There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
"TechView v1.20 - 6/1/97
Shareware Dean Software Design. www.winutils.com
Registration $19.99.
TechView is a Windows 95/NT
utility to view any file or folder of any size. TechView allows you to
view a file as it appears on your system or in Hex (debug) mode, or with
a specific number of bytes per line or by having each line end with a character
you specify. TechView has a registry viewer to examine the file registry.
TechView also has Windows 95 screen capture tool to let you capture any
window or portion of the screen then view it, save it, print it or copy
it to the clipboard. TechView will accept files dropped onto it from other
applications or files from the command line. You can search locally or
on remote drives for:
Files, Words in Files, Images
and Cont- ents of compressed files. This is the Windows 95/NT (32bit)
rewrite of the popular 16bit InfView file viewer (superior shareware)."
RegStat= "TSBJJ7800"
:00466141 0F85C7000000
jne 0046620E ;If serial numbers are
;NOT equal, then jump to
;the 'beggar off cracker
:00466147 8D45AB lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-55]
OK, we know know where the conditional jump is, and where it will jump when the program finds our serial number invalid, so we should now get a softice breakpoint on this jne instruction to analysie it further. Fire up the target program again, select the 'Help' then 'About' menu options and then click on the 'Use Registration Key' button. Now fill-in the details asked by the program.
In my case I used:-
First Name : The
Second Name : Sandman
Registration Key: 7777777
Once you've done this press 'Ctrl-D' keys together so that we can start up Softice.
OK, what we're going to do is to tell Softice to break on any calls to the system function hmemcpy, since this program does not use the 'conventional' MessageboxA or messagebox routines. (32-bit programs naturally use 32-bit system functions that end with the letter 'A' after the function name while 16-bit programs use the similar sounding function names but don't have the letter 'A' at the end of them. Routines ending with 'A' signify 32-bit code, those without the letter 'A' signify 16 bit functions.
Hmemcpy is a system function, which in this particular case 'grabs' key presses and converts them to ascii letters, then displays these key presses on your screen. It has many other uses but this won't be covered in this essay.
Ok, now type: bpx hmemcpy then x to leave Softice.
Once you've done that now try and add an extra number to your fake registration
key, so if you have seven '7's try and type an extra 7 so that you end
up with eight 7's.
Softice will now break at exactly the same time as you pressed
a key but before it has been displayed on your screen.
Right, now we must somehow get back into Techview's code and we can
do this simply by pressing the 'F12' key TEN TIMES..
It's unimportant where we land in the target program's code, all we
want to do is place a softice breakpoint close by that jne 0046620E instruction
that we worked out in our dead listing calls the 'Beggar off cracker' routine..
Never lose sight of your objects..
Now that we're in the target program's code lets get rid of the hmemcpy
breakpoint still set within Softice by typing bc * then type:
bpx 0046613C
This will tells Softice to break on the
call 00402B84 that compares our serial number against the one the program
expects you to have typed in.
Now type x to leave Softice and
we should now see our 'extra' digit/letter added to our fake serial number.
If you used my SEVEN '7's for the registration key then now their will
be EIGHT '7's showing..
NOW press the 'Register'
button, Softice should now break on our call 00402B84 instruction at memory
offset: :0046613C
At this point, had
we decided to attack the program via it's actual registration number then
if you type: d eax then you will see TWO serial numbers, the first
one is the 'real' serial the program expects you to use and the second
one is the area in memory where the program has set aside to use
as a kind of scratch pad ( I think). Notice that the first serial number
is preceded with a '09' byte.. I will let you work out yourself what '09'
means.. Oh, one more thing, if you try and use the serial number shown
by the eax register then you still won't be able to register the program,
you need to explore the code called by the Call 00402B84 to see why..:)
Perhaps someone want's to write an essay to show how the program can be
registered via the serial number method?. I leave that to you.
Anyway, back to
this essay...
Here's where some
clever thinking can make the difference between a *good* patch and *good*
Lets examine again, the section of code we're working on in a little more detail..
:0046613C E843CAF9FF
call 00402B84 ;Check your serial No
;against the one the
;program expects you to
;have typed in.
:00466141 0F85C7000000
jne 0046620E ;If serial numbers are
;NOT equal, then jump to
;the 'beggar off cracker
:00466147 8D45AB
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-55]
Since the jne 0046620E decides wether or not to allow the program to
become registered or display the 'Beggar off cracker' message we have a
number of choices to how we can *patch* this program so that anyone using
can easily get it to register itself:-
CRACK METHOD ONE - Noping a conditional
1. The obvious choice for newbies
is to simply Nop (90h) out the jump instruction completely, but you must
be aware that *some* program will, and do check to see if
you do this and then take the necessary action as defined by the programmer(s).
If the program does not check for this kind of *cracking* then this method
is usually 100% effective.
Load up techview.exe into your favorite hex edit then:-
BYTES: FF0F85C7000000
The code will now look like this after it's been patched:
:0046613C E843CAF9FF
call 00402B84
:00466141 90
:00466142 90
:00466143 90
:00466144 90
:00466145 90
:00466146 90
:00466147 8D45AB
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-55]
CRACK METHOD TWO - Changing a conditional
jump into a unconditional jump
2. You could change the jne instruction
into a unconditional jump so that it 'jumps' to the NEXT LINE BELOW ITSELF.
This is another 'newbie' method of *cracking* and again, *some* programs
do check for this kind of *cracking*. If the program does not check for
this kind of patching then this method is usually 100% effective.
Load up techview.exe into your favorite hex edit then:-
BYTES: FF0F85C7000000
The resulting code will look like this:-
:0046613C E843CAF9FF
call 00402B84
:00466141 EB00
jmp 00466143
:00466143 90
:00466144 90
:00466145 90
:00466146 90
:00466147 8D45AB
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-55]
Please note, since we have changed a 'far' jump instruction that takes
six bytes and replaced it with a a 'local'jump instruction we have four
'spare' bytes to fill-in with nop's. *
CRACK METHOD THREE - Reversing the rules
of acceptance of serial numbers
3. Change the jne instruction into
a jz instruction. Which means that if the User types in the wrong
serial number then the program will 'treat' this as being correct and allow
the program to *register* itself just as though you had typed in the correct
serial number in the first place!. This method is a little different from
the 'normal' methods used to crack programs and is not normally checked
for, I haven't come across a program checking for this kind of crack yet.
The only dis-advantage to this *cracking* method is if the User guesses
correctly or, enters the *real* serial number into the program, then the
program will then treat the serial number as being 'invalid'!.. In this
case the User would then have to type in a serial key (any sequence of
numbers) that they know is DEFINITELY wrong so that the program accepts
it. No big deal..
Load up techview.exe into your favorite hex edit then:-
BYTES: FF0F85C7000000
The resulting code will look like this:-
:0046613C E843CAF9FF
call 00402B84
:00466141 0F85C7000000
jz 0046620E
:00466147 8D45AB
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-55]
I've done here was to check which internal flags were NOT 'set' when you
get the serial number wrong and then said: If the Zero flag is not set
'i.e User entered an invalid serial number' then accept the serial as being
the correct. *
Job Done.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
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