
with the specified message type and the default options,
- JOptionPane(Object, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Creates an instance of JOptionPane to display a message
with the specified message type and options.
- JOptionPane(Object, int, int, Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Creates an instance of JOptionPane to display a message
with the specified message type, options, and icon.
- JOptionPane(Object, int, int, Icon, Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Creates an instance of JOptionPane to display a message
with the specified message type, icon, and options.
- JOptionPane(Object, int, int, Icon, Object[], Object) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Creates an instance of JOptionPane to display a message
with the specified message type, icon, and options, with the
inititially-selected option specified.
- JPanel(LayoutManager, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPanel
- Creates a new JPanel with the specified layout manager and buffering
- JPanel(LayoutManager) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPanel
- Create a new buffered JPanel with the specified layout manager
- JPanel(boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPanel
- Create a new JPanel with FlowLayout and the specified buffering
- JPanel() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPanel
- Create a new JPanel with a double buffer and a flow layout
- JPasswordField() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPasswordField
- Constructs a new JPasswordField, with a default document, null starting
text string, and 0 column width.
- JPasswordField(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPasswordField
- Constructs a new JPasswordField initialized with the specified text.
- JPasswordField(int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPasswordField
- Constructs a new empty JPasswordField with the specified
number of columns.
- JPasswordField(String, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPasswordField
- Constructs a new JPasswordField initialized with the specified text
and columns.
- JPasswordField(Document, String, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPasswordField
- Constructs a new JPasswordField that uses the given text storage
model and the given number of columns.
- JPopupMenu() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Create a JPopupMenu without an "invoker".
- JPopupMenu(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Create a JPopupMenu with the specified title.
- JProgressBar() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Creates a horizontal progress bar with a border.
- JRadioButton() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton
- Creates an initially unselected radio button
with no set text.
- JRadioButton(Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton
- Creates an initially unselected radio button
with the specified image but no text.
- JRadioButton(Icon, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton
- Creates a radio button with the specified image
and selection state, but no text.
- JRadioButton(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton
- Creates an unselected radio button with the specified text.
- JRadioButton(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton
- Creates a radio button with the specified text
and selection state.
- JRadioButton(String, Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton
- Creates a radio button that has the specified text and image,
and that is initially unselected.
- JRadioButton(String, Icon, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton
- Creates a radio button that has the specified text, image,
and selection state.
- JRadioButtonMenuItem() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
- Creates a JRadioButtonMenuItem with no set text or icon.
- JRadioButtonMenuItem(Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
- Creates a JRadioButtonMenuItem with an icon.
- JRadioButtonMenuItem(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
- Creates a JRadioButtonMenuItem with text.
- JRadioButtonMenuItem(String, Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
- Creates a JRadioButtonMenuItem with the specified text
and Icon.
- JRootPane() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- Create a JRootPane, setting up its glassPane, LayeredPane, and contentPane.
- JScrollBar(int, int, int, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Creates a scrollbar with the specified orientation,
value, extent, mimimum, and maximum.
- JScrollBar(int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Creates a scrollbar with the specified orientation
and the following initial values:
minimum = 0
maximum = 100
value = 0
extent = 10
- JScrollBar() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Creates a vertical scrollbar with the following initial values:
minimum = 0
maximum = 100
value = 0
extent = 10
- JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane(JScrollPane) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane
- Constructor to set up listener on viewport.
- JScrollPane(Component, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Create a JScrollPane that displays the contents of the specified
component using the specified scrollbar policies.
- JScrollPane(Component) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Create a JScrollPane that displays the contents of the specified
component, where both horizontal and vertical scrollbars appear
whenever the component's contents are larger than the view.
- JScrollPane(int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Create an empty JScrollPane with specified scrollbar policies.
- JScrollPane() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Create an empty JScrollPane where both horizontal and vertical
scrollbars appear when needed.
- JScrollPane.ScrollBar(JScrollPane, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane.ScrollBar
- Create a scrollbar with the specified orientation, where the options
- ScrollPaneConstants.
- JSeparator() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JSeparator
- Create a new separator
- JSlider(int, int, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Creates a slider with the specified orientation and the
specified mimimum, maximum, and initial values.
- JSlider() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Creates a horizontal slider with the range 0 to 100 and
an intitial value of 50.
- JSplitPane() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Returns a new JSplitPane configured to arrange the child
components side-by-side horizontally with no continuous
layout, using two buttons for the compoents.
- JSplitPane(int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Returns a new JSplitPane configured with the specified orientation
and no continuous layout.
- JSplitPane(int, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Returns a new JSplitPane with the specified orientation and
redrawing style.
- JSplitPane(int, Component, Component) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Returns a new JSplitPane with the specified orientation and
with the specifiied components that does not do continuous
- JSplitPane(int, boolean, Component, Component) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Returns a new JSplitPane with the specified orientation and
redrawing style, and with the specifiied components.
- JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane(JTabbedPane) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane
- Constructs an AccessibleJTabbedPane
- JTabbedPane() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Creates an empty TabbedPane.
- JTabbedPane(int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Creates an empty TabbedPane with the specified tab placement
of either: TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, or RIGHT.
- JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell(JTable.AccessibleJTable, JTable, int, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Constructs an AccessiblJTableHeaaderEntry
- JTable() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Constructs a default JTable which is initialized with a default
data model, a default column model, and a default selection
- JTable(TableModel) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Constructs a JTable which is initialized with dm as the
data model, a default column model, and a default selection
- JTable(TableModel, TableColumnModel) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Constructs a JTable which is initialized with dm as the
data model, cm as the column model, and a default selection
- JTable(TableModel, TableColumnModel, ListSelectionModel) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Constructs a JTable which is initialized with dm as the
data model, cm as the column model, and sm as the
selection model.
- JTable(int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Constructs a JTable with numRows and numColumns of
empty cells using the DefaultTableModel.
- JTable(Vector, Vector) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Constructs a JTable to display the values in the Vector of Vectors,
rowData, with column names, columnNames.
- JTable(Object[][], Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Constructs a JTable to display the values in the two dimensional array,
rowData, with column names, columnNames.
- JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry(JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader, int, JTableHeader, JTable) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- Constructs an AccessiblJTableHeaaderEntry
- JTableHeader() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Constructs a JTableHeader with a default TableColumnModel
- JTableHeader(TableColumnModel) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Constructs a JTableHeader which is initialized with
cm as the column model.
- JTextArea() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Constructs a new TextArea.
- JTextArea(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Constructs a new TextArea with the specified text displayed.
- JTextArea(int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Constructs a new empty TextArea with the specified number of
rows and columns.
- JTextArea(String, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Constructs a new TextArea with the specified text and number
of rows and columns.
- JTextArea(Document) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Constructs a new JTextArea with the given document model, and defaults
for all of the other arguments (null, 0, 0).
- JTextArea(Document, String, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Constructs a new JTextArea with the specified number of rows
and columns, and the given model.
- JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent(JTextComponent) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
- Constructs an AccessibleJTextComponent.
- JTextComponent() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Creates a new JTextComponent.
- JTextComponent.KeyBinding(KeyStroke, String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.KeyBinding
- Creates a new key binding.
- JTextField.AccessibleJTextField(JTextField) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField.AccessibleJTextField
- JTextField() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Constructs a new TextField.
- JTextField(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Constructs a new TextField initialized with the specified text.
- JTextField(int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Constructs a new empty TextField with the specified number of columns.
- JTextField(String, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Constructs a new TextField initialized with the specified text
and columns.
- JTextField(Document, String, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Constructs a new JTextField that uses the given text storage
model and the given number of columns.
- JTextPane() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Constructs a new JTextPane.
- JTextPane(StyledDocument) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Constructs a new JTextPane, with a specified document model.
- JToggleButton.AccessibleJToggleButton(JToggleButton) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton.AccessibleJToggleButton
- JToggleButton() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton
- Creates an initially unselected toggle button
without setting the text or image.
- JToggleButton(Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton
- Creates an initially unselected toggle button
with the specified image but no text.
- JToggleButton(Icon, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton
- Creates a toggle button with the specified image
and selection state, but no text.
- JToggleButton(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton
- Creates an unselected toggle button with the specified text.
- JToggleButton(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton
- Creates a toggle button with the specified text
and selection state.
- JToggleButton(String, Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton
- Creates a toggle button that has the specified text and image,
and that is initially unselected.
- JToggleButton(String, Icon, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton
- Creates a toggle button with the specified text, image, and
selection state.
- JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel
- Creates a new ToggleButton Model
- JToolBar() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
- Create a new toolbar.
- JToolBar.Separator(JToolBar) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar.Separator
- Create the separator
- JToolTip() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JToolTip
- Creates a tool tip.
- JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode(JTree.AccessibleJTree, JTree, TreePath, Accessible) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- Constructs an AccessibleJTreeNode
- JTree.AccessibleJTree(JTree) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- JTree() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns a JTree with a sample model.
- JTree(Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns a JTree with each element of the specified array as the
child of a new root node which is not displayed.
- JTree(Vector) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns a JTree with each element of the specified Vector as the
child of a new root node which is not displayed.
- JTree(Hashtable) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns a JTree created from a Hashtable which does not display
the root.
- JTree(TreeNode) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns a JTree with the specified TreeNode as its root which is
not displayed.
- JTree(TreeNode, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns a JTree with the specified TreeNode as its root, which
displays the root node and which decides whether a node is a
leaf node in the specified manner.
- JTree(TreeModel) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Returns an instance of JTree which displays the root node
-- the tree is created using the specified data model.
- JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode(Object, Object) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode
- Creates a node with the specified object as its value and
with the specified children.
- JViewport() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Create a JViewPort
- JWindow() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- Creates a window with no specified owner.
- JWindow(Frame) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- Creates a window with the specified owner frame.
- JApplet.AccessibleJApplet - class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet.
- JApplet - class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.
- An extended version of java.applet.
- JButton.AccessibleJButton - class com.sun.java.swing.JButton.AccessibleJButton.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JButton - class com.sun.java.swing.JButton.
- An implementation of a "push" button.
- JCheckBox.AccessibleJCheckBox - class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox.AccessibleJCheckBox.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JCheckBox - class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox.
- An implementation of a CheckBox -- an item that can be selected or
deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
- JCheckBoxMenuItem.AccessibleJCheckBoxMenuItem - class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem.AccessibleJCheckBoxMenuItem.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JCheckBoxMenuItem - class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem.
- A menu item that can be selected or deselected.
- JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList - class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList.
- JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox - class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JComboBox.KeySelectionManager - interface com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.KeySelectionManager.
- The interface that defines a KeySelectionManager.
- JComboBox - class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.
- Swing's implementation of a ComboBox -- a combination of a text field and
drop-down list that lets the user either type in a value or select it from
a list that is displayed when the user asks for it.
- JComponent.AccessibleJComponent - class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.
- Inner class of JComponent used to provide default support for
- JComponent - class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.
- The base class for the Swing components.
- JDesktopPane.AccessibleJDesktopPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JDesktopPane.AccessibleJDesktopPane.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JDesktopPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JDesktopPane.
- A container used to create a multiple-document interface or a virtual desktop.
- JDialog.AccessibleJDialog - class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog.
- The class used to obtain the AccessibleRole for this object.
- JDialog - class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.
- The main class for creating a dialog window.
- JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPane.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JEditorPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane.
- A text pane to edit various kinds of content, such
as html and rtf.
- JFrame.AccessibleJFrame - class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame.
- The class used to obtain the AccessibleRole for this object.
- JFrame - class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.
- An extended version of java.awt.
- JInternalFrame.AccessibleJInternalFrame - class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.AccessibleJInternalFrame.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon.AccessibleJDesktopIcon - class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon.AccessibleJDesktopIcon.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon - class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon.
- This component represents an iconified version of a JInternalFrame.
- JInternalFrame - class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.
- A lightweight object that provides many of the features of
a native frame, including dragging, closing, becoming an icon,
resizing, title display, and support for a menu bar.
- JLabel.AccessibleJLabel - class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel.AccessibleJLabel.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JLabel - class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel.
- A display area for a short text string or an image,
or both.
- JLayeredPane.AccessibleJLayeredPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane.AccessibleJLayeredPane.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JLayeredPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane.
- JLayeredPane adds depth to a JFC/Swing container, allowing components to overlap
each other when needed.
- JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild - class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild.
- JList.AccessibleJList - class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JList - class com.sun.java.swing.JList.
- A component that allows the user to select one or more objects from a
- JMenu.AccessibleJMenu - class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu.AccessibleJMenu.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JMenu.WinListener - class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu.WinListener.
- A listener class that watches for a popup window closing.
- JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar - class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JMenuBar - class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar.
- An implementation of a MenuBar.
- JMenu - class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu.
- An implementation of a menu -- a popup window containing
s that
is displayed when the user selects an item on the JMenuBar
. - JMenuItem.AccessibleJMenuItem - class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem.AccessibleJMenuItem.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JMenuItem - class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem.
- An implementation of a MenuItem.
- JoinNextDirection -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
- A possible value for getDirection.
- JoinPreviousDirection -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
- A possible value for getDirection.
- JOptionPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane.
- JOptionPane makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog box that
prompts users for a value or informs them of something.
- JPanel.AccessibleJPanel - class com.sun.java.swing.JPanel.AccessibleJPanel.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JPanel - class com.sun.java.swing.JPanel.
- JPanel is a generic lightweight container.
- JPasswordField.AccessibleJPasswordField - class com.sun.java.swing.JPasswordField.AccessibleJPasswordField.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JPasswordField - class com.sun.java.swing.JPasswordField.
- JPasswordField is a lightweight component that allows the editing
of a single line of text where the view indicates something was
typed, but does not show the original characters.
- JPopupMenu.AccessibleJPopupMenu - class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.AccessibleJPopupMenu.
- JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup - class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JPopupMenu - class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.
- An implementation of a Popup Menu -- a small window which pops up
and displays a series of choices.
- JProgressBar.AccessibleJProgressBar - class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar.AccessibleJProgressBar.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JProgressBar.ModelListener - class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar.ModelListener.
- JProgressBar - class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar.
- A component that displays an integer value graphically within a bounded
- JRadioButton.AccessibleJRadioButton - class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton.AccessibleJRadioButton.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JRadioButton - class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton.
- An implementation of a radio button -- an item that can be selected or
deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
- JRadioButtonMenuItem.AccessibleJRadioButtonMenuItem - class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem.AccessibleJRadioButtonMenuItem.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JRadioButtonMenuItem - class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem.
- An implementation of a RadioButtonMenuItem.
- JRootPane.AccessibleJRootPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.AccessibleJRootPane.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JRootPane.RootLayout - class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.RootLayout.
- A custom layout manager that is responsible for the layout of
layeredPane, glassPane, and menuBar.
- JRootPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.
- The fundamental component in the container hierarchy.
- JScrollBar.AccessibleJScrollBar - class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar.AccessibleJScrollBar.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JScrollBar - class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar.
- An implementation of a scrollbar.
- JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JScrollPane.ScrollBar - class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane.ScrollBar.
- By default JScrollPane creates scrollbars that are instances
of this class.
- JScrollPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane.
- A specialized container that manages a viewport, optional
vertical and horizontal scrollbars, and optional row and
column heading viewports.
- JSeparator.AccessibleJSeparator - class com.sun.java.swing.JSeparator.AccessibleJSeparator.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JSeparator - class com.sun.java.swing.JSeparator.
- An implementation of a Menu Separator -- a divider between menu items
that breaks them up into logical groupings.
- JSlider.AccessibleJSlider - class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider.AccessibleJSlider.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JSlider - class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider.
- A component that lets the user graphically select a value by slding
a knob within a bounded interval.
- JSplitPane.AccessibleJSplitPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane.AccessibleJSplitPane.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JSplitPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane.
- JSplitPane is used to divide two (and only two) Components.
- JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JTabbedPane.ModelListener - class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane.ModelListener.
- We pass ModelChanged events along to the listeners with
the tabbedpane (instead of the model itself) as the event source.
- JTabbedPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane.
- A component which lets the user switch between a group of components by
clicking on a tab with a given title and/or icon.
- JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell - class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell.
- The class used to obtain the AccessibleRole for a cell.
- JTable.AccessibleJTable - class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JTable - class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.
- JTable is a user-interface component that presents data in a two-dimensional
table format.
- JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry - class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry.
- JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader - class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JTableHeader - class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.
- This is the column header part of a JTable.
- JTextArea.AccessibleJTextArea - class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea.AccessibleJTextArea.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JTextArea - class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea.
- A TextArea is a multi-line area that displays plain text.
- JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent - class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent.
- Accessibility implementation for JTextComponent.
- JTextComponent.KeyBinding - class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.KeyBinding.
- Binding record for creating key bindings.
- JTextComponent - class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.
- JTextComponent is the base class for swing text components.
- JTextField.AccessibleJTextField - class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField.AccessibleJTextField.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JTextField - class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField.
- JTextField is a lightweight component that allows the editing
of a single line of text.
- JTextPane - class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane.
- A text component that can be marked up with attributes that are
represented graphically.
- JToggleButton.AccessibleJToggleButton - class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton.AccessibleJToggleButton.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel - class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel.
- The ToggleButton model
Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with
future swing releases.
- JToggleButton - class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton.
- An implementation of a two-state button.
- JToolBar.AccessibleJToolBar - class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar.AccessibleJToolBar.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JToolBar.Separator - class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar.Separator.
- A toolbar-specific separator.
- JToolBar - class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar.
- JToolBar provides a component which is useful for displaying commonly
used Actions or controls.
- JToolTip.AccessibleJToolTip - class com.sun.java.swing.JToolTip.AccessibleJToolTip.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JToolTip - class com.sun.java.swing.JToolTip.
