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Reset 4/99 (24)
Grarytas: Heroes of Might and Magic III
Recenzje: Ancient Conquest,Beavis and Butt-Head Do U, Biosys, Combat Flight Simulator, Cydonia, Deathkarz, Delta Force, Football World Manager, North & South, Red Baron 3D, Redguard, Resident Evil 2, Shogo MAD PL, Superbike World Championship, Tunguska, Wall Street Tycoon, War of the Worlds, Worms: Armageddon, Zelda 64
Multimedia: Adept matematyki, Wielki Multimedialny Atlas ªwiata PPWK
Poradniki: Thief: the Dark Project
Blachy: Gie│da, Kierownice
Odloty: Bodypiercing, Brodaty, pie┐asty w▒┐, film: Go╢cie, go╢cie 2, Johny, Kanibalizm, Komix, Krok w inn▒ rzeczywisto╢µ, Mowa Cia│a, Offspring, Pan Tadeusz vs Ogniem i mieczem, Film: Stan oblΩ┐enia, Strony Mocy Tatua┐, Yakuza
Reset 3/99 (23)
Grarytasy: Speed Busters, Future Cop L.A.P.D., Close Combat 3 - The Russian Front, Warzone 2100,
Recenzje: SimCity 3000,Abe's Exodus, Anno 1602, Asghan, Blackstone Chronicles, Dark Vengeance, ESPN Pro Boarders, Fighter Pilot, Flying Saucer, Powerslide, Pro Pilot 99, Rival Realms, Road to Moscow, S.C.A.R.S., Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Skullcaps, Ultra Fighters, Uprising 2, Wargasm
Poradniki: Rozwi▒zanie King's Quest 8: mask of Eternity, Quest for Glory 5 Dragon Fire
Blachy: Creative Sound Blaster Live!
Odloty: Atlantyda - kontynuacja, Cienka czerwona linia - film, Masz wiadomo╢µ - film, Czacha dymi, Johny + Komix
Mafia, Moebius, Fear Factory - muzyka, Najstarszy zaw≤d, Silver Surfer, Szare gniazdo mrocznej psyche,
Tak krawiec kraje, Warzone - Druga Edycja , Strony Mocy:Toy Story
Reset 2/99 (22)
Grarytasy: Thief: The Dark Project, Baldur's Gate, HERETIC II, MYTH II: THE SOULBLIGHTER
Recenzje: TUROK 2: SEEDS OF EVIL, Actua Soccer 3, Pro Pinball: Big Race USA, Brood War, Warhammer 40.000 Chaos Gate, Gangsters, Global Domination, The Golf Pro 2, King's Quest: Mask of Eternity, Magic & Mayhem, Mayday, Moto Racer 2, Py│, Quest for Glory 5, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D, Test Drive 5, Test Drive Off-Road 2, Viper Racing, Westfront, World League Soccer 99
Poradniki: Fallout 2 + Kontunuacja na RESET CC, Grim Fandango - rozwi▒zanie cz. 2, Settlers 3
Blachy: Tunery telewizyjne
Odloty: Atlantyda, Blade-film, Blade jak malowany, Gameboy - m│odzie┐owa alternatywa Playboya, Johny + komix, Madine story - Fina│, Metallica: Garage-o-logy, Nie b≤j siΩ baµ, Nirvana, RipsniΩta xiΩga, RPG, Strony Mocy - Star Wars, Yoyo
Reset 1/99 (21)
Gra miesi▒ca: HALF-LIFE
Recenzje: Sin, TOMB RAIDER III, CARMAGEDDON 2: CARPOCALYPSE NOW, RailRoad Tycoon 2, Settlers 3, 101st Airborne in Normandy, Asteroids, Barrage, Bio F.R.E.A.K.S., Blood 2, Deer Hunter, Fifa 99, Grim Fandango, Monaco Grand Prix 2, NBA 99, Age of Empires: Rise of Rome, River World, Space Bunnies Must Die, Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo, V2000, Vigilance
Poradniki: Bio Freaks - bezb│Ωdny poradnik, - Fallout 2 - jak zdobyµ przyjaci≤│, - Grim Fandango - rozwi▒zanie, - Internet - jak siΩ pod│▒czyµ
