IBM Internet Connection Secure Server
Webmaster's Guide
Version 4.2 for Windows** NT
Part 1. Basic Configuration
Chapter 1. Changing the default configuration
Configuring your server
Using the Configuration and Administration forms
Editing the configuration file
Controlling access to the Configuration and Administration forms
Copying files
Changing the default home page
Understanding the document root directory
Changing your document root directory
Understanding the welcome pages
Creating your own home page
Running your server as a proxy
Caching documents on your proxy server
Setting up your proxy server
Step 1. Configure basic proxy functions
Step 2. Configure basic caching functions
Step 3. Designate a port number for your proxy server
Step 4. Configure advanced proxy functions
Step 5. Configure advanced caching functions
Step 6. Specify which clients can use the proxy
Step 7. Set up a secure connection
Running your server with multiple IP addresses or virtual hosts
Multiple IP addresses
Virtual hosts
Setting up your server to use multiple IP addresses or virtual hosts
Backing up files
Chapter 2. Starting to use your server
Starting and stopping the server
Starting from the Services panel with Windows NT
Starting from the Internet Connection Secure Server icon
Starting from the command prompt
Starting multiple instances of the server
Restarting from the Internet Connection Secure Server window
Restarting from the Configuration and Administration forms
Stopping the server
Part 2. Advanced Configuration
Chapter 3. Using the configuration file
Overview of directives
Basic - Specify required settings
BindSpecific - Specify if the server binds to one or all IP addresses
DNS-Lookup - Specify whether you want to look up host names of clients
HostName - Specify the fully qualified domain name or IP address for the server
imbeds - Specify whether server-side includes will be dynamically imbedded
Port - Specify the port on which you want the server to listen for requests
ServerRoot - Specify the directory where the server program is installed
Directories and Welcome Page - Set viewing options
AddBlankIcon - Specify the icon URL used to align the heading of directory listings
AddDirIcon - Specify the icon URL for directories on directory listings
AddIcon - Bind an icon to a MIME content-type or encoding-type
AddParentIcon - Specify the icon URL for a parent directory on directory listings
AddUnknownIcon - Specify the icon URL for unknown file types on directory listings
AlwaysWelcome - Specify if a welcome file is returned for all directory requests
DirAccess - Control directory listings
DirReadme - Control directory README files
DirShowBrackets - Use brackets around alternative text on directory listings
DirShowBytes - Show byte count for small files on directory listings
DirShowCase - Use case when sorting files on directory listings
DirShowDate - Show date last modified on directory listings
DirShowDescription - Show descriptions for files on directory listings
DirShowHidden - Show hidden files on directory listings
DirShowIcons - Show icons in directory listings
DirShowMaxDescrLength - Set the maximum description length on directory listings
DirShowMaxLength - Set the maximum length for file names on directory listings
DirShowMinLength - Set the minimum length for file names on directory listings
DirShowSize - Show file size on directory listings
IconPath - Specify the path for the directory listing internal icons
Welcome - Specify names of welcome files
User directories
HomeDir - Specify the directory that contains user subdirectories
UserDir - Specify the name of the accessible subdirectory off of user subdirectories
Logging and Reporting - Customize access and error logs and generate access reports
AccessLog - Name the path for the access log file
AccessLogArchive - Remove existing access, agent, or referer log files or run a user exit
AccessLogExcludeURL - Suppress log entries for specific files or directories
AccessLogExcludeMethod - Suppress log entries for files or directories requested by a given method
AccessLogExcludeMimeType - Suppress log entries for specific MIME types
AccessLogExcludeReturnCode - Suppress log entries for specific return codes
AccessLogExpire - Remove existing access log files when they reach a given age in days
AccessLogSizeLimit - Remove existing access log files when they reach a given collective size
AccessReportDescription - Give a short description of the report to be created
AccessReportExcludeURL - Suppress from the report the log entries for specific files or directories
AccessReportIncludeURL - Include in the report only log entries for specific files or directories
AccessReportExcludeHostName - Suppress from the report the log entries for specific host names
AccessReportIncludeHostName - Include in the report only log entries for specific host names
AccessReportExcludeMethod - Suppress from the report the log entries of a given method type
AccessReportExcludeReturnCode - Suppress from the report the log entries with a given return code
AccessReportRoot - Name the path for the root directory where access log reports are stored
AccessReportTemplate - Name the report template
AccessReportTopList - Specify the top number of items on
AgentLog - Name the path for the agent log file
CacheAccessLog - Specify the path for the cache access log files
CgiErrorLog - Name the path for the CGI error log file
ErrorLog - Name the file where you want to log internal server errors
ErrorLogArchive - Remove existing error or CGI error log files or run a user exit