- Used to display a "Tip" for a Component.
- JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode - class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode.
- JTree.AccessibleJTree - class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode - class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode.
- DynamicUtilTreeNode can wrap vectors/hashtables/arrays/strings and
create the appropriate children tree nodes as necessary.
- JTree.EmptySelectionModel - class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel.
- EmptySelectionModel is a TreeSelectionModel that does not allow
anything to be selected.
- JTree.TreeSelectionRedirector - class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.TreeSelectionRedirector.
- Handles creating a new TreeSelectionEvent with the JTree as the
source and passing it off to all the listeners.
- JTree - class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.
- A control that displays a set of hierarchical data as an outline.
- JViewport.AccessibleJViewport - class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport.AccessibleJViewport.
- The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
- JViewport.ViewListener - class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport.ViewListener.
- A listener for the view.
- JViewport - class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport.
- The "viewport" or "porthole" through which you see the underlying
- JWindow.AccessibleJWindow - class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow.
- The class used to obtain the AccessibleRole for this object.
- JWindow - class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.
- A JWindow is a container that can be displayed anywhere on the
user's desktop.
- key -
Variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleBundle
- The locale independent name of the state.
- key -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.KeyBinding
- The key.
- Keymap - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Keymap.
- A collection of bindings of KeyStrokes to actions.
- keySelectionManager -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- KeyStroke - class com.sun.java.swing.KeyStroke.
- A KeyStroke instance represents a key being typed on the keyboard -- it
contains both a char code for the key and a modifier (alt, shift, ctrl,
meta, or a combination).
- LabelView(Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.LabelView
- Constructs a new view wrapped on an element.
- LineBorder(Color) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.LineBorder
- Creates a line border with the specified color and a
thickness = 1.
- LineBorder(Color, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.LineBorder
- Creates a line border with the specified color and thickness.
- ListDataEvent(Object, int, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.ListDataEvent
- ListSelectionEvent(Object, int, int, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent
- Represents a change in selection status between firstIndex
and lastIndex inclusive (firstIndex is less than or equal to
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object used to present an icon or short string in an interface.
- labelFor -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- --- Accessibility Support ---
- LabelView - class com.sun.java.swing.text.LabelView.
- A LabelView is a styled chunk of text that represents a view
mapped over an element in the text model.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Bound property name for largeModel.
- largeModel -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Is this tree a large model?
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Bound property for lastLocation.
- lastDividerLocation -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Previous location of the split pane.
- lastEdit() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
- Returns the last UndoableEdit in edits, or null if edits is
- lastElement() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- lastIndexOf(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- lastIndexOf(Object, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- lastPaintPosition -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- The last viewPosition that we've painted, so we know how
much of the backing store image is valid.
- lastRow -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Bound property
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Bound property name.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A specialized pane that allows its children to be drawn in layers,
providing a form of stacking order.
- layeredPane -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- The layered pane that manages the menu bar and content pane.
- layout(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Performs layout of the children.
- layoutCompoundLabel(FontMetrics, String, Icon, int, int, int, int, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- Compute and return the location of the icons origin, the
location of origin of the text baseline, and a possibly clipped
version of the compound labels string.
- layoutContainer(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.BoxLayout
- Called by the AWT layoutContainer(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.RootLayout
- Instructs the layout manager to perform the layout for the specified
- layoutContainer(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.OverlayLayout
- Called by the AWT when the specified container needs to be laid out.
- layoutContainer(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- Layout the scrollpane according to the following constraints:
- The row header, if present and visible, gets its preferred
height and the viewports width.
- layoutContainer(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ViewportLayout
- Called by the AWT when the specified container needs to be laid out.
- layout(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
- Lays out the children.
- layout(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView
- Performs layout of the children.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
- leadAnchorNotificationEnabled -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- leadIndex -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Index of the lead path in selection.
- leadPath -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Last path that was added.
- leadRow -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Lead row.
- leftComponent -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- The left or top component.
- left -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EmptyBorder
- LeftIndent -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- The amount to indent the left side
of the paragraph.
- LeftIndent -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants
- The amount to indent the left side
of the paragraph.
- LEFT -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Used to add a Component to the left of the other Component.
- LEFT -
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
- LEFT -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- length() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.Content
- Current length of the sequence of character content.
- length() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.GapContent
- Returns the length of the content.
- length() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StringContent
- Returns the length of the content.
- lightWeightPopupEnabled -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- lightWeightPopupEnabled -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- LineBorder - class com.sun.java.swing.border.LineBorder.
- A class which implements a line border of arbitrary thickness
and of a single color.
- lineColor -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.LineBorder
- lineLimitAttribute -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainDocument
- Name of the attribute that specifies the maximum
length of a line, if there is a maximum length.
- LineSpacing -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- The amount of space between lines
of the paragraph.
- LineSpacing -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants
- The amount of space between lines
of the paragraph.
- LIST -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object that presents a list of objects to user and allows the
user to select one or more of them.
- ListCellRenderer - interface com.sun.java.swing.ListCellRenderer.
- Identifies components that can be used as "rubber stamps" to paint
the cells in a JList.
- ListDataEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.ListDataEvent.
- ListDataEvent
Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with
future swing releases.
- ListDataListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.ListDataListener.
- ListDataListener
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- The event listener list for the document.
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractListModel
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
- List of listeners
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- The event listener list.
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor
- Event listeners
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultSingleSelectionModel
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- List of TableColumnModelListener
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Listeners.
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Event listener list.
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.EventListenerList
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- The change listeners for the model.
- listenerList -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- listeners -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
- ListModel - interface com.sun.java.swing.ListModel.
- ListSelectionEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent.
- An event that characterizes a change in the current
- ListSelectionListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.ListSelectionListener.
- The listener that's notified when a lists selection value
- ListSelectionModel - interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel.
- This interface represents the current state of the
selection for any of the components that display a
list of values with stable indices.
- listSelectionModel -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Handles maintaining the list selection model.
- loadChildren(ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
- Loads all of the children to initialize the view.
- loadChildren() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode
- Loads the children based on childValue.
- loadChildren(ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
- Loads all of the children to initialize the view.
- loadChildren(ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView
- Loads all of the children to initialize the view.
- loadChildren(ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableRow
- Loads all of the children to initialize the view.
- loadChildren(ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
- Loads all of the children to initialize the view.
- loadedChildren -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode
- loadImage(Image) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Wait for the image to load
- loadKeymap(Keymap, JTextComponent.KeyBinding[], Action[]) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Loads a keymap with a bunch of
- locate(Component, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Determine the object in the given relative direction
from the Component passed in.
- locate(Point, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Determine the object in the given relative direction
from the Point passed in.
- locate(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Determine the first or last object in the Container.
- locationToIndex(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Convert a point in JList coordinates to the index
of the cell at that location.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Log graphics operations.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the first logical object in the container.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the last logical object in the container.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the object logically next of the
object passed in.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the object logically previous of the
object passed in.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- The logical style choice action identifier
The logical style is passed in as an argument
- logStream() -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Returns the stream to which the DebugGraphics logs drawing operations.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.Action
- LookAndFeel - class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel.
- Completely characterizes a look and feel from the point of view
of the pluggable look and feel components.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
- Lowered bevel type.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EtchedBorder
- Lowered etched type.
- lowerLeft -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The component at the lower left corner
- lowerRight -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The component at the lower right corner
- lowestLayer() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Returns the lowest layer value from all current children.
- MatteBorder(int, int, int, int, Color) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.MatteBorder
- Creates a matte border with the specified insets and color.
- MatteBorder(int, int, int, int, Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.MatteBorder
- Creates a matte border with the specified insets and tile icon.
- MatteBorder(Icon) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.MatteBorder
- Creates a matte border with the specified tile icon.
- MenuEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.MenuEvent
- majorTickSpacing -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- The number of pixels between the major tick marks -- the
larger marks that break up the minor tick marks.
- makeIcon(Class, String) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- Utility method that creates a UIDefaults.
- makeVisible(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Ensures that the node identified by path is currently visible.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- markCompletelyClean(JComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- Mark a component completely clean.
- markCompletelyDirty(JComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- Mark a component completely dirty.
- MatteBorder - class com.sun.java.swing.border.MatteBorder.
- A class which provides a matte-like border of either a solid color
or a tiled icon.
- maximizable -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- The frame can be expanded to the size of the desktop pane.
- maximizeFrame(JInternalFrame) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
- Resizes the frame to fill it's parents bounds.
- maximizeFrame(JInternalFrame) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.DesktopManager
- Generally, the frame should be resized to match it's parents bounds.
- maximumLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.BoxLayout
- Returns the minimum dimensions needed to lay out the components
contained in the specified target container.
- maximumLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.RootLayout
- Returns the maximum amount of space the layout can use.
- maximumLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.OverlayLayout
- Returns the minimum dimensions needed to lay out the components
contained in the specified target container.
- maximumRowCount -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- maximum -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.SizeRequirements
- The maximum size allowed.
- maxWidth -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- The maximum width of the column
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Bound property name.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object usually drawn at the top of the primary dialog box of
an application that contains a list of menus the user can choose
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object usually contained in a menu that presents an action
the user can choose.
- MENU -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object usually contained in a menu bar that contains a list
of actions the user can choose from.
- menuBar -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- The menu bar.
- menuCanceled(MenuEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.MenuListener
- menuDeselected(MenuEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.MenuListener
- MenuElement - interface com.sun.java.swing.MenuElement.
- Any component that can be placed into a menu should implement this interface.
- MenuEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.MenuEvent.
- MenuEvent is used to notify interested parties that
the menu which is the event source has been posted,
selected, or canceled.
- MenuListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.MenuListener.
- MenuListener
- menuSelected(MenuEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.MenuListener
- menuSelectionChanged(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- menuSelectionChanged(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Implemented to be a MenuElement -- does nothing.
- menuSelectionChanged(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Called by the MenuSelectionManager when the MenuElement is selected
or unselected.
- menuSelectionChanged(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- menuSelectionChanged(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.MenuElement
- Call by the MenuSelection when the MenuElement is added or remove from
the menu selection.
- MenuSelectionManager - class com.sun.java.swing.MenuSelectionManager.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bound property name for message.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bounds property name for type.
- message -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Message to display.
- messageType -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Message type.
- metrics -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
- Font metrics for the currrent font.
- minimizeFrame(JInternalFrame) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
- Restores the frame back to it's size and position prior to a maximizeFrame()
- minimizeFrame(JInternalFrame) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.DesktopManager
- Generally, this indicates that the frame should be restored to it's
size and position prior to a maximizeFrame() call.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.BoxLayout
- Returns the minimum dimensions needed to lay out the components
contained in the specified target container.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.RootLayout
- Returns the minimum amount of space the layout needs.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.OverlayLayout
- Returns the minimum dimensions needed to lay out the components
contained in the specified target container.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The minimum size of a ScrollPane is the size of the insets
plus minimum size of the viewport, plus the scrollpane's
viewportBorder insets, plus the minimum size
of the visible headers, plus the minimum size of the
scrollbars whose displayPolicy isn't NEVER.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ViewportLayout
- Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the components
contained in the specified target container.
- minimum -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.SizeRequirements
- The minimum size required.
- minorTickSpacing -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- The number of pixels between the minor tick marks -- the
smaller marks that occur between the major tick marks.
- minWidth -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- The minimum width of the column
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- mnemonic -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Convenience object defining the Modal layer.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates something must be done with this object before the
user can interact with an object in a different window.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- model -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- modelIndex -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- The index of the column in the model which is to be displayed by
this TableColumn.
- model -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- The model that represents the scrollbar's minimum, maximum, extent
(aka "visibleAmount") and current value.
- model -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- The default selection model
- modelToView(int, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space
to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
- modelToView(int, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ComponentView
- Provides a mapping from the coordinate space of the model to
that of the view.
- modelToView(int, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
- Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space
to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
- modelToView(int, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.FieldView
- Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space
to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
- modelToView(int, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.IconView
- Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space
to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
- modelToView(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Converts the given location in the model to a place in
the view coordinate system.
- modelToView(int, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.LabelView
- Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space
to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
- modelToView(int, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
- Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space
to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
- modelToView(int, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space
to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Called when the mouse is clicked.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.LinkController
- Called for a mouse click event.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Ignore mouseClicked events.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Moves the caret position
according to the mouse pointer's current
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Ignore mouseDragged events.
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Called when the mouse enters a region.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Forward the mouseEntered event to the underlying child container.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Called when the mouse exits a region.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Forward the mouseExited event to the underlying child container.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Called when the mouse is moved.
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Forward the mouseMoved event to the underlying child container.
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Requests focus on the associated
text component, and tries to set the cursor position.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- When inactive, mouse events are forwarded as appropriate either to
the UI to activate the frame or to the underlying child component.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Called when the mouse is released.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Ignore mouseReleased events.
- moveCaret(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Tries to move the position of the caret from
the coordinates of a mouse event, using viewToModel().
- moveCaretPosition(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Moves the caret to a new position, leaving behind a
mark defined by the last time setCaretPosition was
- moveColumn(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- Moves the column and heading at columnIndex to newIndex.
- moveColumn(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Moves the column column to the position currently occupied by the
column targetColumn.
- moveColumn(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
- Moves the column and heading at columnIndex to newIndex.
- moveDot(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Moves the caret position to some other position,
leaving behind the mark.
- moveDot(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Moves the caret position to some other position.
- moveRow(int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Moves one or more rows starting at startIndex to endIndex
in the model to the toIndex.
- moveToBack() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Convenience method that moves this component to position -1 if it's
parent is a JLayeredPane.
- moveToBack(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Moves the component to the bottom of the components in it's current layer
(position -1).
- moveToFront() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Convenience method that moves this component to position 0 if it's
parent is a JLayeredPane.
- moveToFront(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Moves the component to the top of the components in it's current layer
(position 0).
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this (text) object can contain multiple lines of text
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- A value for the selectionMode property: select one or more
contiguous ranges of indices at a time.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this object allows more than one of its children to
be selected at the same time.
- MutableAttributeSet - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet.
- A generic interface for a mutable collection of unique attributes.
- MutableTreeNode - interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode.
- NAME -
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.Action
- NameAttribute -
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AttributeSet
- Attribute name used to name the collection of
- NameAttribute -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Attribute name used to name the collection of
- newDataAvailable(TableModelEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Equivalent to fireTableChanged.
- newLeadSelectionPath -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
- leadSelectionPath after the paths changed, may be null.
- newRowsAdded(TableModelEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- This method will make sure the new rows have the correct number of columns.
- nextFrame(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
- nextTabStop(float, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
- Returns the next tab stop position given a reference position.
- nextTabStop(float, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
- Returns the next tab stop position after a given reference position.
- nextTabStop(float, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.TabExpander
- Returns the next tab stop position given a reference
- nextTabStop(float, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
- Returns the next tab stop position after a given reference position.
- nextWordAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of the
next word.
to the next of the document.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Return value from class method if NO is chosen.
- nodeChanged(TreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Invoke this method after you've changed how node is to be
represented in the tree.
- nodesChanged(TreeNode, int[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Invoke this method after you've changed how the children identified by
childIndicies are to be represented in the tree.
- nodeStructureChanged(TreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Invoke this method if you've totally changed the children of
node and its childrens children...
- nodesWereInserted(TreeNode, int[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Invoke this method after you've inserted some TreeNodes into
node. childIndices should be the index of the new elements and
must be sorted in ascending order.
- nodesWereRemoved(TreeNode, int[], Object[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Invoke this method after you've removed some TreeNodes from
node. childIndices should be the index of the removed elements and
must be sorted in ascending order.
- noFocusBorder -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Don't debug graphics operations.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
- Compass-direction constants used to specify a position.
- notifyAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Name of the action to send notification that the
contents of the field have been accepted.
- notifyPathChange(Vector, TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Notifies listeners of a change in path. changePaths should contain
instances of PathPlaceHolder.
- OverlayLayout(Container) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.OverlayLayout
- Constructs a layout manager that performs overlay
arrangment of the children.
- object -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
- The object being edited
- offsetRequested() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BadLocationException
- Returns the offset into the document that was not legal.
- offset -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Segment
- This is the offset into the array that
the desired text begins.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Type used for showConfirmDialog.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Return value form class method if OK is chosen.
- oldLeadSelectionPath -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
- leadSelectionPath before the paths changed, may be null.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Bound property for oneTouchExpandable.
- oneTouchExpandable -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Is a little widget provided to quickly expand/collapse the
split pane?
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this object paints every pixel within its
rectangular region.
- openFrame(JInternalFrame) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
- Normally this method will not be called.
- openFrame(JInternalFrame) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.DesktopManager
- If possible, display this frame in an appropriate location.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bound property name for optionType.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bounds property namer for option.
- options -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Options to display to the user.
- optionType -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Option type, one of DEFAULT_OPTION, YES_NO_OPTION,
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Bound property name for orientation (horizontal or vertical).
- orientation -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- orientation -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- orientation -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- orientation -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- How the views are split.
- Orientation -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.CharacterConstants
- Orientation of visual text flow for the purpose of Bidi.
- OriginateDirection -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
- A possible value for getDirection.
- outsideBorder -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.CompoundBorder
- OverlayLayout - class com.sun.java.swing.OverlayLayout.
- A layout manager to arrange components over the top
of each other.
- ParagraphView(Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
- Constructs a ParagraphView for the given element.
- PasswordView(Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.PasswordView
- Constructs a new view wrapped on an element.
- PlainDocument() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainDocument
- Constructs a plain text document.
- PlainDocument(AbstractDocument.Content) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainDocument
- Constructs a plain text document.
- PlainView(Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
- Constructs a new PlainView wrapped on an element.
- PopupMenuEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent
- ProgressMonitor(Component, Object, String, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitor
- ProgressMonitorInputStream(Component, Object, InputStream) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
- pack() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Causes subcomponents of this JInternalFrame to be laid out at their
preferred size.
- pack() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Layout the container so that it uses the minimum space
needed to display its contents.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object that presents a series of panels (or page tabs), one at a
time, through some mechanism provided by the object.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object that is a child of a page tab list.
- pageDownAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the action to page down vertically.
- pageUpAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the action to page up vertically.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.AbstractBorder
- This default implementation does no painting.
- paintBorder(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Paint the button's border if BorderPainted property is true.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
- Paints the border for the specified component with the specified
position and size.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.border.Border
- Paints the border for the specified component with the specified
position and size.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.CompoundBorder
- Paints the compound border by painting the outside border
with the specified position and size and then painting the
inside border at the specified position and size offset by
the insets of the outside border.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EmptyBorder
- Does no drawing by default.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EtchedBorder
- Paints the border for the specified component with the
specified position and size.
- paintBorder(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Paint the component's border.
- paintBorder(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Paint the menubar's border if BorderPainted property is true.
- paintBorder(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Paint the popup menu's border if BorderPainted property is true.
- paintBorder -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- paintBorder(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Paint the progress bar's border if BorderPainted property is true.
- paintBorder(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
- Paint the toolbar's border if BorderPainted property is true.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.LineBorder
- Paints the border for the specified component with the
specified position and size.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.MatteBorder
- Paints the matte border.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder
- Paints the border for the specified component with the specified
position and size.
- paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Paints the border for the specified component with the
specified position and size.
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that
- paint(Graphics) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Renders the caret.
- paint(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane
- Shouldn't be called.
- paintChild(Graphics, Rectangle, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Paints a child.
- paintChildren(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Paint this component's children.
- paintChildren(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Subclassed to message the UI with finishedPaintingChildren after
super has been messaged, as well as painting the border.
- paintComponent(Graphics, Component, Container, int, int, int, int, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane
- Paint a cell renderer component c on graphics object g.
- paintComponent(Graphics, Component, Container, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane
- Calls this.paintComponent(g, c, p, x, y, w, h, false).
- paintComponent(Graphics, Component, Container, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane
- Calls this.paintComponent() with the rectangles x,y,width,height fields.
- paintComponent(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- If the UI delegate is non-null, call its paint
- paintComponent(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPanel
- Overriden from JComponent, paint the backgroud if the component is opaque.
- paintComponent(Graphics, Component, Container, int, int, int, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- Paint a component c on an abitrary graphics g in the
specified rectangle.
- paintComponent(Graphics, Component, Container, Rectangle) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ComponentView
- Paints a component view.
- paint(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Renders the caret as a vertical line.
- paint(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter
- Renders the highlights.
- paint(Graphics, int, int, Shape, JTextComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter
- Paints a highlight.
- paintDirtyRegions() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- Paint all of the components that have been marked dirty.
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.FieldView
- Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that surface.
- paint(Graphics) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter
- Renders the highlights.
- paint(Graphics, int, int, Shape, JTextComponent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter.HighlightPainter
- Renders the highlight.
- paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Icon
- Draw the icon at the specified location.
- paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Paints the Icon
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.IconView
- Paints the icon.
- paintImmediately(int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Paint the specified region in this component and all of its
descendants that overlap the region, immediately.
- paintImmediately(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Paint the specified region now.
- paint(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- This method is invoked by Swing to draw components.
- paint(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Paints this JLayeredPane within the specified graphics context.
- paint(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Depending on whether the backingStore is enabled,
either paint the image through the backing store or paint
just the recently exposed part, using the backing store
to "blit" the remainder.
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.LabelView
- Renders a portion of a text style run.
- paintLoweredBevel(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
- Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
- Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that surface.
- paintRaisedBevel(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableCell
- Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that
- paint(Graphics, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
- Renders using the given rendering surface and area
on that surface.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Convenience object defining the Palette layer.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A generic container that is often used to group objects.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- The paragraph left indent action identifier
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- The paragraph right indent action identifier
- ParagraphElementName -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Name of elements used to represent paragraphs
- ParagraphView - class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView.
- View of a simple line-wrapping paragraph that supports
multiple fonts, colors, components, icons, etc.
- paramString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent
- Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
- paramString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Gets the parameter string representing the state of this menu.
- paramString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Returns the String of parameters for this TextArea (rows and columns).
- paramString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Returns the String of parameters for this JTextField (columns + command
- parent -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- this node's parent, or null if this node has no parent
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A text object used for passwords, or other places where the
text contents is not shown visibly to the user
- PasswordView - class com.sun.java.swing.text.PasswordView.
- Implements a View suitable for use in JPasswordField
UI implementations.
- pasteAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the action to paste the contents of the
system clipboard into the selected region, or before the
caret if nothing is selected.
- paste() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Transfers the contents of the system clipboard into the
associated text model.
- pathFromAncestorEnumeration(TreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Creates and returns an enumeration that follows the path from
to this node.
- paths -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
- Paths this event represents.
- path -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeExpansionEvent
- Path to the value this event represents.
- path -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelEvent
- Path to the parent of the nodes that have changed.
- path -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath
- Path this instance represents.
- pixMask -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- No icon is used.
- PlainDocument - class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainDocument.
- A plain document that uses one font and color.
- PlainView - class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView.
- Implements View interface for a simple multi-line text view
that has text in one font and color.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Convenience object defining the Popup layer.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A temporary window that is usually used to offer the user a
list of choices, and then hides when the user selects one of
those choices.
- popupListener -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- The window-closing listener for the popup.
- popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
- This method is called when the popup menu is canceled
- PopupMenuEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent.
- PopupMenuEvent only contains the source of the event which is the JPoupMenu
sending the event
Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with
future swing releases.
- PopupMenuListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.PopupMenuListener.
- A popup menu listener
- popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
- This method is called before the popup menu becomes invisible
Note that a JPopupMenu can become invisible any time
- popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
- This method is called before the popup menu becomes visible
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the object physically above the
object passed in.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the object physically below the
object passed in.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the first physical object in the Container
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the last physical object in the Container
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the object physically to the left of the
object passed in.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleLayout
- Constant used to locate the object physically to the right of the
object passed in.
- positionCaret(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Tries to set the position of the caret from
the coordinates of a mouse event, using viewToModel().
- Position - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Position.
- Represents a location within a document.
- positionToElement(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.BranchElement
- Gets the child element that contains
the given model position.
- postActionEvent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Processes action events occurring on this textfield by
dispatching them to any registered ActionListener objects.
- postEdit(UndoableEdit) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
- DEADLOCK WARNING: Calling this method may call undoableEditHappened
in all listeners.
- postorderEnumeration() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Creates and returns an enumeration that traverses the subtree rooted at
this node in postorder.
- postState -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
- The state information after the edit
- preferenceChanged(View, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- This is called by a child to indicated its
preferred span has changed.
- preferenceChanged(View, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
- Signals that the desired span has changed.
- preferenceChanged(View, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Child views can call this on the parent to indicate that
the preference has changed and should be reconsidered
for layout.
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.BoxLayout
- Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout, given the components
in the specified target container.
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.RootLayout
- Returns the amount of space the layout would like to have.
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.OverlayLayout
- Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components
in the specified target container.
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The preferred size of a ScrollPane is the size of the insets,
plus the preferred size of the viewport, plus the preferred size of
the visible headers, plus the preferred size of the scrollbars
that will appear given the current view and the current
scrollbar displayPolicies.
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ViewportLayout
- Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components
in the specified target container.
- preferredSize -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ColorChooserPanel
- preferred -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.SizeRequirements
- The preferred (natural) size.
- preferredViewportSize -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Used by the Scrollable interface to determine the initial visible area
- preorderEnumeration() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Creates and returns an enumeration that traverses the subtree rooted at
this node in preorder.
- prepareEditor(TableCellEditor, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets up the specified editor using the value at the specified cell.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this object is currently pressed.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Indicates partial commitment towards choosing the
- preState -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
- The state information prior to the edit
- previousWordAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of the
previous word.
- processComponentKeyEvent(KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Process any key events that the component itself
- processComponentKeyEvent(KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Processes any key events that the component itself
- processEvent(AWTEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Processes events on this internal frame.
- processFocusEvent(FocusEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- processKeyEvent(Component, KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultFocusManager
- This method is called by JComponents when a key event occurs.
- processKeyEvent(Component, KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.FocusManager
- This method is called by JComponents when a key event occurs.
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Handles KeyEvents, looking for the Tab key.
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Override processKeyEvent to process events
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Processes key events occurring on this component and, if appropriate,
passes them on to components in the frame which have registered
interest in them.
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Implemented to be a MenuElement.
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Implemented to be a MenuElement -- does nothing.
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Implemented to be a MenuElement.
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.MenuElement
- Process a key event.
- processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.MenuSelectionManager
- processMouseEvent(MouseEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Process a mouse event. event is a MouseEvent with source being the receiving component.
componentPath is the path of the receiving MenuComponent in the menu
hierarchy. manager is the MenuSelectionManager for the menu hierarchy.
- processMouseEvent(MouseEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Implemented to be a MenuElement -- does nothing.
- processMouseEvent(MouseEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Process a mouse event. event is a MouseEvent with source being the receiving component.
componentPath is the path of the receiving MenuElement in the menu
hierarchy. manager is the MenuSelectionManager for the menu hierarchy.
- processMouseEvent(MouseEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- processMouseEvent(MouseEvent, MenuElement[], MenuSelectionManager) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.MenuElement
- Process a mouse event. event is a MouseEvent with source being the receiving element's component.
path is the path of the receiving element in the menu
hierarchy including the receiving element itself.
manager is the MenuSelectionManager for the menu hierarchy.
- processMouseEvent(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.MenuSelectionManager
- processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- processWindowEvent(WindowEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Handles window events depending on the state of the
- processWindowEvent(WindowEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Processes window events occurring on this component.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object used to indicate how much of a task has been completed.
- ProgressMonitor - class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitor.
- A class to monitor the progress of some operation.
- ProgressMonitorInputStream - class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream.
- Monitors the progress of reading from some InputStream.
- propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object the user can manipulate to tell the application to do
- putClientProperty(Object, Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Add an arbitrary key/value "client property" to this component.
- putDefaults(Object[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
- Put all of the key/value pairs in the database and
unconditionally generate one PropertyChangeEvent.
- putLayer(JComponent, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Sets the layer property on a JComponent.
- putProperty(Object, Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- A convenience method for storing up a property value.
- putProperty(Object, Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
- Puts a new property on the list.
- put(Object, Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
- Set the value of
to value
- put(Object, Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
- putValue(String, Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractAction
- putValue(String, Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Action
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Used for questions.
- RepaintManager() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- Create a new RepaintManager instance.
- RTFEditorKit() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.rtf.RTFEditorKit
- Constructs an RTFEditorKit.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A specialized check box that will cause other radio buttons in the
same group to become unchecked when this one is checked.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
- Raised bevel type.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EtchedBorder
- Raised etched type.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEditable
- readAttributeSet(ObjectInputStream, MutableAttributeSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Reads a set of attributes from the given object input
stream that have been previously written out with
- read(InputStream, Document, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Inserts content from the given stream which is expected
to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content
- read(Reader, Document, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Inserts content from the given stream, which will be
treated as plain text.
- read(InputStream, Document, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.EditorKit
- Inserts content from the given stream which is expected
to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content
- read(Reader, Document, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.EditorKit
- Inserts content from the given stream which is expected
to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content
- read(Reader, Document, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- Create and initialize a model from the given
stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate
for this kind of editor.
- read(Reader, Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Initializes from a stream.
- readLock() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Acquires a lock to begin reading some state from the
- readOnlyAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the action to set the editor into read-only
- read() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
- read(byte[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
- read(byte[], int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
- read(InputStream, Document, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.rtf.RTFEditorKit
- Insert content from the given stream which is expected
to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content
- read(Reader, Document, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.rtf.RTFEditorKit
- Insert content from the given stream, which will be
treated as plain text.
- readUnlock() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Does a read unlock.
- realSource -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
- recalcWidthCache() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- reclaim(AttributeSet) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AttributeContext
- Reclaims an attribute set.
- reclaim(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Returns a set no longer needed by the MutableAttributeSet implmentation.
- redo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
- Redoes a change.
- redo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.ElementEdit
- Redoes a change.
- redo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
- Throws CannotRedoException if canRedo() returns false.
- redo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
- Sends redo() to all contained UndoableEdits in the order in
which they were added.
- RedoName -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
- String returned by getRedoPresentationName()
- redo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
- Tells the edited object to apply the state after the edit
- redoTo(UndoableEdit) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- Redoes all changes from indexOfNextAdd to edit.
- redo() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
- Re-apply the edit, assuming that it has been undone.
- redo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- If this UndoManager is inProgress, redoes the last significant
UndoableEdit at indexOfNextAdd or after, and all insignificant
edits up to it.
- registerComponent(JComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- registerEditorKitForContentType(String, String) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
- Establishes the default bindings of type to name.
- registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener, String, KeyStroke, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Register a new keyboard action.
- registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener, KeyStroke, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Calls registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener,String,KeyStroke,condition) with a null command.
- registerStaticAttributeKey(Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Registers an object as a static object that is being
used as a key in attribute sets.
- reload() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Invoke this method if you've modified the TreeNodes upon which this
model depends.
- reload(TreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Invoke this method if you've modified the TreeNodes upon which this
model depends.
- remove(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Removes some content from the document.
- remove(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.Content
- Removes some portion of the sequence.
- removeAccessibleSelection(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleSelection
- Removes the specified child of the object from the object's
- removeAccessibleSelection(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList
- Removes the specified selected item in the object from the object's
- removeAccessibleSelection(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu.AccessibleJMenu
- Removes the nth item from the selection.
- removeAccessibleSelection(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar
- Removes the nth selected item in the object from the object's
- removeAccessibleSelection(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane
- removeAccessibleSelection(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- Removes the specified selected item in the object from the
- removeAccessibleSelection(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- Removes the specified selected item in the object from the object's
- remove(AccessibleState) -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleStateSet
- Remove a state from the current state set.
- removeActionListener(ActionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- removes an ActionListener from the button
- removeActionListener(ActionListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- removeActionListener(ActionListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ComboBoxEditor
- Remove an ActionListener
- removeActionListener(ActionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- removes an ActionListener from the button
- removeActionListener(ActionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Removes an ActionListener
- removeActionListener(ActionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Removes the specified action listener so that it no longer
receives action events from this textfield.
- removeActionListener(ActionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Removes an ActionListener from the Timer.
- removeAdjustmentListener(AdjustmentListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Removes an AdjustmentEvent listener.
- removeAllChildren() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Removes all of this node's children, setting their parents to null.
- removeAll() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
- Removes all of the children.
- removeAllElements() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- removeAllHighlights() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter
- Removes all highlights.
- removeAllHighlights() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter
- Removes all highlights this highlighter is responsible for.
- removeAllItems() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Removes all items from the item list.
- removeAll() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Remove all menu items from this menu.
- removeAll() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Removes all the child components from the receiver.
- removeAll() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Removes all the tabs from the tabbedpane.
- removeAncestorListener(AncestorListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Unregisters listener so that it will no longer receive
This method will migrate to java.awt.
- removeAttribute(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
- Removes an attribute from the set.
- removeAttribute(AttributeSet, Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AttributeContext
- Removes an attribute from the set.
- removeAttribute(Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet
- Creates a new attribute set similar to this one except that it contains
no attribute with the given name.
- removeAttributes(Enumeration) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
- Removes a set of attributes for the element.
- removeAttributes(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
- Removes a set of attributes for the element.
- removeAttributes(AttributeSet, Enumeration) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AttributeContext
- Removes a set of attributes for the element.
- removeAttributes(AttributeSet, AttributeSet) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AttributeContext
- Removes a set of attributes for the element.
- removeAttribute(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Removes an attribute from the list.
- removeAttributes(Enumeration) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet
- Creates a new attribute set similar to this one except that it contains
no attribute with any of the given names.
- removeAttributes(AttributeSet) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet
- Creates a new attribute set similar to this one except that it contains
no attribute with any of the given names and values.
- removeAttributes(Enumeration) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Removes a set of attributes from the list.
- removeAttributes(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Removes a set of attributes from the list.
- removeAttributes(AttributeSet, Enumeration) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Removes a set of attributes for the element.
- removeAttributes(AttributeSet, AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Removes a set of attributes for the element.
- removeAttributes(Enumeration) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Removes a set of attributes for the element.
- removeAttributes(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Removes a set of attributes for the element.
- removeAttribute(AttributeSet, Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Removes an attribute from the set.
- removeAttribute(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Removes an attribute from the set.
- removeBindings() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Keymap
- Removes all bindings from the keymap.
- remove(AbstractButton) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ButtonGroup
- Removes the button from the group.
- removeCaretListener(CaretListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Removes a caret listener.
- removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.CellEditor
- Remove a listener from the list that's notified
- removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Removes a ChangeListener from the button.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.BoundedRangeModel
- Removes a ChangeListener from the model's listener list.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Removes a listener that was tracking caret position changes.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
- Removes a ChangeListener.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Removes a ChangeListener from the button.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Removes a listener that was tracking caret position changes.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultSingleSelectionModel
- Removes a ChangeListener from the button.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Removes a ChangeListener from the button.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Removes a ChangeListener from the slider.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Removes a ChangeListener from this tabbedpane.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Remove a ChangeListener from the list that's notified each
time the views size, position, or the viewports extent size
has changed.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.SingleSelectionModel
- Removes listener as a listener to changes in the model.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Style
- Removes a listener that was tracking attribute changes.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Removes a listener that was tracking styles being
added or removed.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Removes a change listener.