Blachy: Akceleratory 3D
Odloty: Autostereogramy, Czy w chaosie jest metoda - rzecz o fraktalach, Film: Negocjator, Hologramy, Johny + komiks, Kolumna 114: Tr≤jk▒t Bermudzki, Muzyka: Pantera, Nie wierz w│asnym oczom - z│udzenia optyczne, Nocne czuwanie - Madine story, ªnieg w szprychach, czyli jazda rowerem zimow▒ por▒, Warhammer 40k, Escher i jego niemo┐liwe ╢wiaty, MULTIMEDIA - STAR WARS: BEHIND THE MAGIC, KARCIANKI -Koszmarny Deck
Reset 12/98 (20)
Gra miesi▒ca: TRESPASSER
Recenzje: Madden NFL 99, M.I.A. - MISSING IN ACTION, Hopkins FBI, O.D.T., KLINGON HONOR GUARD, Actua Tenis, Battle Tactics, Chessmaster 6000, F.A. Premier League Football Manager 99, Fallout 2,Hardwar, Lode Runner 2, Nascar 99, Populous: The Beginning, Return to Krondor, Robosaurus vs.SpaceBastards, Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, Total Air War, Warbirds
Poradniki: Hopkins FBI, Dune 2000
Blachy: Joystick Logitech Wingman Force, Celeron A, Przegl▒d gie│dy
Odloty: Komiks + Johny, Benzyna w ┐y│ach (historia Formu│y 1 przez RooSa), Ca│y ten ╢nieg, Film: Antz, Kolumna 114: Klucz do Biblii, Kult drzew, Marilyn Manson - upad│y anio│, upad│y Antychryst, Prawdziwa historia ╢wiΩtego Miko│aja, RPG - Mumia oraz Wampir, Komety, Zbaw ode z│ego - opowiadania ci▒g dalszy
Reset 11/98 (19)
Gra miesi▒ca: NHL'99, Grand Prix Legens
Recenzje: Creatures 2, Dune 2000, F/A-18 Carrier Strike Fighter, Fields of Fire, Ground Zero, Knights and Merchants, 5th Element, People's General, Retro: Settlers, Return Fire 2, Rolland garros'98, Spearhead, Wall Street Trader'98
Poradniki: Heart of Darkness cz. 2, Sanitarium, Commandos, Stratosphere
Blachy: Przegl▒d gie│dy, Riva TNT
Odloty: Komiks + Johny, Droga przez mΩkΩ, Earthdown - Przebudzenie Ziemi, Seryjni Mordercy, Helloween, Dracula spotyka Frankensteina, Quentin Tarantino, Filmy: "Zagubieni w kosmosie" i "Small Soldiers", Twoje ╢wiat│o, Hall Helloween, UFO: Bada ZiemiΩ
Reset 10/98 (18)
Gra miesi▒ca: RAINBOW SIX
Recenzje: Colin McRae Rally, Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3, Get Medieval, Grubble 2, Gunmetal, House of the Dead, insane Speedway 2, Johny Herbert's Grand Prix, Motocross Madness, NAM, NFL Gameday '99, Rage of Mages, Redjack: Revenge of The Brethren, Retro: Bloodnet, Hell, Need for Speed 3, Stratosphere, Urban Assault
Poradniki: Mortal Kombat 4, Icarus, Heart of Darkness, Sanitarium, Hexplore
Blachy: Przegl▒d gie│dy, Matrox G200, AMD K6-2 3D Now!, Mini test tanich kart Voodoo
Odloty: Komiks + Johny, Iron Maiden, Zwierzenia kapitana Hacka, Film: Zorro, Neuromancer, Homo Cyberneticus, Cyberpunk 2020
Reset 9/98 (17)
Gra miesi▒ca: MORTAL KOMBAT 4
Recenzje: Heart of Darkness, Vangers, Icarus, Reflux, M.A.X. 2,Street Fighter Alpha, Emergency, Larry's Cassino, Wargames, Xenocracy, Tribal Rage, Dodatek do Seven Kingdoms, MechCommander, Extreme Tactics, Small Soldiers, Game, Net Match
Poradniki: Sanitarium, Alien Earth, Final fantasy VII, KKND 2
Blachy: Karta graficzna na chipie Intel i740
Odloty: Bruce Lee, Metallica, Godzilla, Conan
Reset 8/98 (16)
Recenzje: X-Files The Game,Deathtrap Dungeon, Descent Freespace, Spellcross, KKND2: Crossfire, Pilgrim, Reckoning, Wyspa 7 skarb≤w, Jazz JackRabbit 2, Gex 3D, X-Com Interceptor, Flesh Feast, Sensible Soccer, Ultimate Soccer, Three Lions, Micro Machines 3, Wreckin Crew, Castrol Honda, Team Apache, AHX-1, Stone Axe,
Industry Giant, Cezar 3, Operation Art of War
Poradniki: Die by The Sword, Sanitarium, Alien Earth, Fighting Force
Blachy: Aparaty cyfrowe, Joy force feedback
Odloty: Francja 98, autostop, komiks, rolki, rowery, co╢ dla mi│o╢nik≤w czytania, i obiekt≤w niezidentyfikowanych.
Reset 7/98 (15)
Gra miesi▒ca: UNREAL
Recenzje: Incoming, Monster Truck Madness 2, Twisted Metal, Burnout Championship Drag Racing, Rebel Moon Rising, Total Annihilation: Core Contingency, rendeck Rampage: Rides Again, Army Men, Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars, Soldiers At War, SimSafari, Realms Of Arkania "Blade of Destiny" + "Sstar Trail", Hexplore, Tonic Trouble, Matchday 3, World League Soccer98, NHL powerplay98
Poradniki: Starcraft, Die by The Sword, Star Wars Rebelion, Black Dahlia cz. 2
Blachy: Pentium II
Odloty: Johny Agentem, Komiks, Automatyczny Raj, X, Telesop Hubble'a, Warzone, Film:U.S. Marschals Wydzia│ Po╢cigowy, Coca-Cola, Skate Shop, Zabawki Bonda, Micha Z│ota, Peda│ do dechy.
Reset 6/98 (14)
Gra miesi▒ca: F-15
Recenzje: Spec Ops: Rangers Lead The Way, Shadow master, Forsaken, Beast Wars, Swat 2, Outwars, War Breeds, Descent to Undermountain, Hexen 2 - Portal of Praevus, Sentinel Returns, Might & Magic VI "The Mandate of Heaven", Queen: The Eye, Reah, Of light & Darkness, M1 Tank Platoon, World Cup 98, Hardball 6, FPS Ski Racing, Plane Crazy, F1'97, Ultimate Race Pro, VR-Powerboat Racing, Redline Racer, Motorhead: High Velocity Entertainment
Poradniki: Netstorm, Nightmare Creatures, Black Dahlia cz. 1
Blachy: Monster 2 czyli jak s│aby jest m≤j procesor, Modem jaton Modulator, TrackMan Marble FX, G│o╢niki Primax SoundStorm 3D
Odloty: Konstrukcja, Od pocz▒tku do ko±ca wszech╢wiata, Kalendarze, Koniec ªwiata, Boski Nakaz, Czekaj▒c na Dzie± S▒du, Czas filmowej Apokalipsy, Film: Mortal Kombat Anihilation, Nowa Era, Apokalipsa w szkolnych lekturach, Kyrie Eleison, »ycie po ╢mierci
Reset 5/98 (13)
Gra miesi▒ca: Black Dahlia
Recenzje: Starcraft, Alien Earth, Journeyman Project, Maximum Force, Die by The Sword, Malice, Mysteries of the Sith, Starfleet Academy, Double Agent, Star Wars Rebelion, War Wind 2: Human Onslaught, Semper F1, BattleZone, Netstorm, Balls of Steel, Steel Panthers 3, Rise of the Shadow Hand, Dark Reign Expansion Pack, Armor Command, Interstate '78: Nitro Riders, Bug Riders, Arcades Greatest Hits: The Midway Collection 2, The Golf Pro, Actua Ice Hockey
Poradniki: Tomb Rider 2 cz. 2, Black Dahlia, Longbow 2 cz. 2
Blachy: Glyder, Glide
Odloty: Uziemienie Marsa, Piramidy, Agencje wywiadowcze, Katecheta, Krowa i Kurczak, Film: Diune, Anio│, Ojciec Diuny, Infragiwery i ultragnaty, Dune: Eye of the Storm, Kroniki Diuny - ekologiczny mesjanizm.
Reset 4/98 (12)
Gra miesi▒ca: 666
Recenzje: Fighting Force, Last Bronx, Virtua Cop 2, Buccaner, Man of War, Daytona Deluxe, Sega TOCA, Monopoly Star Wars, Flight Unlimited, Pro Pilot, Lords of Magic, Panzer General 2, Tone Rebelion, Lula Sexy Empire, Star Command, Pandemonium 2, Puzzle Bobble, Ubik, Monthy Python's The Meaning of Life, Streets od Sim City, Dark Colony Expansion, Cricket '97, Lost Vikings 2
Poradniki: Ksi▒┐Ω i Tch≤rz, Tomb Rider 2, Longbow 2 cz. 1, MK3 cz. 2
Blachy: Centaur vs. Pentium, Karty Grafiki, Szklanka
Odloty: Need for Speed, Linux, Komiks, Podr≤┐e w czasie, Projekt Alfa, Film: Mortal Kombat Anihilation, Etykieta, Sabat, Bill. G. ╢wiΩtym, Eksperymenty na ludziach, KsiΩgi Prawdy.
Reset 3/98 (11)
Gra miesi▒ca: Heavy Gear
Recenzje: Nightmare Creatures, The Reap, MKM Subzero, Rayman Designer, Skaut Kwatermaster i J.B., Croc, I-War, Balance of Power, Sabre Ace, Red Baron II, Seven Kingdoms, Deadlock 2, Great Battles of Hannibal, Eastern Front, War Hammer: Dark Omen, Final Liberation, Chaos Island, Andretti Racing, CART Precision Racing, Test Drive 4
Poradniki: Blade Runner, Mortal Kombat, F1 Racing Simulation, Jack Orlando, Fallout, Longbow 2
Blachy: Karty grafiki: Canopus Pure 3D, Jazz Adrenaline Rush, Cyberman 2
Odloty: ENIAC, SΩdzia Dred cz. 2, Niewidzialni Wojownicy, Film: Adwokat diab│a, Sandboard, Kamienna Tajemnica, Szept Kamienia, Rage Against the Machine, NajpiΩkniejsze s▒ Cmentarze, Czarne Helikoptery.