ErrorLogExpire - Remove existing error log files when they reach a given age in days
ErrorLogSizeLimit - Remove existing error log files when they reach a given collective size
LogFormat - Specify common or old log file format
LogTime - Specify GMT or local time stamps in log files
LogToGUI - Specify whether access log writes to GUI
NoLog - Suppress log entries for specific hosts or domains matching a template
RefererLog - Name the path for the referer log file
ReportDataCompressionProgram - Specify path to the compression program
ReportDataUnCompressionProgram - Specify path to the uncompression program
ReportDataCompressionSuffix - Specify the suffix appended to the compressed file
ReportProcessOldLogs - Check for old logs in the log directory
ReportDataSizeLimit - Remove existing access data files when they reach a given collective size
ReportDataArchive - Specify whether to remove existing accessdata files
ReportDataExpire - Remove existing access data files when they reach a given age in days
Access control - Set up access control for the server
DefProt - Specify default protection setup for requests that match a template
Protect - Activate protection setup for requests that match a template
Protection - Define a named protection setup within the configuration file
Protection Subdirectives
SSL client authentication subdirectives
Security - Set up network security for the server
KeyFile - Set name for key ring file
NormalMode - Turn port on or off for HTTP
SSLClientAuth - Enable SSL client authentication
SSLMode - Turn port on or off for SSL
SSLPort - Set port for SSL security
Multi-format processing - Define file extensions for multi-format processing
Multi-Format Processing
AddLanguage - Specify the language of files with particular extension
AddEncoding - Specify the MIME content encoding of files with particular extension
AddCharSet - Specify the character set documents are encoded in
AddType - Specify the data type of files with particular extension
SuffixCaseSense - Specify whether extension definitions are case sensitive
AddClient - Specify file extensions for requesting clients
Resource mapping - Redirect URLs
Exec - Run a CGI program for matching requests
Fail - Reject matching requests
Map - Change matching requests to a new result string
Pass - Accept matching requests
Redirect - Send matching requests to another server
InheritEnv - Specify which environment variables are inherited by CGI programs
DisInheritEnv - Specify which environment variables are disinherited by CGI programs
Error message customization - Customize error messages the server returns to clients
ErrorPage - Specify a customized message for a particular error condition
Timeouts - Close connections automatically
InputTimeout - Specify input timeout setting
OutputTimeout - Specify output timeout setting
ScriptTimeout - Specify script timeout setting
Methods - Set method acceptance
Disable - Disable HTTP methods
Enable - Enable HTTP methods
Meta-Information - Name meta-information files and directories
MetaDir - Specify name of subdirectory for meta-information files
MetaSuffix - Specify the extension for meta-information files
ICAPI application processing - Specify ICAPI applications for request processing
ServerInit - Customize the Server Initialization step
PreExit - Customize the PreExit step
Authentication - Customize the Authentication step
NameTrans - Customize the Name Translation step
Authorization - Customize the Authorization step
ObjectType - Customize the Object Type step
Service - Customize the Service step
PICSDBLookup - Customize the PICS label retrieval step
DataFilter - Customize the Data Filter step
Log - Customize the Log step
Error - Customize the Error step
PostExit - Customize the PostExit step
ServerTerm - Customize the Server Termination step
Servlet API Support - Configure the server for Java servlet API support
EnableJavaServletSupport - Enable the server to support Java servlets
MaxActiveJavaThreads - Specify threads for request processing
ServletLog - Specify a log file for Java servlet messages
ServletDir - Specify the directory for Java servlets
Servlet - Specify a servlet's initialization parameters
Proxy server settings - Configure server as a proxy
CacheDefaultExpiry - Specify default expiration time for files that do not have an expiration date
CacheExpiryCheck - Turn cache expirations off
CacheLastModifiedFactor - Specify fraction of Last-Modified time to be used for determining expiration date
CacheLimit_1 - Specify lower limit for cached file size
CacheLimit_2 - Specify upper limit for cached file size
CacheLockTimeOut - Specify how long a file being cached can remain locked
CacheNoConnect - Specify stand alone cache mode
CacheOnly - Cache only files with URLs that match a template
CacheRoot - Specify cache root directory
CacheSize - Specify cache size
CacheUnused - Specify how long to keep unused cached files that match a template
Caching - Turn proxy caching on/off
ftp_proxy - Specify a proxy server for this proxy to connect to for FTP requests
Gc - Turn garbage collection on or off
GcDailyGc - Specify a daily time for garbage collection
GcMemUsage - Specify how much memory to use for garbage collection
gopher_proxy - Specify a proxy server for this proxy to connect to for Gopher requests
http_proxy - Specify a proxy server for this proxy to connect to for HTTP requests
MaxContentLengthBuffer - Set the size of the buffer for dynamic data generated by the server
no_proxy - Connect directly to domains matching templates
NoCaching - Do not cache files with URLs that match a template
ProxyAccessLog - Name the path for the proxy access log file