- removeColumn(TableColumn) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- Deletes the TableColumn column from the
receiver's table columns array.
- removeColumn(TableColumn) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Removes aColumn from the JTable's array of columns.
- removeColumnModelListener(TableColumnModelListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- removeColumnModelListener(TableColumnModelListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
- removeColumnSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Deselects the columns from index0 to index0 inclusive.
- removeColumn(TableColumn) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
- Deletes the TableColumn column from the
receiver's table columns array.
- removeConsumer(ImageConsumer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
- remove(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- remove(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Removes the child at the specified index from this node's children
and sets that node's parent to null.
- remove(MutableTreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Removes
from this node's child array, giving it a
null parent.
- remove(int, int, AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
- Removes content.
- remove(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
- Removes a portion of the content of the document.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.DocumentEvent.EventType
- Remove type.
- removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Removes a document listener.
- removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
- Unregisters the given observer from the notification list
so it will no longer receive change updates.
- removeEditor() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Discard the editor object and return the real estate it used to
cell rendering.
- removeElementAt(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- removeElement(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- remove(Class, EventListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.EventListenerList
- Remove the listener as a listener of the specified type.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus
events from this component.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus
events from this component.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives focus
events from this component.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus
events from this component.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus
events from this component.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus
events from this component.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus
events from this component.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus
events from this component.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives
focus events from this component.
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- removeFocusListener(FocusListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus
events from this component.
- removeFromParent() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Removes the subtree rooted at this node from the tree, giving this
node a null parent.
- removeFromParent() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode
- Removes the receiver from its parent.
- remove(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.GapContent
- Removes part of the content.
- removeHighlight(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter
- Removes a highlight from the view.
- removeHighlight(Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Highlighter
- Removes a highlight from the view.
- removeHyperlinkListener(HyperlinkListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
- Removes a hyperlink listener.
- removeIconFor(JInternalFrame) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
- Convience method to remove the desktopIcon of f is necessary.
- removeIndexInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- Remove the indices in the interval index0,index1 (inclusive) from
the selection model.
- removeIndexInterval(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- Remove the indices in the interval index0,index1 (inclusive) from
the selection model.
- removeInternalFrameListener(InternalFrameListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Removes the specified internal frame listener so that it no longer
receives internal frame events from this internal frame.
- removeInvalidComponent(JComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- Remove a component from the list of invalid components.
- removeItemAt(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Removes the item at
This method works only if the JComboBox uses the default data model.
- removeItem(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Removes an item from the item list.
- removeItemListener(ItemListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- removes an ItemListener from the button
- removeItemListener(ItemListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- removeItemListener(ItemListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- removes an ItemListener from the button
- removeItemListener(ItemListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Removes an ItemListener
- remove(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Remove the indexed component from this pane.
- remove(JMenuItem) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Removes the specified menu item from this menu.
- remove(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Removes the menu item at the specified index from this menu.
- remove(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Removes the component at the specified index.
- remove(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Removes the child component,
from the
- remove(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Removes the Component at the specified index.
- remove(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Removes the tab which corresponds to the specified component.
- remove(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Removes the Viewport's one lightweight child.
- removeKeymap(String) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Removes a named keymap previously added to the document.
- removeKeyStrokeBinding(KeyStroke) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Keymap
- Removes a binding from the keymap.
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.BoxLayout
- Not used by this class.
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.RootLayout
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.OverlayLayout
- Removes the specified component from the layout.
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- Removes the specified component from the layout.
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ViewportLayout
- Removes the specified component from the layout.
- removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractListModel
- Remove a listener from the list that's notified each time a
change to the data model occurs.
- removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListModel
- Remove a listener from the list that's notified each time a
change to the data model occurs.
- removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Remove a listener from the list that's notified each time a
change to the selection occurs.
- removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- Remove a listener from the list that's notified each time a
change to the selection occurs.
- removeMenuListener(MenuListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Remove a listener for menu events
- remove(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode
- Removes the child at
from the receiver.
- remove(MutableTreeNode) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode
- Removes
from the receiver.
- removeNodeFromParent(MutableTreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Message this to remove node from its parent.
- removeNotify() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Notification to this component that it no longer has a parent component.
- removeNotify() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- Unregister ourselves from SystemEventQueueUtils.
- removePopupMenuListener(PopupMenuListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Remove a PopupMenu listener
param l the PopupMenuListener to remove
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractAction
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleContext
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Action
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
- Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- removeRange(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- removeRedundantState() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
- Remove redundant key/values in state hashtables.
- removeRow(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Remove the row at row from the model.
- removeRowSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Deselects the rows from index0 to index0 inclusive.
- removeSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- removeSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Set the selection to be the set difference of the specified interval
and the current selection.
- removeSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Removes the nodes between index0 and index1, inclusive, from the
- removeSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- Change the selection to be the set difference of the current selection
and the indices between index0 and index1 inclusive.
- removeSelectionPath(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Removes path from the selection.
- removeSelectionPath(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Removes the node identified by the specified path from the current
- removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Removes paths from the selection.
- removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Removes the nodes identified by the specified paths from the
current selection.
- removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel
- A null implementation that removes nothing
- removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Removes paths from the selection.
- removeSelectionPath(TreePath) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Removes path from the selection.
- removeSelectionRow(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Removes the path at the index
from the current
- removeSelectionRows(int[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Removes the paths that are selected at each of the specified
- remove(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StringContent
- Removes part of the content. where + nitems must be < length().
- removeStyle(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
- Removes a named style previously added to the document.
- removeStyle(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Removes a named non-null style previously added to the document.
- removeStyle(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Removes a named style previously added to the document.
- removeStyle(String) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledDocument
- Removes a named style previously added to the document.
- removeTabAt(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Removes the tab at index.
- removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
- removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableModel
- Remove a listener from the list that's notified each time a
change to the data model occurs.
- removeTreeExpansionListener(TreeExpansionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Removes a listener for TreeExpansion events.
- removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeModel
- Removes a listener previously added with addTreeModelListener().
- removeTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Removes x from the list of listeners that are notified each time
the selection changes.
- removeTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Removes a TreeSelection listener.
- removeTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Removes x from the list of listeners that are notified each time
the selection changes.
- removeUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Removes an undo listener.
- removeUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
- Unregisters the given observer from the notification list
so it will no longer receive updates.
- removeUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
- removeUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Updates any document structure as a result of text removal.
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Gives notification that something was removed from the document
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- removeUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
- Updates document structure as a result of text removal.
- removeUpdate() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
- Updates the element structure in response to a removal from the
associated sequence in the document.
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.DocumentListener
- Gives notification that a portion of the document has been
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.FieldView
- Gives notification that something was removed from the document
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
- Handles document remove (fire appropriate property change event,
which is AccessibleContext.
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ParagraphView
- Gives notification that something was removed from the document
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- removeUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainDocument
- Updates any document structure as a result of text removal.
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
- Gives notification that something was removed from the document
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Gives notification from the document that attributes were removed
in a location that this view is responsible for.
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
- Gives notification that something was removed from the
document in a location that this view is responsible for.
- removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Remove a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list.
- render(Runnable) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- This allows the model to be safely rendered in the presence
of currency, if the model supports being updated asynchronously.
- render(Runnable) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
- This allows the model to be safely rendered in the presence
of currency, if the model supports being updated asynchronously.
- Renderer - interface com.sun.java.swing.Renderer.
- Renderer interface
- renderer -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- reorderingAllowed -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Reordering of columns are allowed by the user
- repaint(long, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Adds the specified region to the dirty region list if the component
is showing.
- repaint(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Adds the specified region to the dirty region list if the component
is showing.
- repaint(long, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- We always repaint in our parent coordinate system to make sure
only one paint is performed by the RepaintManager.
- RepaintManager - class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager.
- replace(int, int, Element[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.BranchElement
- Replaces content with a new set of elements.
- replace(int, int, View[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Invalidates the layout and resizes the cache of requests/allocations.
- replace(int, int, View[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
- Invalidates the layout and resizes the cache of requests/allocations,
allowing for the replacement of child views.
- replaceEdit(UndoableEdit) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
- This default implementation returns false.
- replaceEdit(UndoableEdit) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
- Return true if this UndoableEdit should replace anEdit.
- replaceRange(String, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Replaces text from the indicated start to end position with the
new text specified.
- replaceSelection(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Replaces the currently selected content with new content
represented by the given string.
- replaceSelection(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Replaces the currently selected content with new content
represented by the given string.
- requestDefaultFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Request the focus for the component that should have the focus
by default.
- requestFocus() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Set focus on the receiving component if isRequestFocusEnabled returns true
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- requestFocus() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Requests focus for this object.
- requestTopDownLeftRightResend(ImageConsumer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
- resetKeyboardActions() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Unregister all keyboard actions
- reset() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
- resetRowSelection() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Recalculates what rows are selected by asking the RowMapper for the
row for each path.
- resetRowSelection() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Updates what rows are selected.
- resetToPreferredSizes() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Messaged to relayout the JSplitPane based on the preferred size
of the children components.
- resetViewPort() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane
- reshape(int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Moves and resizes this component.
- reshape(int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Moves and resizes this component.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates the size of this object is not fixed.
- resizable -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- The frame's size can be changed.
- resizeAndRepaint() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Properly sizes the receiver and its header view, and marks it as
needing display.
- resizeAndRepaint() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Properly sizes the receiver and its header view, and marks it as
needing display.
- resizedPostingDisableCount -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Counter used to disable posting of resizing notifications until the
end of the resize
- resizeFrame(JComponent, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
- Calls setBoundsForFrame() with the new values.
- resizeFrame(JComponent, int, int, int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.DesktopManager
- The user has resized the component.
- resizingAllowed -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Resizing of columns are allowed by the user
- resizingColumn -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- The index of the column being resized. 0 if not resizing
- ResolveAttribute -
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.AttributeSet
- Attribute name used to identifiy the resolving parent
set of attributes, if one is defined.
- ResolveAttribute -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Attribute name used to identifiy the resolving parent
set of attributes, if one is defined.
- restart() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Restarts a Timer, canceling any pending firings, and causing
it to fire with its initial dely.
- restoreState(Hashtable) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEditable
- Upon receiving this message the receiver should extract any relevant
state out of state.
- revalidate() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Support for deferred automatic layout.
- rightComponent -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- right -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EmptyBorder
- RightIndent -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- The amount to indent the right side
of the paragraph.
- RightIndent -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants
- The amount to indent the right side
of the paragraph.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Used to add a Component to the right of the other Component.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Indicates that the mouse is over the button.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Bound property name.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A specialized pane that has a glass pane and a layered pane as its
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Bound property name for rootVisible.
- root -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Root of the tree.
- rootPaneCheckingEnabled -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- rootPaneCheckingEnabled -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- rootPaneCheckingEnabled -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- If true then calls to
and setLayout
cause an exception to be thrown.
- rootPaneCheckingEnabled -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- If true then calls to
and setLayout
cause an exception to be thrown.
- rootPaneCheckingEnabled -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- If true then calls to
and setLayout
cause an exception to be thrown.
- RootPaneContainer - interface com.sun.java.swing.RootPaneContainer.
- This interface is implemented by components that have a single
JRootPane child: JDialog, JFrame, JWindow, JApplet, JInternalFrame.
- rootPane -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- rootPane -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- rootPane -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- The JRootPane instance that manages the
and optional menuBar
for this frame, as well as the
- rootPane -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- The JRootPane instance that manages the
and optional menuBar
for this frame, as well as the
- rootPane -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- The JRootPane instance that manages the
and optional menuBar
for this frame, as well as the
- rootVisible -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- True if the root node is displayed, false if its children are
the highest visible nodes.
- roundedCorners -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.LineBorder
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- The header for a row of data.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Bound property name for rowHeight.
- rowAtPoint(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Returns the index of the row that point lies in, or -1 if is
not in the range [0, getRowCount()-1].
- rowHead -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The row-header component
- rowHeight -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- The height of all rows in the table
- rowHeight -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Height to use for each display row.
- RowMapper - interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.RowMapper.
- rowMapper -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Provides a row for a given path.
- rowMargin -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- The height margin between rows
- rowSelectionAllowed -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Row selection allowed in this table
- rowsRemoved(TableModelEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Equivalent to fireTableChanged().
- RTFEditorKit - class com.sun.java.swing.text.rtf.RTFEditorKit.
- This is the default implementation of rtf editing
- Segment() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.Segment
- Creates a new segment.
- Segment(char[], int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.Segment
- Creates a new segment referring to an existing array.
- SimpleAttributeSet() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Creates a new attribute set.
- SimpleAttributeSet(AttributeSet) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Creates a new attribute set based on a supplied set of attributes.
- SizeRequirements() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.SizeRequirements
- Creates a SizeRequirements object with the minimum, preferred,
and maximum sizes set to zero and an alignment value of 0.5
- SizeRequirements(int, int, int, float) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.SizeRequirements
- Creates a SizeRequirements object with the specified minimum, preferred,
and maximum sizes and the specified alignment.
- SoftBevelBorder(int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder
- Creates a bevel border with the specified type and whose
colors will be derived from the background color of the
component passed into the paintBorder method.
- SoftBevelBorder(int, Color, Color) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder
- Creates a bevel border with the specified type, highlight and
shadow colors.
- SoftBevelBorder(int, Color, Color, Color, Color) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder
- Creates a bevel border with the specified type, highlight
shadow colors.
- StateEdit(StateEditable) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
- Create and return a new StateEdit.
- StateEdit(StateEditable, String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
- Create and return a new StateEdit with a presentation name.
- StringContent() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StringContent
- Creates a new StringContent object.
- StringContent(int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StringContent
- Creates a new StringContent object, with the initial
size specified.
- StyleContext() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Creates a new StyleContext object.
- StyleContext.NamedStyle(StyleContext, String, Style) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Creates a new named style.
- StyleContext.NamedStyle(StyleContext, Style) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Creates a new named style.
- StyleContext.NamedStyle(StyleContext) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Creates a new named style, with a null name and parent.
- StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction(String, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction
- Creates a new AlignmentAction.
- StyledEditorKit.BoldAction() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.BoldAction
- Constructs a new BoldAction.
- StyledEditorKit() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit
- StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction(String, String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction
- Creates a new FontFamilyAction.
- StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction(String, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction
- Creates a new FontSizeAction.
- StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction(String, Color) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction
- Creates a new ForegroundAction.
- StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction
- Constructs a new ItalicAction.
- StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
- Creates a new StyledTextAction from a string action name.
- StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction
- Constructs a new UnderlineAction.
- SyntheticImage() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
- SyntheticImage(int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object usually used to allow a user to incrementally view a
large amount of data.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object that allows a user to incrementally view a large amount
of information.
- Scrollable - interface com.sun.java.swing.Scrollable.
- An interface that provides information to a scrolling container
like JScrollPane.
- ScrollPaneConstants - interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants.
- ScrollPaneLayout - class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout.
- The layout manager used by JScrollPane.
- scrollPathToVisible(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Makes sure all the path components in path are expanded (except
for the last path component) and scrolls so that the
node identified by the path is visible.
- scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Forwards the scrollRectToVisible() message to the JComponent's
- scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Scrolls the field left or right.
- scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Overridden to scroll the view so that Rectangle within the
view becomes visible.
- scrollRowToVisible(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Scrolls the item identified by row to be visible.
- scrollUnderway -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- The scrollUnderway flag is used for components like JList.
- SectionElementName -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Name of elements used to hold sections (lines/paragraphs).
- Segment - class com.sun.java.swing.text.Segment.
- A segment of a character array representing a fragment
of text.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this object is the child of an object that allows its
children to be selected, and that this child is one of those
children that can be selected.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleSelection
- Causes every child of the object to be selected
if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList
- Causes every selected item in the object to be selected
if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu.AccessibleJMenu
- Normally causes every selected item in the object to be selected
if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar
- Normally causes every selected item in the object to be selected
if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- Causes every selected item in the object to be selected
if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- Causes every selected item in the object to be selected
if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for selecting the entire document
- selectAll() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ComboBoxEditor
- Ask the editor to start editing and to select everything
- selectAll() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- If a column is selected, then this selects all columns.
- selectAll() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Selects all the text in the TextComponent.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this object is the child of an object that allows its
children to be selected, and that this child is one of those
children that has been selected.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Indicates if the button has been selected.
- selectedItemChanged() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- This method is called when the selected item changes.
- selectedItemReminder -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- selectInitialValue() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Requests that the initial value be selected, which will set
focus to the initial value.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Property name for selectionMode.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Bound property name for selectionModel.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bound property name for selectionValues.
- selectionBackground -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- The background color of selected cells
- selectionBackwardAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for extending the selection
by moving the caret logically backward one position.
- selectionBeginAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
to the begining of the document.
- selectionBeginLineAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
to the begining of a line, extending the selection.
- selectionBeginParagraphAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
to the begining of a paragraph, extending the selection.
- selectionBeginWordAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
to the begining of a word, extending the selection.
- selection -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Paths that are currently selected.
- selectionDownAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
logically downward one position, extending the selection.
- selectionEndAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
to the end of the document.
- selectionEndLineAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
to the end of a line, extending the selection.
- selectionEndParagraphAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
to the end of a paragraph, extending the selection.
- selectionEndWordAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
to the end of a word, extending the selection.
- selectionForeground -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- The foreground color of selected cells
- selectionForKey(char, ComboBoxModel) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.KeySelectionManager
- Given
and the model, returns the row
that should become selected.
- selectionForwardAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for extending the selection
by moving the caret logically forward one position.
- selectionMode -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Mode for the selection, will be either SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION,
- selectionModel -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- Model for keeping track of column selections
- selectionModel -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- The ListSelectionModel of the table, used to keep track of row selections
- selectionModel -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Models the set of selected nodes in this tree.
- selectionNextWordAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the selection to the begining of the
next word, extending the selection.
- selectionPreviousWordAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the selection to the begining of the
previous word, extending the selection.
- selectionRedirector -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Creates a new event and passed it off the selectionListeners.
- selectionUpAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
logically upward one position, extending the selection.
- selectionValues -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Array of values the user can choose from.
- select(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Selects the text found between the specified start and end
- selectLineAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for selecting a line around the caret.
- selectParagraphAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for selecting a paragraph around the caret.
- selectWithKeyChar(char) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Selects the list item that correponds to the specified keyboard character
and returns true, if there is an item corresponding to that character.
- selectWordAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for selecting a word around the caret.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleText
- Constant used to indicate that the part of text that should be
retrieved is a sentence.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object usually contained in a menu to provide a visual
and logical separation of the contents in a menu.
- setAccelerator(KeyStroke) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- setAccelerator(KeyStroke) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- setAccessibleDescription(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleContext
- Set the accessible description of this object.
- setAccessibleDescription(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setAccessibleDescription(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setAccessibleDescription(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Set the accessible description of this object.
- setAccessibleDescription(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setAccessibleDescription(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- Set the accessible description of this object.
- setAccessibleName(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleContext
- Set the localized accessible name of this object.
- setAccessibleName(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setAccessibleName(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setAccessibleName(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Set the localized accessible name of this object.
- setAccessibleName(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setAccessibleName(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- Set the localized accessible name of this object.
- setAccessibleParent(Accessible) -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleContext
- Set the Accessible parent of this object.
- setActionCommand(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the action command for this button.
- setActionCommand(String) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- setActionCommand(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Sets the actionCommand that gets sent when the putton is pressed.
- setActionCommand(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Sets the action commnand that should be included in the event
sent to action listeners.
- setActionCommand(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Sets the command string used for action events.
- setAlignment(MutableAttributeSet, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets alignment.
- setAlignmentX(float) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Set the value of the alignmentX property.
- setAlignmentY(float) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Set the value of the alignmentY property.
- setAllowsChildren(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Determines whether or not this node is allowed to have children.
- setAnchorSelectionIndex(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- setAnchorSelectionIndex(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- Set the anchor selection index.
- setArmed(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- Marks the button as "armed".
- setArmed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Identifies the button as "armed".
- setArmed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Identifies the menu item as "armed".
- setAsksAllowsChildren(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- Sets whether or not to test leafness by asking getAllowsChildren()
or isLeaf() to the TreeNodes.
- setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the table's autoCreateColumnsFromModel flag.
- setAutoResizeMode(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the table's auto resize mode when the table is resized.
- setAutoscrolls(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- If true this component will automatically scroll its contents when
dragged, if contained in a component that supports scrolling, such as
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackgroundAt(int, Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets the background color at index to background
which can be null, in which case the tab's background color
will default to the background color of the tabbedpane.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Sets the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Sets the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Set the background color of this object.
- setBackingStoreEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- If true if this viewport will maintain an offscreen
image of its contents.
- setBlinkRate(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Sets the blink rate of the caret.
- setBlinkRate(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Sets the caret blink rate.
- setBlockIncrement(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Sets the blockIncrement property.
- setBold(MutableAttributeSet, boolean) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the bold attribute.
- setBorder(Border) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Sets the border of this component.
- setBorder(Border) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- The viewport "scrolls" it's child (called the "view") by the
normal parent/child clipping (typically the view is moved in
the opposite direction of the scroll).
- setBorderPainted(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets whether the border should be painted.
- setBorderPainted(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Determines whether the MenuBar's current border will be painted.
- setBorderPainted(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Sets whether the border should be painted.
- setBorderPainted(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Sets whether the progress bar should have a border.
- setBorderPainted(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
- Sets whether the border should be painted.
- setBorder(Border) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Sets the border of the titled border.
- setBottomComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Sets the component below, or to the right of the divider.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
- setBoundsForFrame(JComponent, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
- This moves the JComponent and repaints the damaged areas.
- setBoundsForFrame(JComponent, int, int, int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.DesktopManager
- This is a primative reshape method.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Moves and resizes this component.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Sets the bounds of this viewport.
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
- setCaretColor(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the current color used to render the
- setCaret(Caret) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the caret to be used.
- setCaretPosition(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the position of the text insertion caret for the TextComponent.
- setCellEditor(TableCellEditor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Set the cellEditor variable.
- setCellEditor(TreeCellEditor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Sets the cell editor.
- setCellEditor(TableCellEditor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Sets the TableCellEditor used by JTable to draw individual
values for this column to anEditor.
- setCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Sets the delegate that's used to paint each cell in the list.
- setCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Sets the TreeCellRenderer that will be used to draw each cell.
- setCellRenderer(TableCellRenderer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Sets the TableCellRenderer used by JTable to draw
individual values for this column to aRenderer.
- setCellSelectionEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets whether this table allows both a column selection and a
row selection to exist at the same time.
- setCharacterAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
- Sets attributes for some part of the document.
- setCharacterAttributes(AttributeSet, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Applies the given attributes to character
- setCharacterAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet, boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledDocument
- Changes the content element attributes used for the given range of
existing content in the document.
- setCharacterAttributes(JEditorPane, AttributeSet, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
- Applies the given attributes to character
- setClickCountToStart(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor
- setClip(int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- setClip(Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- setClosable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Set that this JInternalFrame can be closed by some user action.
- setClosed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Calling this method with a value of
to close
the frame.
- setCoalesce(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Sets whether the Timer coalesces multiple pending ActionEvent firings.
- setColor(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ColorChooserPanel
- setColor(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Sets the color to be used for drawing and filling lines and shapes.
- setColumnHeader(JViewport) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Sets a column-header viewport
- setColumnHeaderView(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Creates a column-header viewport if neccessary and then sets
its view.
- setColumnIdentifiers(Vector) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Replaces the column identifiers in the model.
- setColumnIdentifiers(Object[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Replaces the column identifiers in the model.
- setColumnMargin(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- Sets the column margin to newMargin.
- setColumnMargin(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
- Sets the TableColumn's column margin to newMargin.
- setColumnModel(TableColumnModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the column model for this table to newModel and registers
with for listner notifications from the new column model.
- setColumnModel(TableColumnModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Sets the column model for this table to newModel and registers
with for listner notifications from the new column model.
- setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets whether the columns in this model can be selected.
- setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
- Sets whether the columns in this model can be selected.
- setColumnSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Selects the columns from index0 to index1 inclusive.
- setColumns(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Sets the number of columns for this TextArea.
- setColumns(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Sets the number of columns in this TextField, and then invalidate
the layout.
- setComponentAt(int, Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets the component at index to component.
- setComponent(JComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolTip
- Specifies the component that the tooltip describes.
- setComponent(MutableAttributeSet, Component) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the component attribute.
- setContentPane(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- Sets the contentPane property.
- setContentPane(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Sets the contentPane property.
- setContentPane(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Sets the contentPane property.
- setContentPane(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sets this JInternalFrame's content pane.
- setContentPane(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- Sets the content pane -- the container that holds the components
parented by the root pane.
- setContentPane(Container) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- Sets the contentPane property.
- setContentPane(Container) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.RootPaneContainer
- The "contentPane" is the primary container for application
specific components.
- setContentType(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
- Sets the type of content that this editor
- setContinuousLayout(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Sets whether or not the child components are continuously
redisplayed and layed out during user intervention.
- setCorner(String, Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Sets the _________________,
where the options for the key are:
- ScrollPaneConstants.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton.AccessibleAbstractButton
- Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleValue
- Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.AccessibleJInternalFrame
- Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon.AccessibleJDesktopIcon
- Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar.AccessibleJProgressBar
- Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar.AccessibleJScrollBar
- Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider.AccessibleJSlider
- Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane.AccessibleJSplitPane
- Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentManager(FocusManager) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.FocusManager
- Set the FocusManager that should be used for the calling
- setCurrentManager(RepaintManager) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- Set the RepaintManager that should be used for the calling
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Sets the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Set the Cursor of this object.
- setDataVector(Vector, Vector) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- This replaces the current dataVector instance variable with the
new Vector of rows, newData.
- setDataVector(Object[][], Object[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- This replaces the value in the dataVector instance variable with the
values in the array newData.
- setDebugGraphicsOptions(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Enables or disables diagnostic information about every graphics
operation performed within the component or one of its children.
- setDebugOptions(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Enables/disables diagnostic information about every graphics
- setDefaultAction(Action) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Keymap
- Set the default action to fire if a key is typed.
- setDefaultButton(JButton) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- Sets the current default button for this JRootPane.
- setDefaultCloseOperation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Sets the operation which will happen by default when
the user initiates a "close" on this dialog.
- setDefaultCloseOperation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Sets the operation which will happen by default when
the user initiates a "close" on this frame.
- setDefaultCloseOperation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sets the operation which will happen by default when
the user initiates a "close" on this window.
- setDefaultEditor(Class, TableCellEditor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Set a default editor to be used if no editor has been set in
a TableColumn.
- setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Set the default value for the lightWeightPopupEnabled
- set(int, Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- setDefaultRenderer(Class, TableCellRenderer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Set a default renderer to be used if no renderer has been set in
a TableColumn.
- setDelay(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Sets the suggested delay before the menu's PopupMenu is popped up or down.
- setDelay(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Sets the Timer's delay, the number of milliseconds between successive
actionPerfomed() messages to its listeners
- setDescription(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Set the description of the image.
- setDesktopIcon(JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sets the JDesktopIcon associated with this JInternalFrame.
- setDesktopManager(DesktopManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDesktopPane
- Sets the DesktopManger that will handle desktop-specific UI actions.
- setDirection(short) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
- Sets the direction.
- setDisabledIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the disabled icon for the button.
- setDisabledIconAt(int, Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets the disabled icon at index to icon which can be null.
- setDisabledIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Set the icon to be displayed if this JLabel is "disabled", i.e.
- setDisabledSelectedIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the disabled selection icon for the button.
- setDisabledTextColor(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the current color used to render the
disabled text.
- setDismissDelay(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- setDisplayedMnemonic(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Specify a keycode that indicates a mnemonic key.
- setDisplayedMnemonic(char) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- setDividerLocation(double) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Sets the divider location as a percentage of the JSplitPane's size.
- setDividerLocation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Sets the location of the divider.
- setDividerSize(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Sets the size of the divider.
- setDocument(Document) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Associates the editor with a text document.
- setDocument(Document) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Associates the editor with a text document.
- setDocumentProperties(Dictionary) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Replace the document properties dictionary for this document.
- setDot(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Sets the caret position to some position.
- setDot(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Sets the caret position and mark to some position.
- setDoubleBuffered(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Set whether the receiving component should use a buffer to paint.
- setDoubleBufferingEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- setDoubleBufferMaximumSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- Set the maximum double buffer size.
- setDraggedColumn(TableColumn) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Sets the header's draggedColumn to aColumn
- setDraggedDistance(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Sets the header's draggedDistance to distance
- setEchoChar(char) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPasswordField
- Sets the echo character for this JPasswordField.
- setEditable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Determines whether the JComboBox field is editable.
- setEditable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the specified boolean to indicate whether or not this
TextComponent should be editable.
- setEditable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Determines whether the tree is editable.
- setEditingColumn(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Set the editingColumn variable.
- setEditingRow(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Set the editingRow variable.
- setEditor(ComboBoxEditor) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Sets the editor used to paint and edit the selected item in the JComboBox
- setEditorKitForContentType(String, EditorKit) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
- Directly set the editor kit to use for the given type.
- setEditorKit(EditorKit) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
- Sets the currently installed kit for handling
- setEditorKit(EditorKit) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Sets the currently installed kit for handling
- setElementAt(Object, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractAction
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Enables (or disables) the button.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Action
- Sets/tests the enabled state of the Action.
- setEnabledAt(int, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets whether or not the tab at index is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Sets the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Sets the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Sets the button to be enabled or disabled state
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Enables the combo box so that items can be selected.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Enable or disable the menu item.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Enables the component so that the knob position can be changed.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Enables or disables this component, depending on the value of the
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- setExtent(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.BoundedRangeModel
- Sets the model's extent.
- setExtent(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
- Sets the extent to n after ensuring that n
is greater than or equal to zero and falls within the model's
minimum <= value <= value+extent <= maximum
- setExtent(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Sets the size of the range "covered" by the knob.
- setExtentSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Set the size of the visible part of the view using view coordinates.
- setFirstLineIndent(MutableAttributeSet, float) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the first line indent.
- setFixedCellHeight(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- If this value is greater than zero it defines the height of
every cell in the list.
- setFixedCellWidth(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- If this value is greater than zero it defines the width of
every cell in the list.
- setFlashColor(Color) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Sets the Color used to flash drawing operations.
- setFlashCount(int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Sets the number of times that drawing operations will flash.
- setFlashTime(int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Sets the time delay of drawing operation flashing.
- setFloatable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
- Sets whether the toolbar can be made to float
- setFocusAccelerator(char) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the key accelerator that will cause the receiving text
component to get the focus.
- setFocusPainted(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets whether focus should be painted.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Set the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Sets the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Sets the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Set the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Sets the Font used for text drawing operations.
- setFontFamily(MutableAttributeSet, String) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the font attribute.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Set the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Set the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Set the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Set the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Sets the font used to display the label's text.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Set the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Set the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Sets the current font.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Sets the current font.
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Set the Font of this object.
- setFontSize(MutableAttributeSet, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the font size attribute.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForegroundAt(int, Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets the foreground color at index to foreground
which can be null, in which case the tab's foreground color
will default to the foreground color of this tabbedpane.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Sets the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Sets the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(MutableAttributeSet, Color) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the foreground color.
- setFrameIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sets an image to be displayed in the titlebar of the frame (usually
in the top-left corner).
- setGlassPane(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- Sets the glassPane property.
- setGlassPane(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Sets the glassPane property.
- setGlassPane(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Sets the glassPane property.
- setGlassPane(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sets this JInternalFrame's glass pane.
- setGlassPane(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- Sets a specified Component to be the glass pane for this
root pane.
- setGlassPane(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- Sets the glassPane property.
- setGlassPane(Component) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.RootPaneContainer
- The glassPane is always the first child of the rootPane
and the rootPanes layout manager ensures that it's always
as big as the rootPane.
- setGridColor(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the color used to draw grid lines to color and redisplays
the receiver.
- setGridLocation(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableCell
- Sets the grid location.
- setGroup(ButtonGroup) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- setGroup(ButtonGroup) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- setHeaderRenderer(TableCellRenderer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Sets the TableCellRenderer used to draw the TableColumn's
header to aRenderer.
- setHeaderValue(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Sets the Object used as the value for the headerRenderer
Posts a bound property change notification with the name
- setHelpMenu(JMenu) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Sets the help menu that appears when the user selects the
"help" option in the menu bar.
- setHighlighter(Highlighter) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the highlighter to be used.
- setHorizontalAlignment(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the horizontal alignment of the icon and text.
- setHorizontalAlignment(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Sets the alignment of the label's contents along the X axis.
- setHorizontalAlignment(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
- Sets the horizontal alignment of the text.
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- Returns the horizontal scrollbar-display policy, where the
options are:
- ScrollPaneConstants.
- setHorizontalTextPosition(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the horizontal position of the text relative to the icon.
- setHorizontalTextPosition(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Sets the horizontal position of the label's text,
relative to its image.
- setIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the button's default icon.
- setIconAt(int, Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets the icon at index to icon which can be null.
- setIconifiable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Set that the JInternalFrame can be made an icon by some user action.
- setIcon(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Iconizes and deconizes the frame.
- setIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Defines the icon this component will display.
- setIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the icon to display.
- setIcon(MutableAttributeSet, Icon) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the icon attribute.
- setIconTextGap(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- If both the icon and text properties are set, this property
defines the space between them.
- setIdentifier(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Sets the TableColumn's identifier to anIdentifier.
- setImage(Image) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Set the image displayed by this icon.
- setImageObserver(ImageObserver) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- Set the image observer for the image.
- setInitialDelay(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Sets the Timer's initial delay.
- setInitialDelay(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- setInitialSelectionValue(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the initial selection value.
- setInitialValue(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the initial value that is to be enabled -- the Component
that has the focus when the pane is initially displayed.
- setInputValue(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the user's input-value.
- setInsets(short, short, short, short) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
- Sets the insets for the view.
- setInstalledLookAndFeels(UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[]) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
- Replaces the current array of installed LookAndFeelInfos.
- setIntercellSpacing(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the width and height between cells to newSpacing and
redisplays the receiver.
- setInternalFrame(JInternalFrame) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
- Sets the JInternalFrame that this DesktopIcon is
associated with.
- setInverted(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Specify true to reverse the value-range shown for the slider so that
the maximum value is at the left end of a horizontal slider or
at the bottom of a vertical one.
- setInvoker(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Sets the invoker of this popupmenu -- the component in which
the popupmenu menu is to be displayed.
- setInvokesStopCellEditing(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Determines what happens when editing is interrupted by selecting
another node in the tree, a change in the tree's data, or by some
other means.
- setItalic(MutableAttributeSet, boolean) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the italic attribute.
- setItem(Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ComboBoxEditor
- Set the item that should be edited.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- Sets the menubar for this applet.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Sets the menubar for this dialog.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Sets the menubar for this frame.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- Adds or changes the menu bar used in the layered pane.
- setKeymap(Keymap) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the keymap to use for binding events to
- setKeySelectionManager(JComboBox.KeySelectionManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Sets the object that translates a keyboard character into a list
- setLabel(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- - Replaced by setText(text)
- setLabelFor(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Set the component this is labelling.
- setLabel(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Sets the popup menu's label.