Reset 2/98 (10)
Gra miesi▒ca: Quake 2
Recenzje: Age of Empires, GPolice, Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far, Wing Commander Prophercy, Dreams to Reality, Ultima OnLine, Fallout, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Animal, Worms 2, Insane Speedway, Diablo: Hellfire, Longbow 2, Subculture, Men in Black, F1 Andretti Racing, Ksi▒┐Ω i Tch≤rz, Zagadki Lwa Leona, Liga Polska Manager, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, F22 Raptor, Deathmatch Maker
Poradniki: Incubation, Virtua Fighter 2, Zork: The Grand Inquisitor
Blachy: Matrox 3D, G│o╢niki, Maxi SoundCard Dynamix 3D
Odloty: Komiks: SΩdzia Dredd, Spadanie, Kocham Twoje DNA, Technologie Star Trek, Kryszta│y Czau, Asteroidy, Czarne Dziury
Reset 1/98 (9)
Gra miesi▒ca: Curse of Monkey Island
Recenzje: Quake 2, Combat Chess, 7th Legion, Kick Off'98, Fighters Anthology, Battleground: Napoleon in Russia & Prelude to Waterloo, Need for Speed 2 - SE, Dark Reign, Uprising, Zork, StarTrek, Virtua Fighter 2, Armored Fist 2, Tomb Rider 2, Deeper Dungeons, Nuclear Strike, Grand Theft Auto, Megaslayer, Touring Car Championship
Poradniki: Curse of Monkey Island, Earth 2140, Riven, Lands of Lore 2 cz. 2, Total Anihilation, Constructor
Blachy: Apocalypse 3D, Myszy Logitech, Kierownice, Riva ponad wszystko, Superjajo
Odloty: Film: Spawn, Film: Tommorow Never Dies, Lataj▒cy Holender, Komiks, Odjazdy'97, Clawfinger, Ekstremalne sporty, Mars - Planeta nowych mo┐liwo╢ci.
Reset 12/97 (8)
Gra miesi▒ca: Blade Runner
Recenzje: Lands of Lore 3, Total Anihilation, Speedboat Attack, Lego Island, jedi Knight, Incubation, Waterworld, Screamer Rally, Resident Evil, Excalibur 2555 AD, Riven, imperialism, Chasm, Turok, NHL 98, Ultimate Race, Virus, Politika, Banzai Bug, Take No Prizoners NBA 98
Poradniki: Lands of Lore 2, Voodoo kid, LBA 2, Clash
Blachy: Jak kupiµ komputer, Blaze 3D Ultimate, G│o╢niki, Procesory
Odloty: Johny Reset, Agencja nieruchomo╢ci, Klocki Lego, Vision Controls, Komiks, RPG Nephilim, Snowboard, Film: Starship Troopers, Ziemskie technologie UFO.
Reset 11/97 (7)
Gra miesi▒ca: Myth the Fallen Lords
Recenzje: FIFA'98, Gettysburg, Goosebumps, Beast & Bumpkins, Voodoo Kid, Jack Orlando, Hexen II, Feeble Files, Shadow Warrior, International Rally Championship, Earth 2140, Agent Armstrong, Postal, Ignition, Dementia, Galapagos, Legacy of Kain, Shadows of the Empire
Poradniki: Dark Earth, 688 Hunter Killer, Broken Sword 2, Conquest Earth
Blachy: Righterous 3D, Okulary 3D, Myszki, Internet
Odloty: Johny Reset, Disco Max, Blitzkrieg: Bogus│aw Wo│osza±ski, Skate or die, Komiks, Shadowrun, Fizyka podr≤┐y miΩdzygwiezdnych, Film: Pi▒ty Element, Rok 2000 pocz▒tek czy koniec?
Reset 10/97 (6)
Gra miesi▒ca: iF 22
Recenzje: Dark Earth, ManxTT, Wipeout 2097, Constructor, Dark Colony, 688 Hunter Killer, Broken Sword 2, Warlords 3, Premier Manager 97, Actua Soccer Club Edition, Overboard!, Monopoly, Ryzyko, Bitwa Morska, Spirou, Obelisk, Tintin, Smurfs, Star Control 3, Bud Tucker, F-16
Poradniki: Dungeon Keeper, Atlantis, X-Com Apocalypse, Avin of Dawn, S│ownik Collins, Encyklopedia Ameryki Po│udniowej
Blachy: Matrox Mystique 220, Modemy, Internet
Odloty: Johny Reset, Elevateur Aktion, VooDoo, Mage RPG, OLGA, Komiks, Pentagramy, Gry planszowe, Film: Titanic, UFO
Reset 9/97 (5)
Gra miesi▒ca: X-Com Apocalypse
Recenzje: Clash, Guts'n'Garters, POD, Hardcore 4x4, FIFA Soccer Manager, Ravage, Atlantis, QAD, No Respect, Crow, Infogrames Collection, Flip Out, Die Hard Trilogy, Robby, Perfect Assasin, GT Racing 97, Master of Orion, Independence Day
Poradniki: Dungeon Keeper, Diablo, Last Express, Multimedia
Blachy: Gravis Extreme, Gamepady, Joysticki, Internet
Odloty: Johny Reset, Techno, Koncert U2, Gry karciane, Komiks, Wilko│ak: Apokalipsa, Gry planszowe, Film: Men in Black, UFO - stare jak ╢wiat.
