White Ibis Eudocimus albus Ibis Blanco,
Photo: G. Beaton
A white wading bird with black wing tips, and a long, decurved
red bill. Immature birds are brown, but lack the iridescence of the Glossy
Ibis. Length: 56-71 cm.; average weight: male 764 g., female 1,036
g. Audio (M. Oberle). Breeds in lowlands
from the southeastern USA to coastal Ecuador, and on Cuba and Hispaniola.
Rare visitor to wetlands on Puerto Rico, e.g., at Ca±o Tiburones Nature
Reserve, 8 March 2003 and 2 birds 6 May 2003; also near Ponce, 17 March
TAXONOMY: CICONIIFORMES; THRESKIORNITHIDAE; Threskiornithinae. Also called Cigⁿe±a Blanca or Coco Blanco in Spanish. |
Photo: G. Beaton
Photo: M. Oberle
Photo: G. Beaton
Photo: G. Beaton
Immature - Photo: D. Fuller
Molting Immature - Photo: G. Beaton
References Bent, A.C. 1926. Life histories of North American marsh birds. Smithsonian Instit. U.S. National Museum Bull. 135. (Reprinted by Dover Press, NY, 1963). del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal, eds. 1992. Handbook of Birds of the World, Vol. 1. Ostrich to ducks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Ehrlich, P.R., D.S. Dobkin, and D. Wheye. 1988. The birderÆs handbook: a field guide to the natural history of North American birds. Simon and Schuster/Fireside, NY. Kushlan J.A., and K. L. Bildstein. 1992. White Ibis (Eudocimus albus). No. 9 in The birds of North America (F. Gill, A. Poole, and P. Stettenheim, eds.). Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, PA, and Am. Ornithol. Union, Washington, D.C. Raffaele, H.A. 1989. A guide to the birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Princeton. Raffaele, H.A. 1989. Una guía a las aves de Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes. Publishing Resources, Inc., Santurce, PR. Raffaele, H.A., J.W. Wiley, O.H. Garrido, A.R. Keith, and J.I. Raffaele. 1998. Guide to the birds of the West Indies. Princeton. Next related species in taxonomic order Previous related species in taxonomic order |