- setLabelTable(Dictionary) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Used to specify what label will be drawn at any given value.
- setLargeModel(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Specifies whether the UI should use a large model.
- setLastDividerLocation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Sets the last location the divider was at to
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- Sets the layeredPane property.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Sets the layeredPane property.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Sets the layeredPane property.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sets this JInternalFrame's layered pane.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- Set the layered pane for the root pane.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- Sets the layeredPane property.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.RootPaneContainer
- A Container that manages the contentPane and in some cases a menu bar.
- setLayer(Integer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Convenience method for setting the layer attribute of this component.
- setLayer(Component, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Sets the layer attribute on the specified component,
making it the bottommost component in that layer.
- setLayer(Component, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
- Sets the layer attribute for the specified component and
also sets its position within that layer.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box
- Throws an AWTError, since a Box can use only a BoxLayout.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- By default the layout of this component may not be set,
the layout of its contentPane should be set instead.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- By default the layout of this component may not be set,
the layout of its contentPane should be set instead.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- By default the layout of this component may not be set,
the layout of its contentPane should be set instead.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- By default the layout of this component may not be set,
the layout of its contentPane should be set instead.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- By default the layout of this component may not be set,
the layout of its contentPane should be set instead.
- setLeadAnchorNotificationEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- Sets the value of the leadAnchorNotificationEnabled flag.
- setLeadSelectionIndex(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- setLeadSelectionIndex(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- Set the lead selection index.
- setLeftComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Sets the component to the left (or above) the divider.
- setLeftIndent(MutableAttributeSet, float) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets left indent.
- setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- When displaying the popup, JComboBox choose to use a light weight popup if
it fits.
- setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- When displaying the popup, JPopupMenu choose to use a light weight popup if
it fits.
- setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- When displaying the JToolTip, the ToolTipManager choose to use a light weight JPanel if
it fits.
- setLimit(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- Set the maximum number of edits this UndoManager will hold.
- setLineSpacing(MutableAttributeSet, float) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets line spacing.
- setLineWrap(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Sets the line-wrapping policy of the text area.
- setListData(Object[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- A convenience method that constructs a ListModel from an array of Objects
and then applies setModel to it.
- setListData(Vector) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- A convenience method that constructs a ListModel from a Vector
and then applies setModel to it.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setLocation(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Set the location of the upper left corner of the
popup menu using x, y coordinates.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocationRelativeTo(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Sets the location of the dialog relative to the specified
- setLogicalStyle(int, Style) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
- Sets the logical style to use for the paragraph at the
given position.
- setLogicalStyle(Style) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Sets the logical style to use for the paragraph at the
current caret position.
- setLogicalStyle(int, Style) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledDocument
- Sets the logical style to use for the paragraph at the
given position.
- setLogStream(PrintStream) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- Sets the stream to which the DebugGraphics logs drawing operations.
- setLogTimers(boolean) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
- Set the current default look and feel.
- setLookAndFeel(String) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager
- setMagicCaretPosition(Point) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Saves the current caret position.
- setMagicCaretPosition(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Saves the current caret position.
- setMajorTickSpacing(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Sets the number of pixels between major tick marks.
- setMargin(Insets) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets space for margin between the button's border and
the label.
- setMargin(Insets) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Sets the margin between the menubar's border and
its menus.
- setMargin(Insets) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets margin space between the text component's border
and its text.
- setMargin(Insets) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
- Sets the margin between the toolbar's border and
its buttons.
- setMaximizable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Set that the JInternalFrame can be maximized by some user action.
- setMaximum(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.BoundedRangeModel
- Sets the model's maximum to newMaximum.
- setMaximum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
- Sets the maximum to n after ensuring that n
that the other three properties obey the model's constraints:
minimum <= value <= value+extent <= maximum
- setMaximum(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Maximizes and restores the frame.
- setMaximum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Sets the model's maximum to x.
- setMaximum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Sets the model's maximum property.
- setMaximum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Sets the models maximum property.
- setMaximum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitor
- setMaximumRowCount(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Sets the maximum number of rows the JComboBox displays.
- setMaximumSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Sets the maximumSize of this component to a constant
- setMaxWidth(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Sets the TableColumn's maximum width to newMaxWidth,
also adjusting the current width if it's greater than this value.
- setMenuBar(JMenuBar) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sets the JMenuBar for this JInternalFrame.
- setMenuBar(JMenuBar) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane
- As of Swing version 1.0.3
replaced by
setJMenuBar(JMenuBar menu)
- setMenuLocation(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Set the location of the popup component
- setMessage(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the option pane's message-object.
- setMessageType(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the option pane's message type.
- setMillisToDecideToPopup(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitor
- setMillisToPopup(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitor
- setMinimum(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.BoundedRangeModel
- Sets the model's minimum to newMinimum.
- setMinimum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
- Sets the minimum to n after ensuring that n
that the other three properties obey the model's constraints:
minimum <= value <= value+extent <= maximum
- setMinimum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Sets the model's minimum to x.
- setMinimum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Sets the model's minimum property.
- setMinimum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Sets the models minimum property.
- setMinimum(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitor
- setMinimumSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Sets the minimumSize of this component to a constant
- setMinorTickSpacing(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Sets the number of pixels between minor tick marks.
- setMinWidth(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Sets the TableColumn's minimum width to newMinWidth,
also adjusting the current width if it's less than this value.
- setMnemonic(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Set the keyboard mnemonic on the current model
- setMnemonic(char) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- setMnemonic(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
- setMnemonic(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- Sets the keyboard mnemonic for this model
- setModel(ButtonModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Set the model that this button represents.
- setModelIndex(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Sets the model index for this column.
- setModel(ComboBoxModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Sets the data model that the JComboBox uses to obtain the list of items.
- setModel(ListModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Sets the model that represents the contents or "value" of the
list and clears the list selection after notifying PropertyChangeListeners.
- setModel(ButtonModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Set the data model for the "menu button" -- the label
that the user clicks to open or close the menu.
- setModel(BoundedRangeModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Sets the data model used by the JProgressBar.
- setModel(BoundedRangeModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Sets the model that handles the scrollbar's four
fundamental properties: minimum, maximum, value, extent.
- setModel(BoundedRangeModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Sets the model that handles the sliders three
fundamental properties: minimum, maximum, value.
- setModel(SingleSelectionModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets the model to be used with this tabbedpane.
- setModel(TableModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the data model for this table to newModel and registers
with for listner notifications from the new data model.
- setModel(TreeModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Sets the TreeModel that will provide the data.
- setName(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Changes the name of the style.
- setNextFocusableComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Specifies the next component to get the focus after this one,
for example, when the tab key is pressed.
- setNote(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitor
- setNumRows(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Sets the number of rows in the model.
- setOneTouchExpandable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Determines whether the JSplitPane provides a UI widget
on the divider to quickly expand/collapse the divider.
- setOpaque(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- If true the components background will be filled with the
background color.
- setOpaque(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets whether or not the UI should render a background.
- setOptions(Object[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the options this pane displays.
- setOptionType(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the options to display.
- setOrientation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Sets the progress bar's orientation to newOrientation, which
must be
setOrientation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
Set the scrollbar's orientation to either VERTICAL or
setOrientation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
Set the scrollbars orientation to either VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL.
setOrientation(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the orientation, or how the splitter is divided.
setPage(URL) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
Sets the current url being displayed.
setPage(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane
Sets the current url being displayed.
setPaintLabels(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
Determines whether labels are painted on the slider.
setPaintMode() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
setPaintTicks(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
Determines whether tick marks are painted on the slider.
setParagraphAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Sets attributes for a paragraph.
setParagraphAttributes(AttributeSet, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
Applies the given attributes to paragraphs.
setParagraphAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet, boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledDocument
Sets paragraph attributes.
setParagraphAttributes(JEditorPane, AttributeSet, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
Applies the given attributes to paragraphs.
setParagraphInsets(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
Sets the insets from the paragraph attributes specified in
the given attributes.
setParent(View) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ComponentView
Sets the parent for a child view.
setParent(View) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
Sets the parent of the view.
setParent(MutableTreeNode) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Sets this node's parent to newParent
but does not
change the parent's child array.
setParent(MutableTreeNode) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode
Sets the parent of the receiver to newParent
setParent(View) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
Sets the parent of the view.
setParent(View) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
Establishes the parent view for this view.
setPopupMenuVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
Set the visibility of the Menu's popup portion.
setPopupSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the size of the Popup window using a Dimension object.
setPopupSize(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the size of the Popup window to the specified width and
setPosition(Component, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLayeredPane
Moves the component to position
within it's current layer,
where 0 is the topmost position within the layer and -1 is the bottommost
setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Sets the preferred size of the viewport for this table.
setPreferredSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Set the preferred size of the receiving component.
if preferredSize
is null, the UI will
be asked for the preferred size
setPressed(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
setPressed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Sets the button to pressed state
setPressedIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the pressed icon for the button.
setPressed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel
Sets the pressed state of the toggle button.
setPreviousBounds(JInternalFrame, Rectangle) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
Stores the bounds of the component just before a maximize call.
setProgress(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitor
Indicate the progress of the operation being monitored.
setPrototypeCellValue(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
If this value is non-null it's used to compute fixedCellWidth
and fixedCellHeight by configuring the cellRenderer at index equals
zero for the specified value and then computing the renderer components
preferred size.
setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.BoundedRangeModel
This method sets all of the model's data with a single method call.
setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
Sets all of the BoundedRangeModel properties after forcing
the arguments to obey the usual constraints:
minimum <= value <= value+extent <= maximum
At most, one ChangeEvent is generated.
setRenderer(ListCellRenderer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
Sets the renderer that paints the item selected from the list in
the JComboBox field.
setReorderingAllowed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets whether the user can drag column headers to reorder columns.
setRepeats(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
If flag is false, instructs the Timer to send
actionPerformed() to its listeners only once, and then stop.
setRequestFocusEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
Set whether the receiving component can obtain the focus by
calling requestFocus.
setReshowDelay(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
setResizable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
Set that the JInternalFrame can be resized by some user action.
setResizable(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets whether the user can resize the receiver in its
setResizingAllowed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets whether the user can resize columns by dragging between headers.
setResizingColumn(TableColumn) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets the header's resizingColumn to aColumn
setResolveParent(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Sets the resolving parent.
setResolveParent(Keymap) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Keymap
Sets the parent keymap, which will be used to
resolve key-bindings.
setResolveParent(AttributeSet) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet
Sets the resolving parent.
setResolveParent(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
Sets the resolving parent.
setResolveParent(AttributeSet) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
Sets the resolving parent.
setRightComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the component to the right (or below) the divider.
setRightIndent(MutableAttributeSet, float) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets right indent.
setRollover(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
setRollover(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Sets the button to the rollover state
setRolloverEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Sets whether rollover effects should be enabled.
setRolloverIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the rollover icon for the button.
setRolloverSelectedIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the rollover selected icon for the button.
setRootFrame(Frame) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the frame to use for class methods in which a frame is
not provided.
setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
If true then calls to add() and setLayout() will cause an exception
to be thrown.
setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
If true then calls to add() and setLayout() will cause an exception
to be thrown.
setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
Determines whether calls to add
cause an exception to be thrown.
setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
Determines whether calls to add
cause an exception to be thrown.
setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
Determines whether calls to add
cause an exception to be thrown.
setRootPane(JRootPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
Sets the rootPane property.
setRootPane(JRootPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
Sets the rootPane property.
setRootPane(JRootPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
Sets the rootPane property.
setRootPane(JRootPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
Set the rootPane property.
setRootPane(JRootPane) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
Sets the rootPane property.
setRootVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Determines whether or not the root node from
the TreeModel is visible.
setRowHeader(JViewport) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
Sets a row-header viewport.
setRowHeaderView(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
Creates a row-header viewport if neccessary and then sets
its view.
setRowHeight(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Sets the height for rows to newRowHeight and invokes tile
setRowHeight(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Sets the height of each cell.
setRowMapper(RowMapper) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Sets the RowMapper instance.
setRowMapper(RowMapper) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Sets the RowMapper instance.
setRowSelectionAllowed(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Sets whether the rows in this model can be selected.
setRowSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Selects the rows from index0 to index1 inclusive.
setRows(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
Sets the number of rows for this TextArea.
setScrollOffset(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextField
Sets the scroll offset.
setSelected(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the state of the button.
setSelected(ButtonModel, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ButtonGroup
Sets the selected value for the button.
setSelected(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ButtonModel
setSelectedComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the selected component for this tabbedpane.
setSelected(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Sets the selected state of the button.
setSelectedIcon(Icon) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the selected icon for the button.
setSelectedIndex(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultSingleSelectionModel
setSelectedIndex(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
Selects the item at index anIndex
setSelectedIndex(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Select a single cell.
setSelectedIndex(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the selected index for this tabbedpane.
setSelectedIndex(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.SingleSelectionModel
Sets the model's selected index to index.
setSelectedIndices(int[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Select a set of cells.
setSelectedItem(Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ComboBoxModel
Set the selected item
setSelectedItem(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
Sets the selected item in the JComboBox by specifying the object in the list.
setSelected(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
Selects and deselects the JInternalFrame.
setSelected(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
Sets the selection status of the menu.
setSelected(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
Sets the currently selected component, producing a
a change to the selection model.
setSelected(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the currently selected component, This will result
in a change to the selection model.
setSelected(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel
Sets the selected state of the button.
setSelectedPath(MenuElement[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.MenuSelectionManager
setSelectedTextColor(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the current color used to render the
selected text.
setSelectedValue(Object, boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
setSelectionBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Set the background color for selected cells.
setSelectionBackground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Set the background color for selected cells.
setSelectionColor(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the current color used to render the
setSelectionEnd(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the selection end to the specified position.
setSelectionForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Set the foreground color for selected cells.
setSelectionForeground(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Set the foreground color for selected cells.
setSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
setSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Select the specified interval.
setSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
Selects the nodes between index0 and index1, inclusive.
setSelectionInterval(int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
Change the selection to be between index0 and index1 inclusive.
setSelectionMode(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
setSelectionMode(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Sets the selection model, which must be one of SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION,
setSelectionMode(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
Determines whether single-item or multiple-item
selections are allowed.
setSelectionMode(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
Sets the table's selection mode to allow only single selections, a single
contiguous interval, or multiple intervals.
setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
Sets the selection model for this TableColumnModel to newModel
and registers with for listner notifications from the new selection
setSelectionMode(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
The following selectionMode values are allowed:
Only one list index can be selected at a time.
- setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Set the selectionModel for the list to a non-null ListSelectionModel
- setSelectionModel(SingleSelectionModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Set the model object to handle single selections.
- setSelectionModel(SingleSelectionModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Set the model object to handle single selections.
- setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the row selection model for this table to newModel
and registers with for listner notifications from the new selection model.
- setSelectionModel(TreeSelectionModel) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Sets the tree's selection model.
- setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel
- setSelectionMode(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Sets the selection model, which must be one of SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION,
- setSelectionPath(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Sets the selection to path.
- setSelectionPath(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Selects the node identified by the specified path.
- setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Sets the selection to the paths in paths.
- setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Selects the nodes identified by the specified array of paths.
- setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel
- A null implementation that selects nothing
- setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Sets the selection to the the paths.
- setSelectionPath(TreePath) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Sets the selection to path.
- setSelectionRow(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Selects the node at the specified row in the display.
- setSelectionRows(int[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Selects the nodes corresponding to each of the specified rows
in the display.
- setSelectionStart(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the selection start to the specified position.
- setSelectionValues(Object[]) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the selection values for a pane that provides the user
with a list of items to choose from.
- setSelectionVisible(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Sets the visibility of the selection
- setSelectionVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Changes the selection visibility.
- setShowGrid(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets whether the receiver draws grid lines around cells.
- setShowHorizontalLines(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets whether the receiver draws horizontal lines between cells.
- setShowsRootHandles(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Determines whether the node handles are to be displayed.
- setShowVerticalLines(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets whether the receiver draws vertical lines between cells.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Resizes this object so that it has width and height.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Resizes this object.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Resizes this object.
- setSize(float, float) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Resizes this object so that it has width width and height.
- setSize(float, float) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ComponentView
- Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- setSize(float, float) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.IconView
- Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Resizes this object so that it has width width and height.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Resizes this object so that it has width width and height.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Resizes this object so that it has width width and height.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Resizes this object so that it has width width and height.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Resizes this object so that it has width width and height.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Resizes this object so that it has width width and height.
- setSize(float, float) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(float, float) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
- Sets the size of the view.
- setSnapToTicks(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Specifying true makes the knob (and the data value it represents)
resolve to the closest tick mark next to where the user
positioned the knob.
- setSpaceAbove(MutableAttributeSet, float) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets space above.
- setSpaceBelow(MutableAttributeSet, float) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets space below.
- setState(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- Sets the selected-state of the item.
- setStyledDocument(StyledDocument) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextPane
- Associates the editor with a text document.
- setTableHeader(JTableHeader) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the tableHeader working with this JTable to newHeader.
- setTable(JTable) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Sets the header's partner table to aTable
- setTabPlacement(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets the tab placement for this tabbedpane.
- setTabSet(MutableAttributeSet, TabSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the TabSet.
- setTabSize(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Sets the number of characters to expand tabs to.
- setText(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the button's text.
- setText(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Defines the single line of text this component will display.
- setText(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the text of this TextComponent to the specified text.
- setTipText(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolTip
- Sets the text to show when the tool tip is displayed.
- setTitleAt(int, String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets the title at index to title which can be null.
- setTitleColor(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Sets the title-color of the titled border.
- setTitleFont(Font) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Sets the title-font of the titled border.
- setTitle(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sets the JInternalFrame title.
- setTitleJustification(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Sets the title-justification of the titled border.