Reset 8/97 (4)
Gra miesi▒ca: Dungeon Keeper
Recenzje: Comanche 3, Last Express, Goosebumps, Monster Trucs, Test Drive Off Road, Extreme Assault, F-22, Scorcher, Amok, Terracide, Isis, Enemy Nations, Capitalism+, AD Cop, Sentient, Sandwarriors, Motoracer
Poradniki: Outlaws, Neverhood, Betrayal at Krondor, Theme Hospital, Multimedia
Blachy: Videokonferencje, CD-ROMy, Myszki, Internet
Odloty: Johny Reset, Warhammer 40.000, Hip Hop, Bob Stine, Talizmany, Komiks, Wampir: Maskarada, Gry planszowe, Film: Jurassic Park 2, Projekt Filadelfijski, Oni s▒ wszΩdzie.
Reset 7/97 (3)
Gra miesi▒ca: Conquest Earth
Recenzje: X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, Little Big Adventure 2, Outlaws, Great Battles of Alexander, Blood, Orion Burger, HeliCops, Scarab, Lords of the Realm 2, JetFighter III, Darklight Conflict, Need for Speed 2, Formula 1, Speedster, Death Rally, Axelerator, Lomax, Liga Polska 97, Fragile Allegiance, Age of Sail, Wooden Ships & Iron Men
Poradniki: Duke Nukem, X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, Ace Ventura, Heroes of Might & magic 2, Multimedia
Blachy: Providia, Internet
Odloty: Johny Reset, Ju-jitsu, Terry Pratchett, VR Kolej, Vampire Masquerade, Komiks, Warhammer 40.000, Gry planszowe, Film: Alien 4, Marsja±ska Twarz, Podb≤j Marsa
Reset 6/97 (2)
Gra miesi▒ca: Time Warriors
Recenzje: Ecstatica, Theme Hospital, Versailes 1685, Iron & Blood, Strife, Neverhood, Longbow Gold, Clandestiny, Koala Lumpur, Abrams, Virtua Cop, Prefect Weapon, Heroes of Might & Magic, Reloaded, Fable, Interstate 76, KKND, Harpoon, Quake Mission Pack, Quake 2 Preview, Riot, Fallen Haven, Age of Rifles, Touche
Poradniki: Abrams, Toonstruck, Encyklopedia PWN
Blachy: K6, Monster 3D, Internet
Odloty: Wisielczy humor, VR Studio, H.P. Lovecraft, Shadowrun, Wampiry, Komiks, Gry planszowe, Muzyka Industrialna, Film: Lost Highway, Area 51
Reset 5/98 (1)
Gra miesi▒ca: Ace Ventura
Recenzje: M.A.X., Phantasmagoria 2, Realms of the Haunting, Magic: The Gathering, Katharsis, Lew Leon, Larry 7, NBA Live 97, Titanic, Archimedean Dynasty, BattleGround: Antietam, Steel Panthers 2, Panzer Dragoon, Time Lapse, Blood & Magic, City of Lost Children, Sherlock Holmes: Case of Rose Tatoo, Dragon Lore 2, Toonstruck, MDK, Diablo, Stars!, Wages of War
Poradniki: Command & Conquer, Diablo
Blachy: VFX1, MMX, Internet
Odloty: Wisielczy Humor, Bro±, Shadowrun, Netrunner, Aktorzy w grach, Zaginione cywilizacje, Gry planszowe, Film: Star Wars, Skate, Roswell

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