  • To develop tool guidelines.
Input Artifacts: Resulting Artifacts:
Worker: Tool Specialist

Workflow Details:

Tailor the Tool Guidelines

Decide which tool guidelines to have. One tool guidelines can cover one or several tools. If tools are closely related and used by the same people, you may consider to have one tool guidelines to cover more than one tool. 

Decide which areas each tool guidelines should cover, for example:

  • Installation information, such as version, configuration parameters.
  • Limitations in functionality, and functionality that the project decided to not use.  
  • Workarounds.
  • Integration with other tools, including procedures to follow, software to use, and principles to apply. 

Capture Decisions

Make decisions regarding all areas in the Tool Guidelines. Describe things that you know people will use. There is no need to describe tool procedures that nobody, or very few will benefit from. Therefore the complexity of the tools, and the competence level of the project members are important factors to have in mind when you describe the tool guidelines.  

This depends on how complex the tools are, but also the competence level of the project members. This affect much help the project members need and how much you should 

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