- setTitlePosition(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Sets the title-position of the titled border.
- setTitle(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Sets the title of the titled border.
param title the title for the border
- setToolTipText(String) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Registers the text to display in a tool tip.
- setTopComponent(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Sets the component above, or to the left of the divider.
- setType(short) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
- Sets the element type.
- setUI(ButtonUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the button's UI.
- setUI(CheckBoxMenuItemUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- Sets L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ComboBoxUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ComponentUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Set the look and feel delegate for this component.
- setUI(DesktopPaneUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDesktopPane
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(InternalFrameUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sets the UI delegate for this JInternalFrame.
- setUI(DesktopIconUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(LabelUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ListUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(MenuUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(MenuBarUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(MenuItemUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(OptionPaneUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the UI object which implements the L&F for this component.
- setUI(PopupMenuUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ProgressBarUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(RadioButtonMenuItemUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ScrollPaneUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(SeparatorUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSeparator
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(SliderUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Sets the UI object which implements the L&F for this component.
- setUI(SplitPaneUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(TabbedPaneUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Sets the UI object which implements the L&F for this component.
- setUI(TableUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(TableHeaderUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- setUI(TextUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Sets the user-interface factory for this text-oriented editor
- setUI(ToolBarUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(TreeUI) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUnderline(MutableAttributeSet, boolean) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Sets the underline attribute.
- setUnitIncrement(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Sets the unitIncrement property.
- setUpdateTableInRealTime(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- Sets whether the body of the table updates in real time when
a column is resized or dragged.
- setUserObject(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Sets the user object for this node to
- setUserObject(Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode
- Resets the user object of the receiver to
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
- This empty implementation is provided so users don't have to implement
this method if their data model is not editable.
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
- Sets the object value for the cell at column and
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Sets the value for the cell at row and column.
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableModel
- Sets an attribute value for the record in the cell at
columnIndex and rowIndex.
- setValue(int) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.BoundedRangeModel
- Sets the model's current value to
if newValue
satisfies the model's constraints.
- setValue(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
- Sets the value to n after ensuring that n falls
within the model's constraints:
minimum <= value <= value+extent <= maximum
- setValue(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
- setValue(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.BoundedRangeModel
- This attribute indicates that any upcoming changes to the value
of the model should be considered a single event.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
- Sets the valueIsAdjusting property.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Sets the data model's isAdjusting property true, so that
a single event will be generated when all of the selection
events have finished (for example, when the mouse is being
dragged over the list in selection mode).
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Sets the model's valueIsAdjusting property.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Sets the models valueIsAdjusting property.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- This property is true if upcoming changes to the value
of the model should be considered a single event.
- setValue(Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Sets the value the user has chosen.
- setValue(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Sets the model's current value to x.
- setValue(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Sets the scrollbar's value.
- setValue(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Sets the sliders current value.
- setValue(Object, boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.Renderer
- setValues(int, int, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Sets the four BoundedRangeModel properties after forcing
the arguments to obey the usual constraints:
minimum <= value <= value+extent <= maximum
- setVerticalAlignment(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the vertical alignment of the icon and text.
- setVerticalAlignment(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Sets the alignment of the label's contents along the Y axis.
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- Returns the vertical scrollbar-display policy, where the
options are:
- ScrollPaneConstants.
- setVerticalTextPosition(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Sets the vertical position of the text relative to the icon.
- setVerticalTextPosition(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Sets the vertical position of the label's text,
relative to its image.
- setView(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Sets the Viewport's one lightweight child (
which can be null.
- setViewportBorder(Border) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Add a border around the viewport.
- setViewport(JViewport) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Sets the current JViewport.
- setViewportView(Component) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Creates a viewport if neccessary and then sets its view.
- setViewPosition(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Sets the view coordinates that appear in the upper left
hand corner of the viewport, null if there's no view.
- setViewSize(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Sets the view coordinates that appear in the upper left
hand corner of the viewport, and the size of the view.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisibleAmount(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- Set the model's extent property.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.AccessibleBox
- Sets the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller
- Sets the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Caret
- Sets the visibility of the caret.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultCaret
- Sets the caret visibility, and repaints the caret.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet.AccessibleJApplet
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.AccessibleJComboBoxList
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog.AccessibleJDialog
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame.AccessibleJFrame
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow.AccessibleJWindow
- Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisibleRowCount(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Set the preferred number of rows in the list that can be displayed
without a scollbar, as determined by the nearest JViewPort ancestor,
if any.
- setVisibleRowCount(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Sets the number of rows that are to be visible.
- setWantsInput(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- If
is true, a parentComponent is provided to
allow the user to input a value.
- setWasIcon(JInternalFrame, Boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
- Sets that the component has been iconized and the bounds of the
desktopIcon are valid.
- setWidth(int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Sets this column's width to newWidth.
- setWrapStyleWord(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTextArea
- Set the style of wrapping used if the text area is wrapping
- setXORMode(Color) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
- shadow -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EtchedBorder
- shadowInner -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
- shadowOuter -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.BevelBorder
- sharedInstance -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel
- Unique shared instance.
- sharedInstance() -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel
- Returns a shared instance of an empty selection model
- sharedInstance() -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.Action
- shouldSelectCell(EventObject) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.CellEditor
- Tell the editor to start editing using anEvent.
- shouldSelectCell(EventObject) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor
- showConfirmDialog(Component, Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up a modal dialog with the options Yes, No and Cancel; with the
title, "Select an Option".
- showConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up a modal dialog where the number of choices is determined
by the
- showConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up a modal dialog where the number of choices is determined
by the
parameter, where the messageType
parameter determines the icon to display.
- showConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up a modal dialog with a specified icon, where the number of
choices is determined by the
- showHorizontalLines -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- The table draws horizontal lines between cells if showHorizontalLines is true
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this object, the object's parent, the object's parent's
parent, and so on, are all visible.
- showInputDialog(Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user.
- showInputDialog(Component, Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user parented to
- showInputDialog(Component, Object, String, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Shows a dialog requesting input from the user parented to
with the dialog having the title
and message type messageType
- showInputDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon, Object[], Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Prompts the user for input in a blocking dialog where the
initial selection, possible selections, and all other options can
be specified.
- showInternalConfirmDialog(Component, Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up an internal dialog panel with the options Yes, No
and Cancel; with the title, "Select an Option".
- showInternalConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up a internal dialog panel where the number of choices
is determined by the
- showInternalConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up an internal dialog panel where the number of choices
is determined by the
parameter, where
the messageType
parameter determines the icon to display.
- showInternalConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up an internal dialog panel with a specified icon, where
the number of choices is determined by the
- showInternalInputDialog(Component, Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Shows an internal question-message dialog requesting input from
the user parented to
- showInternalInputDialog(Component, Object, String, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Shows an internal dialog requesting input from the user parented
with the dialog having the title
and message type messageType
- showInternalInputDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon, Object[], Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Prompts the user for input in a blocking internal dialog where
the initial selection, possible selections, and all other
options can be specified.
- showInternalMessageDialog(Component, Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up an internal confirmation dialog panel.
- showInternalMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up an internal dialog panel that displays a message
using a default icon determined by the messageType parameter.
- showInternalMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up an internal dialog panel displaying a message,
specifying all parameters.
- showInternalOptionDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon, Object[], Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up an internal dialog panel with a specified icon, where
the initial choice is dermined by the
parameter and the number of choices is determined by the
- show() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Shows this internal frame, and brings it to the front.
- show(Component, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Display the popupmenu at the position x,y in the coordinate
space of the component invoker.
- showMessageDialog(Component, Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up a confirmation dialog -- a modal information-message dialog
titled "Confirm".
- showMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up a dialog that displays a message using a default
icon determined by the messageType parameter.
- showMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up a dialog displaying a message, specifying all parameters.
- showOptionDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon, Object[], Object) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Brings up a modal dialog with a specified icon, where the initial
choice is dermined by the
parameter and
the number of choices is determined by the optionType
- showPopup() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Causes the combo box to display its popup window
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Bound property name for showsRootHandles.
- showsRootHandles -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- True if handles are displayed at the topmost level of the tree.
- showVerticalLines -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- The table draws vertical lines between cells if showVerticalLines is true
- SimpleAttributeSet - class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet.
- A straightforward implementation of MutableAttributeSet using a
hash table.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- A value for the selectionMode property: select one contiguous
range of indices at a time.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this (text) object can contain only a single line of text
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ListSelectionModel
- A value for the selectionMode property: select one list index
at a time.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Selection can only contain one path at a time.
- SingleSelectionModel - interface com.sun.java.swing.SingleSelectionModel.
- A model that supports at most one indexed selection.
- sizeColumnsToFit(boolean) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- This method will resize one or more columns of the table
so that the sum width of all columns will equal to the
width of the table.
- size() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- SizeRequirements - class com.sun.java.swing.SizeRequirements.
- For the convenience of layout managers,
calculates information about the size and position of components.
- Size -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.CharacterConstants
- Name of the font size.
- Size -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.FontConstants
- Name of the font size.
- sizeWidthToFit() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Resizes the TableColumn to fit the width of its header cell.
- skip(long) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object that allows the user to select from a bounded range.
- sliderModel -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- The data model that handles the numeric maximum value,
minimum value, and current-position value for the slider.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.Action
- snapToTicks -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- If true, the knob (and the data value it represents)
resolve to the closest tick mark next to where the user
positioned the knob.
- SoftBevelBorder - class com.sun.java.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder.
- A class which implements a raised or lowered bevel with
softened corners.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
- SpaceAbove -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- The amount of space above the paragraph.
- SpaceAbove -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants
- The amount of space above the paragraph.
- SpaceBelow -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- The amount of space below the paragraph.
- SpaceBelow -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants
- The amount of space below the paragraph.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A specialized panel that presents two other panels at the same time.
- startCellEditing(EventObject) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
- startEditingAtPath(TreePath) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Selects the node identified by the specified path and initiates
- startProduction(ImageConsumer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
- StartTagType -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
- A possible value for getType.
- start() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Starts the Timer, causing it to send actionPerformed() messages
to its listeners.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton.ButtonChangeListener
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.ChangeListener
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem.AccessibleJMenuItem
- Supports the change listener interface and fires property change
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar.ModelListener
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane
- Supports the change listener interface and fires property change
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane.ModelListener
- StateEditable - interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEditable.
- StateEditable defines the interface for objects that can have
their state undone/redone by a StateEdit.
- StateEdit - class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit.
StateEdit is a general edit for objects that change state.
- stateMask -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultButtonModel
- states -
Variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleStateSet
- Each entry in the Vector represents an AccessibleState.
- stopCellEditing() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.CellEditor
- Tell the editor to stop editing and accept any partially edited
value as the value of the editor.
- stopCellEditing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor
- stopCellEditing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
- stopEditing() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Stops the current editing session.
- stop() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Stops a Timer, causing it to stop sending actionPerformed()
messages to its Target.
- storeState(Hashtable) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEditable
- Upon receiving this message the receiver should place any relevant
state into state.
- StreamDescriptionProperty -
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
- The property name for the description of the stream
used to initialize the document.
- StringContent - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StringContent.
- An implementation of the AbstractDocument.
- Style - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Style.
- A collection of attributes to associate with an element in a document.
- StyleConstants.CharacterConstants - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.CharacterConstants.
- This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known
attributes that contribute to a character style.
- StyleConstants.ColorConstants - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ColorConstants.
- This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known
attributes that contribute to a color.
- StyleConstants.FontConstants - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.FontConstants.
- This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known
attributes that contribute to a font.
- StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants.
- This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known
attributes that contribute to a paragraph style.
- StyleConstants - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.
A collection of well known or common attribute keys
and methods to apply to an AttributeSet or MutableAttributeSet
to get/set the properties in a typesafe manner.
- StyleContext.NamedStyle - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle.
- A collection of attributes, typically used to represent
character and paragraph styles.
- StyleContext - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.
- A pool of styles and their associated resources.
- StyledDocument - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledDocument.
- Interface for a generic styled document.
- StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction.
- An action to set paragraph alignment.
- StyledEditorKit.BoldAction - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.BoldAction.
- An action to toggle the bold attribute.
- StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction.
- An action to set the font family in the associated
- StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction.
- An action to set the font size in the associated
- StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction.
- An action to set the foreground color in the focused
JEditorPane by calling its setForeground method.
- StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction.
- An action to toggle the italic attribute.
- StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction.
- An action that assumes it's being fired on a JEditorPane
with a StyledEditorKit (or subclass) installed.
- StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction.
- An action to toggle the underline attribute.
- StyledEditorKit - class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.
- This is the set of things needed by a text component
to be a reasonably functioning editor for some type
of text document.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A Swing component, but nothing else is known about it.
- SwingConstants - interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants.
- A collection of constants generally used for positioning and orienting
components on the screen.
- SwingUtilities - class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities.
- A collection of utility methods for Swing.
- SyntheticImage - class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage.
- A helper class to make computing synthetic images a little easier.
- TableColumn() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Creates an empty TableColumn.
- TableColumn(int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- Creates and initializes an instance of TableColumn with
- TableColumn(int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- TableColumn(int, int, TableCellRenderer, TableCellEditor) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- TableColumnModelEvent(TableColumnModel, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent
- TableModelEvent(TableModel) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
- All row data in the table has changed, listeners should discard any state
that was based on the rows and requery the TableModel to get the new
row count and all the appropriate values.
- TableModelEvent(TableModel, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
- This row of data has been updated.
- TableModelEvent(TableModel, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
- The data in rows [firstRow, lastRow] have been updated.
- TableModelEvent(TableModel, int, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
- The cells in column column in the range
[firstRow, lastRow] have been updated.
- TableModelEvent(TableModel, int, int, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
- The cells from (firstRow, column) to (lastRow, column) have been changed.
- TableView(Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView
- Constructs a TableView for the given element.
- TableView.TableCell(TableView, Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableCell
- Constructs a TableCell for the given element.
- TableView.TableRow(TableView, Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableRow
- Constructs a TableView for the given element.
- TabSet(TabStop[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabSet
- Creates and returns an instance of TabSet.
- TabStop(float) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
- Creates a tab at position
with a default alignment
and default leader.
- TabStop(float, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
- Creates a tab with the specified position
alignment align
and leader leader
- TextAction(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.TextAction
- Creates a new JTextAction object.
- Timer(int, ActionListener) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.Timer
- Creates a Timer that will notify its listeners every
delay milliseconds.
- TitledBorder(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Creates a TitledBorder instance which uses an etched border.
- TitledBorder(Border) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border
and an empty title.
- TitledBorder(Border, String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border
and title.
- TitledBorder(Border, String, int, int) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border,
title, title-justification, and title-position.
- TitledBorder(Border, String, int, int, Font) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border,
title, title-justification, title-position, and title-font.
- TitledBorder(Border, String, int, int, Font, Color) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border,
title, title-justification, title-position, title-font, and
- TreeExpansionEvent(Object, TreePath) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeExpansionEvent
- TreeModelEvent(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelEvent
- Used to create an event when nodes have been changed, inserted, or
removed; identifying the path to the parent of the modified items as
an array of Objects.
- TreeModelEvent(Object, TreePath, int[], Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelEvent
- Used to create an event when nodes have been removed, identifying
the path to the parent of the removed items as a TreePath object.
- TreeModelEvent(Object, Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelEvent
- Used to create an event when nodes have been inserted, a node has
changed, or the node structure has changed in some way, identifying
the path to the change as an array of Objects.
- TreeModelEvent(Object, TreePath) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelEvent
- Used to create an event when nodes have been inserted, a node has
changed, or the node structure has changed in some way, identifying
the path to the change as a TreePath object.
- TreePath(Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath
- Constructs a path from an array of Objects, uniquely identifying
the path from the root of the tree to a specific node, as returned
by the tree's data model.
- TreePath(Object) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath
- Constructs a TreePath when there is only item in the path.
- TreeSelectionEvent(Object, TreePath[], boolean[], TreePath, TreePath) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
- Represents a change in the selection of a TreeSelectionModel.
paths identifies the paths that have been either added or
removed from the selection.
- TreeSelectionEvent(Object, TreePath, boolean, TreePath, TreePath) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
- Represents a change in the selection of a TreeSelectionModel.
path identifies the path that have been either added or
removed from the selection.
- TabableView - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.TabableView.
- Interface for View's that have size dependant
upon tabs.
- TabExpander - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.TabExpander.
- Simple interface to allow for different types of
implementations of tab expansion.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object used to present information in terms of rows and columns.
- TableCellEditor - interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableCellEditor.
- This interface defines the methods any object that would like to be
an editor of values for components such as ListBox, ComboBox, Tree, or
Table, etc.
- TableCellRenderer - interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableCellRenderer.
- This interface defines the methods any object that would like to be
a renderer for cell in a JTable.
- tableChanged(TableModelEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- The TableModelEvent should be constructed in the co-ordinate system
of the model, the appropriate mapping to the view co-ordinate system
is performed by the JTable when it recieves the event.
- tableChanged(TableModelEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelListener
- This fine grain notification tells listeners the exact range
of cells, rows, or columns that changed.
- TableColumn - class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn.
- A TableColumn represents all the attributes of a column in a
JTable, such as width, resizibility, minimum and maximum width.
- TableColumnModel - interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumnModel.
- TableColumnModelEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent.
- TableColumnModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table
column model has changed, such as a column was added, removed, or
- TableColumnModelListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener.
- TableColumnModelListener defines the interface for an object that listens
to changes in a TableColumnModel.
- tableColumns -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- Array of TableColumn objects in this model
- tableHeader -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- The TableHeader working with the table
- table -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- TableModel - interface com.sun.java.swing.table.TableModel.
- The TableModel interface ispecifies the methods the JTable
will use to interrogate a tabular data model.
- TableModelEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent.
- TableModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table model
has changed.
- TableModelListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelListener.
- TableModelListener defines the interface for an object that listens
to changes in a TableModel.
- TableView.TableCell - class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableCell.
- View of a cell in a table
- TableView.TableRow - class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.TableRow.
- View of a row in a table.
- TableView - class com.sun.java.swing.text.TableView.
Implements View interface for a table, that is composed of a
specific element structure where the child elements of the element
this view is responsible for represent rows and the child
elements of the row elements are cells.
- tabPlacement -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Where the tabs are placed.
- TabSet - class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabSet.
- A TabSet is comprised of many TabStops.
- TabSet -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- TabSet for the paragraph, type is a TabSet containing
- TabSet -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants
- TabSet for the paragraph.
- tabSizeAttribute -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainDocument
- Name of the attribute that specifies the tab
size for tabs contained in the content.
- TabStop - class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop.
- This class encapsulates a single tab stop (basically as tab stops
are thought of by RTF).
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- TEXT -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object that presents text to the user.
- TextAction - class com.sun.java.swing.text.TextAction.
- An Action implementation useful for key bindings that are
shared across a number of different text components.
- thickness -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.LineBorder
- tileIcon -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.MatteBorder
- Timer - class com.sun.java.swing.Timer.
- Object subclass that causes an action to occur at a predefined rate.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Bound property name.
- titleColor -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- TitledBorder - class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder.
- A class which implements an arbitrary border
with the addition of a String title in a
specified position and justification.
- titleFont -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- title -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- The title displayed in the frame's title bar.
- titleJustification -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- titlePosition -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- TitleProperty -
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.text.Document
- The property name for the title of the document, if
there is one.
- title -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- toArray() -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleStateSet
- Returns the current state set as an array of AccessibleState
- toArray() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- toBack() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Sends this internal frame to the back.
- toDisplayString(String, Locale) -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleBundle
- Obtain the key as a localized string.
- toDisplayString(Locale) -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleBundle
- Obtain the key as a localized string.
- toDisplayString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleBundle
- Get localized string describing the key using the default locale.
- toFront() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Brings this internal frame to the front.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A specialized push button that can be checked or unchecked, but
does not provide a separate indicator indicating the current state.
- toIndex -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent
- The index of the column to where it was moved or added from
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A bar or palette usually composed of push buttons or toggle buttons.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- The comment to display when the cursor is over the component,
also known as a "value tip", "flyover help", or "flyover label".
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object that provides information about another object.
- ToolTipManager.insideTimerAction - class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager.insideTimerAction.
- ToolTipManager.outsideTimerAction - class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager.outsideTimerAction.
- ToolTipManager.stillInsideTimerAction - class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager.stillInsideTimerAction.
- ToolTipManager - class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager.
- Manages all the ToolTips in the system.
- top -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.EmptyBorder
- TOP -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Used to add a Component above the other Component.
- TOP -
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
- Box-orientation constants used to specify a position.
- TOP -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.border.TitledBorder
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.BranchElement
- Converts the element to a string.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
- Returns a string description of the change event.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.LeafElement
- Converts the element to a string.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleBundle
- Get localized string describing the key using the default locale.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleStateSet
- Create a localized String representing all the states in the set
using the default locale.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
- Returns a string that displays all of the BoundedRangeModel properties.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- Returns the result of sending
to this node's
user object, or null if this node has no user object.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
- Converts the element to a string.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.DocumentEvent.EventType
- Converts the type to a string.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.EventListenerList
- Return a string representation of the EventListenerList.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent.EventType
- Converts the type to a string.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Returns a string containing that displays and identifies this
object's propeties.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.KeyStroke
- Returns a string that displays and identifies this
object's properties.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.Segment
- Converts a segment into a String.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
- Converts the attribute set to a String.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.SizeRequirements
- Returns a string describing the minimum, preferred, and maximum
size requirements, along with the alignment.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.CharacterConstants
- Returns the string representation.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ColorConstants
- Returns the string representation.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Returns the string representation.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.FontConstants
- Returns the string representation.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants
- Returns the string representation.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Converts a StyleContext to a String.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
- Converts the style to a string.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabSet
- Returns the string representation of the set of tabs.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.TabStop
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelEvent
- Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath
- Returns a string that displays and identifies this
object's properties.
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
- toString() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- totalColumnWidth -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- A local cache of the combined width of all columns
- toViewCoordinates(Dimension) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Convert a size in pixel coordinates to view coordinates.
- toViewCoordinates(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JViewport
- Convert a point in pixel coordinates to view coordinates.
- tracker -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ImageIcon
- translate(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DebugGraphics
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Bound property name for treeModel.
- TREE -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object used to present hierarchical information to the user.
- TreeCellEditor - interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeCellEditor.
- Adds to CellEditor the extensions necessary to configure an editor
in a tree.
- TreeCellRenderer - interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeCellRenderer.
- treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- Tree Collapsed notification.
- treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeExpansionListener
- Called whenever an item in the tree has been collapsed.
- treeDidChange() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Sent when the tree has changed enough that we need to resize
the bounds, but not enough that we need to remove the
expanded node set (e.g nodes were expanded or collapsed, or
nodes were inserted into the tree)
- treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- Tree Model Expansion notification.
- treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeExpansionListener
- Called whenever an item in the tree has been expanded.
- TreeExpansionEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeExpansionEvent.
- An event used to identify a single path in a tree.
- TreeExpansionListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeExpansionListener.
- The listener that's notified when a tree expands or collapses
a node.
- TreeModel - interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeModel.
- The interface that defines a suitable data model for a JTree.
- TreeModelEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelEvent.
- Encapsulates information describing changes to a tree model, and
used to notify tree model listeners of the change.
- treeModel -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- The model that defines the tree displayed by this object.
- TreeModelListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelListener.
- TreeChangeListener defines the interface for an object that listens
to changes in a TreeModel.
- TreeNode - interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeNode.
- treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- Tree Model Node change notification.
- treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelListener
Invoked after a node (or a set of siblings) has changed in some
- treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- Tree Model Node change notification.
- treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelListener
Invoked after nodes have been inserted into the tree.
- treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- Tree Model Node change notification.
- treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelListener
Invoked after nodes have been removed from the tree.
- TreePath - class com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreePath.
- Represents a path to a node.
- TreeSelectionEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent.
- An event that characterizes a change in the current
- TreeSelectionListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener.
- The listener that's notified when the selection in a TreeSelectionModel
- TreeSelectionModel - interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel.
- This interface represents the current state of the selection for
the tree component.
- treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
- Tree Model structure change change notification.
- treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeModelListener
Invoked after the tree has drastically changed structure from a
given node down.
- trimEdits(int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- Tell the edits in the given range (inclusive) to die, and
remove them from edits. from > to is a no-op.
- trimForLimit() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- Reduce the number of queued edits to a range of size limit,
centered on indexOfNextAdd.
- trimToSize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListModel
- type -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
- UIDefaults() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
- Create an empty defaults table.
- UIDefaults(Object[]) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults
- Create a defaults table initialized with the specified
key/value pairs.
- UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo(String, String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo
- UndoableEditEvent(Object, UndoableEdit) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent
- UndoableEditSupport() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
- UndoableEditSupport(Object) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
- UndoManager() -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- UnsupportedLookAndFeelException(String) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException
- UIDefaults.ActiveValue - interface com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults.ActiveValue.
- This class enables one to store an entry in the defaults
table that's constructed each time it's looked up with one of
methods. - UIDefaults.LazyValue - interface com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults.LazyValue.
- This class enables one to store an entry in the defaults
table that isn't constructed until the first time it's
looked up with one of the
- UIDefaults - class com.sun.java.swing.UIDefaults.
- A table of defaults for Swing components.
- ui -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo - class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo.
- Provide a little information about an installed LookAndFeel
for the sake of configuring a menu or for initial application
set up.
- UIManager - class com.sun.java.swing.UIManager.
- This class keeps track of the current look and feel and its
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Constant used by some of the apis to mean that no condition is defined.
- Underline -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants.CharacterConstants
- Name of the underline attribute.
- Underline -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleConstants
- Name of the underline attribute.
- UndoableEdit - interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEdit.
- An object representing an edit that has been done, and that can be
undone and redone
- UndoableEditEvent - class com.sun.java.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent.
- An event indicating that an undoable operation has happened.
- undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.UndoableEditListener
- An undoable edit happened
- undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- Called by the UndoabledEdit sources this UndoManager listens
- UndoableEditListener - interface com.sun.java.swing.event.UndoableEditListener.
- Interface implemented by a class interested in hearing about
undoable operations.
- UndoableEditSupport - class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport.
- undo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
- Undoes a change.
- undo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument.ElementEdit
- Undoes a change.
- undo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
- Throws CannotUndoException if canUndo() returns false.
- undo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
- Sends undo() to all contained UndoableEdits in the reverse of
the order in which they were added.
- UndoManager - class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager.
- Concrete subclass of CompoundEdit which can serve as an
UndoableEditListener, consolidating the UndoableEditEvents from a
variety of sources, and undoing or redoing them one at a time.
- UndoName -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
- String returned by getUndoPresentationName()
- undoOrRedo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- Undo or redo as appropriate.
- undoRedoName -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
- The undo/redo presentation name
- undo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.StateEdit
- Tells the edited object to apply the state prior to the edit
- undoTo(UndoableEdit) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- Undoes all changes from indexOfNextAdd to edit.
- undo() -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
- Undo the edit that was made.
- undo() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoManager
- If this UndoManager is inProgress, undo the last significant
UndoableEdit before indexOfNextAdd, and all insignificant edits back to
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Indicates that the user has not yet selected a value.
- uninitialize() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel calls this method just before we're
replaced by a new default look and feel.
- uninstallBorder(JComponent) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.LookAndFeel
- Convenience method for un-installing a component's default
border on the specified component if the border is
currently an instance of UIResource.
- uninstallChooserPanel() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ColorChooserPanel
- This get called when the panel is removed from the chooser.
- unitIncrement -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- The object contains some Accessible information, but its role is
not known.
- unregisterComponent(JComponent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.ToolTipManager
- unregisterKeyboardAction(KeyStroke) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Unregister a keyboard action.
- UnsupportedLookAndFeelException - exception com.sun.java.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException.
- An exception that indicates the request look & feel management classes
are not present on the user's system.
- upAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the Action for moving the caret
logically upward one position.
- update(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.CellRendererPane
- Shouldn't be called.
- updateComponentTreeUI(Component) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- A simple minded look and feel change: ask each node in the tree
to updateUI(), i.e. to initialize its UI property with the
current look and feel.
- update(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JApplet
- Just calls
- update(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Calls paint(g).
- update(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDialog
- Just calls
- update(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JFrame
- Just calls
- update(Graphics) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Overridden to call paint without filling the background.
- updateLabelUIs() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Called internally to replace the label UIs with the latest versions
from the UIFactory when the UIFactory notifies us via
that the L&F has changed.
- updateLeadIndex() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- Updates the leadIndex instance variable.
- updateLevel -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
- updateTableInRealTime -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- If this flag is true, then the header will repaint the table as
a column is dragged or resized.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.event.TableModelEvent
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
- Gets a new UI object from the default UIFactory.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JButton
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F
has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBox
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F
has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F
has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComboBox
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Resets the UI property to a value from the current look and feel.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JDesktopPane
- Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame
- Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
- Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JLabel
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F
has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList
- Set the UI property with the "ListUI" from the current default
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuBar
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenuItem
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPanel
- PENDING(jeff) - this should be done in BasicPanelUI
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JPopupMenu
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JProgressBar
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButton
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F
has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollBar
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane
- Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSeparator
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSlider
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTabbedPane
- Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.JTableHeader
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Reloads the pluggable UI. The key used to fetch the
new interface is getUIClassID().
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToggleButton
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F
has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolBar
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JToolTip
- Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- updateUI() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Notification from the UIManager that the L&F has changed.
- updateUndoPositions(Vector) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StringContent
- Resets the location for all the UndoPosRef instances
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
- upperLeft -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The component at the upper left corner
- upperRight -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The component at the upper right corner
- userObject -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
- optional user object
- Utilities - class com.sun.java.swing.text.Utilities.
- A collection of methods to deal with various text
related activities.
- View(Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Creates a new View object.
- validateInvalidComponents() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.RepaintManager
- Validate all of the components that have been marked invalid.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bounds property name for value.
- valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
- valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JList.AccessibleJList
- List Selection Listener value change method.
- valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTable
- Tells listeners that the selection changed.
- valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree.TreeSelectionRedirector
- Invoked by the TreeSelectionModel when the selection changes.
- valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.ListSelectionListener
- Called whenever the value of the selection changes.
- valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener
- Called whenever the value of the selection changes.
- value -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
- value -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
- valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
- This sets the user object of the TreeNode identified by path
and posts a node changed.
- valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) -
Method in interface com.sun.java.swing.tree.TreeModel
- Messaged when the user has altered the value for the item identified
by path to newValue.
- value -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Currently selected value, will be a valid option, or
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JSplitPane
- Vertical split indicates the Components are split along the
y axis, eg the two Components will be split one on top of the other.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.AbstractButton
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates the orientation of this object is vertical.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
- View - class com.sun.java.swing.text.View.
- A view of some portion of document model.
- ViewFactory - interface com.sun.java.swing.text.ViewFactory.
- A factory to create a view of some portion of document subject.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- An object usually used in a scroll pane.
- viewPort -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane
- ViewportLayout - class com.sun.java.swing.ViewportLayout.
- The default layout manager for JViewport.
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
- viewport -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The JViewport that displays the pane's contents
- viewToModel(float, float, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.BoxView
- Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
coordinate space of the model.
- viewToModel(float, float, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.ComponentView
- Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
coordinate space of the model.
- viewToModel(float, float, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.CompositeView
- Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
coordinate space of the model.
- viewToModel(float, float, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.FieldView
- Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
coordinate space of the model.
- viewToModel(float, float, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.IconView
- Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
coordinate space of the model.
- viewToModel(Point) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Converts the given place in the view coordinate system
to the nearest representative location in the model.
- viewToModel(float, float, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.LabelView
- Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
coordinate space of the model.
- viewToModel(float, float, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.PlainView
- Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
coordinate space of the model.
- viewToModel(float, float, Shape) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
coordinate space of the model.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Bound property name for visibleRowCount.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleState
- Indicates this object is visible.
- visibleRowCount -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JTree
- Number of rows to make visible at one time.
- vsbPolicy -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The display policy for the vertical scrollbar.
- vsb -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- The vertical scrollbar
- WrappedPlainView(Element) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
- Creates a new WrappedPlainView.
- WrappedPlainView(Element, boolean) -
Constructor for class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
- Creates a new WrappedPlainView.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Bound property name for wantsInput.
- wantsInput -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- If true, a UI widget will be provided to the user to get input.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Used for warning messages.
- wasIcon(JInternalFrame) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
- WEST -
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.swing.SwingConstants
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Constant used for registerKeyboardAction() which
means that the comand should be invoked when the receiving
component is an ancestor of the focused component or is
itself the focused component.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Constant used for registerKeyboardAction() which
means that the command should be invoked when
the component has the focus.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
- Constant used for registerKeyboardAction() which
means that the command should be invoked when
the receiving component is in the window that has the focus
or is itself the focused component.
- width -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.SyntheticImage
- width -
Variable in class com.sun.java.swing.table.TableColumn
- The width of the column
Static variable in class com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleRole
- A top level window with no title or border.
- windowClosing(WindowEvent) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JMenu.WinListener
- Deselect the menu when the popup is closed from outside.
- WindowConstants - interface com.sun.java.swing.WindowConstants.
- windowForComponent(Component) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.SwingUtilities
- Return
's window
- windowInit() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.JWindow
- Called by the constructors to init the JWindow properly.
- WORD -
Static variable in interface com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessibleText
- Constant used to indicate that the part of text that should be
retrieved is a word.
- WrappedPlainView - class com.sun.java.swing.text.WrappedPlainView.
- View of plain text (text with only one font and color)
that does line-wrapping.
- writableAction -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Name of the action to set the editor into writeable
- writeAttributeSet(ObjectOutputStream, AttributeSet) -
Static method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.StyleContext
- Writes a set of attributes to the given object stream
for the purpose of serialization.
- write(OutputStream, Document, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Writes content from a document to the given stream
in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
- write(Writer, Document, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
- Writes content from a document to the given stream
as plain text.
- write(OutputStream, Document, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.EditorKit
- Writes content from a document to the given stream
in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
- write(Writer, Document, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.EditorKit
- Writes content from a document to the given stream
in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
- write(Writer, Document, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
- Write content from a document to the given stream
in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
- write(Writer) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.JTextComponent
- Stores the contents of the model into the given
- writeLock() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Acquires a lock to begin mutating the document this lock
- write(OutputStream, Document, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.rtf.RTFEditorKit
- Write content from a document to the given stream
in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
- write(Writer, Document, int, int) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.rtf.RTFEditorKit
- Write content from a document to the given stream
as plain text.
- writeUnlock() -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.text.AbstractDocument
- Releases the write lock held because the write
operation is finished.
- X_AXIS -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.BoxLayout
- Specifies that components should be laid out left to right.
- X_AXIS -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Axis for format/break operations.
- Y_AXIS -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.BoxLayout
- Specifies that components should be laid out top to buttom.
- Y_AXIS -
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.text.View
- Axis for format/break operations.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Type used for showConfirmDialog.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Type used for showConfirmDialog.
Static variable in class com.sun.java.swing.JOptionPane
- Return value from class method if YES is chosen.
- _postEdit(UndoableEdit) -
Method in class com.sun.java.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
- Called only from postEdit and endUpdate.
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