SocksServer - Specify a Socks server through which the proxy will pass requests
wais_proxy - Specify a proxy server for this proxy to connect to for WAIS requests
Performance settings - Define performance settings
CacheLocalFile - Specify files you want to load in memory at start up
CacheLocalMaxBytes - Specify maximum amount of memory to use for file caching
CacheLocalMaxFiles - Specify the maximum number of files for caching
LiveLocalCache - Specify whether the cache is updated when a cached file is modified
MaxActiveThreads - Specify the maximum number of threads to have active
ServerPriority - Specify the priority you want your server to have on your system
MaxPersistRequest - Specify the maximum number of requests to receive on a persistent connection
PersistTimeout - Specify time to wait for the client to send another request
UseACLs - Specify whether ACL files will be checked
UseMetaFiles - Specify whether meta files will be used
System Management - Define system management settings
SNMP - Enabling and disabling SNMP support
SNMPCommunityName - Providing a security password for SNMP
WebMasterEmail - Creating an e-mail address to receive SNMP problem reports
Chapter 4. Customizing logs and reports
Tailoring the logs your server keeps
Specifying global settings for all logs
Specifying options for the access, agent, and referer logs
Specifying options for the error logs
Sample scenario for configuring log files
Specifying the path for the proxy server's cache access log
Tailoring the reports your server creates
Overview of report templates
Creating a report template
Viewing reports
Sample scenarios for configuring reports
Chapter 5. Customizing your Web site
Displaying page count, date, time, and text on a Web page
Configuration instructions
Using server-side includes to insert information into CGI programs and HTML documents
Considerations for using server-side includes
Preparing to use server-side includes
Format for server-side includes
Directives for server-side includes
Chapter 6. Rating Web sites and serving rated Web information
Who can rate Web sites
How Web clients use PICS
How the Internet Connection Secure Server helps you manage PICS labels
PICS for Web site administrators
PICS for rating services and label bureaus
How to manage PICS labels from a central file
Storing the PICS files on your server
Managing PICS labels for your own Web site
Starting a PICS rating service and label bureau
How to create PICS labels
PICS label extensions
How to request PICS label information
How to update the PICS configuration file
Using the online Configuration and Administration forms
Editing the PICS configuration file manually
Using wildcards in the PICS configuration file
Chapter 7. Protecting your server
Protection methods
Step 1. Activating protection
Step 2. Passing the requests
Step 3. Deciding what type of protection to use
User name and password protection
Address template protection
How the server processes requests
Step 4. Creating protection setups
Identifying the protection setup to requesters
Specifying the type of authentication
Pointing to the password file
Pointing to a server group file
Specifying valid user names, groups, and addresses
Creating protection setups for SSL client authentication
Step 5. Limiting access to individual files
Using server group files
Using Access Control List (ACL) files
Protection example (without SSL client authentication)
Protection example (with SSL client authentication)
Chapter 8. Managing your Web server
Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP commands and protocol
Object IDs and variable names for the Internet Connection Secure Server MIB
Creating an e-mail address to receive SNMP problem reports
Enabling SNMP on your NT system
Providing a security password for SNMP
Enabling and disabling SNMP support
Turning the SNMP support on and off from the whttpg command
Monitoring server performance and status
Using the Server Activity Monitor function
Using the Windows NT Performance Monitor
Part 3. Security
Chapter 9. Making your communications secure
Security concepts
The Internet is a postal service
What is security?
What is encryption?
What is authentication?
Using the security built into the server
Managing your keys, certificates, and trusted roots
Working with keys
Setting the default key
Deleting a key
Exporting a key
Importing a key
Obtaining a certificate
Using trusted root keys
Designating a key as a trusted root
Removing a trusted root key
Chapter 10. Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Overview of SSL security
Step 1. Setting up SSL
Fill in Security Configuration form
Fill in Create Key and Request Certificate form
Fill in Receive Certificate Form
Step 2. Specifying SSL client authentication in protection setups and ACL files
Step 3. Using SSL with your server
Chapter 11. Acting as a certification authority for a private Web network
Becoming a CA
Create CA's public-private key pair and request CA's certificate
Receive CA's certificate
Designate the CA key as a trusted root
Processing certificates as a CA
Use certutil command to process client and server certificates
Chapter 12. Supported key lengths and encryption modes
Public and private keys
SSL encryption modes
Part 4. Appendixes
Appendix A. Command reference
certutil command
cgiparse command
cgiutils command
htadm command
htimage command
whttpg command
Appendix B. Notices
Programming interface information
Appendix C. Glossary
Appendix D. Bibliography
For OS/2 Warp
For Solaris
For Windows NT
Related publications
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