This chapter contains basic instructions for starting and stopping your server. It also describes the first tasks you will probably want to perform after installation.
This section describes how to start and stop your server after you have finished installing it.
If you are running a non-secure server you will see the message Security not available. wwwss.dll did not load. This message lets you know that you are not running the Internet Connection Secure Server. You do not need to do anything in response to the message.
To run your server once it is installed as an NT service, you start it as you would start any Windows NT service.
An NT Service starts automatically when Windows NT starts. You do not have to log on in order for the service to be able to serve requests. To start your server automatically, highlight Internet Connection on the list, and then click the Startup button on the Services panel. If the Automatic radio button is selected, then the Web server will start automatically when Windows NT starts.
If you want to use a pre-existing key ring file and you have installed your server as an NT service, you must stash the key ring file password. If the password is not stashed, the server will start but you won't have any security.
Normally NT services run without a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This is an advantage because users do not need to know about the service, and the service doesn't get in the way of anything else they might be doing.
However, if you would like to see the GUI, highlight Internet Connection on the list, and then click the Startup button on the Services panel. If you check the box next to Allow Service to Interact with Desktop, then the next time you start the service, the GUI will appear.
If the service is currently running and you click this button, the GUI will not appear until you stop the service and restart it again.
The event log is located in the Administrative Tools program group. When you double-click on the Event Log icon, the event log will appear. To view events that are logged by your server, you must be looking at the Application log. Once you select the Application log, you will see a list of event entries. You can double-click to view any entry. The Web server entries are labeled with InternetConnectionServer. Initially the only event that is logged is the event indicating that the server has begun execution.
For Windows NT:
You can start the server from any DOS command prompt by entering:
(If you have not shut down and restarted Windows NT since you installed the server, you will need to give the fully qualified path name of the command, which is by default c:\WWW\bin\whttpg.exe.) This starts the server with the current configuration settings. If you have not changed the server configuration since installation, the current configuration is based on the information you entered during installation along with defaults.
If you have installed your server to run as an NT service, the server still starts as an application. You can specify the the command line option, -noservice. Starting with this option tells the server to ignore the fact that it is installed as an NT service and to run as a normal application.
The whttpg command also accepts various options for changing configuration settings at run time. For details on the whttpg command options, see "whttpg command".
You can start multiple instances of the server, but each instance must listen on a separate port. You can start all instances, other than the first, by entering the following command from a command prompt:
whttpg -noservice -r other_rule_file where other_rule_file is a configuration file that specifies the individual port.
To restart your server from the Internet Connection Secure Server window, click File on the menu bar and then click Restart Server. The server reloads the configuration settings from the current configuration file.
Most changes you have made to the configuration file will be used by the server after it restarts. However, if you changed a port setting or security settings, you need to stop your server and start it again for those changes to take effect.
When using the Configuration and Administration Forms, you are sometimes given the option of restarting the server after you apply changes. See "Using the Configuration and Administration forms" for more information.
You can stop the server the same ways you stop other Windows programs. If it was not installed as an NT service, do any of the following:
If it was installed as an NT service: