There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
"WinZip Self-Extractor is
a utility program that creates native Windows self-extracting Zip files.
These self-extracting Zip files are ideal for Internet file distribution
because they: (1) can contain multiple compressed files, ensuring
that important files do not become separated from the rest of the package;
(2) allow the receiver to use a familiar Windows interface to decompress
files, without owning or knowing how to use a separate unzip utility; and
(3) optionally run a "setup" or "installation" program, which may be included
by the developer when the files are decompressed. "
Set aside 10 minutes from watching the TV and settle down comfortably
in front of the pc, there's no rush so take your time.. Place a music
cd (I like Queen but anything will do) in the CD Drive and lets rock &
Step 2. Initialization.
Fire up Winzip Self Extractor and go into the Registration Screen.
Fill-in the two boxes with your name/handle and any sequence of random
numbers. I used:-
Organization :The Sandman
Registration #:7777777
Step 3. Entering the Winzip Code.
Before clicking on that 'Ok' button press the 'Ctrl AND D'
keys together to startup Softice. Most 32-bit programs rely on 32-bit functions
provided by window's itself and winzip is no exception. While still
in Softice type: bpx messageboxa then x to leave.
Step 4. Sniffing out the registration code.
While in Winzip click on the 'Ok' button, Softice will break
at the start of the messageboxa routine,
all you need to do is press the 'F11' key once where a winzip message
box will appear informing you that your registration was incorrect, take
a good look at that messagebox, in a short while you won't be seeing it
again he he.
Softice now should be showing the following code:-
:00408F0F E8D2FCFFFF
call 00408BE6 ;Create & test Serial No
:00408F14 85C0
test eax, eax ;Results stored in eax
:00408F16 0F854E000000
jne 00408F6A ;The 'Good Guy' Jump'
following three lines places a value of '0' at the beginning of our entered
name & and *fake* serial number.
:00408F1C C60510C642000
mov byte ptr [0042C610], 00
:00408F23 A010C64200
mov al, byte ptr [0042C610]
:00408F28 A220C74200
mov byte ptr [0042C720], al
:00408F2D 6A10
push 00000010
:00408F2F 6A00
push 00000000
:00408F31 68FC120000
push 000012FC
:00408F36 E8C3D7FFFF
call 004066FE
:00408F3B 50
push eax
:00408F3C FF7508
push [ebp+08]
:00408F3F FF15E0F64200
Call dword ptr [USER32.MessageBoxA]
:00408F45 FF05F89E4200
inc dword ptr [00429EF8] ;We
land here
As you can see, depending on the result of the test eax,eax will
deiced wether or not the program has been able to match your serial number
with the one it created based on the name/handle typed in by the User.
Lets now follow where the Call 00408BE6 takes us.
While still in Softice type bpx 00408BE6 then x to leave
Softice.. Winzip Self Extractor will once more run as normal and tells
us that our serial number was invalid etc.. No problem... Click the 'Ok'
button to close this dialog box and then click the 'OK' button again
to have Winzip check our serial number again..
Softice Breaks at: :00408BE6...
* Referenced
by a CALL at Addresses :00408F0F
* On
register points to our *fake* serial no.
:00408BE6 55
push ebp ;Save contents of ebp register.
:00408BE7 8BEC
mov ebp, esp ;ebp now equals esp register
:00408BE9 81EC04010000
sub esp, 00000104 ;subtract 104 from esp.
:00408BEF 53
push ebx ;save ebx register
:00408BF0 56
push esi ;save esi register
:00408BF1 57
push edi ;save edi register
:00408BF2 837D0800
cmp dword ptr [ebp+08], 00000000
:00408BF6 0F8405000000
je 00408C01 ;program jumps here
call 004088A1
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408C01 0FB60520C74200
movzx eax, byte ptr [0042C720];lands here
:00408C08 85C0
test eax, eax
:00408C0A 0F8507000000
jne 00408C17 ;program jumps here
:00408C10 33C0
xor eax, eax
:00408C12 E9C9000000
jmp 00408CE0
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408C17 6810C64200
push 0042C610 ;loc of our *fake* serial
:00408C1C 6820C74200
push 0042C720 ;Loc of our name/handle
:00408C21 E84A200100
call 0041AC70 ;Validate our input
:00408C26 83C408
add esp, 00000008
:00408C29 85C0
test eax, eax
:00408C2B 0F8507000000
jne 00408C38
:00408C31 33C0
xor eax, eax
:00408C33 E9A8000000
jmp 00408CE0
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408C38 6810C64200
push 0042C610 ;loc of our *fake* serial
:00408C3D E81EA10000
call 00412D60 ;Test the serial numbers
:00408C42 83C404
add esp, 00000004
:00408C45 85C0
test eax, eax
:00408C47 0F8419000000
je 00408C66 ;Even if you enter the
;correct serial number the
;program ALWAYS jumps over
;the next THREE instructions!
* The next three lines if executed, will make this babe fully registered * without the program doing any further checks on our serial numbers!!
* If your looking for a 'patch' then Nop'ing out the je 00408c66 * instruction above this text will allow *any* serial number to be entered * into the program to make this fully registered.. I haven't tested this * but from the code it should work!
:00408C4D C70524C8420001000000
mov dword ptr [0042C824], 00000001
:00408C57 C70528C8420001000000
mov dword ptr [0042C828], 00000001
:00408C61 E970000000
jmp 00408CD6
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408C66 8D85FCFEFFFF
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEFC]
:00408C6C 50
push eax
:00408C6D 6820C74200
push 0042C720 ;Get our name/handle
:00408C72 E837FDFFFF
call 004089AE ;Generate *Real* Serial No
:00408C77 6810C64200
push 0042C610 ;If you type d eax
you will see the
;*REAL* serial No
:00408C7C 8D85FCFEFFFF
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEFC]
:00408C82 50
push eax
:00408C83 E8E81F0100
call 0041AC70 ;Check *both* Serial No's
:00408C88 83C408
add esp, 00000008
:00408C8B 85C0
test eax, eax
:00408C8D 0F850F000000
jne 00408CA2 ;Jump if invalid serial
Memory location [0042C828] records the status of the program.
If this location contains a '0' default value then this means
the program is shareware, but if it contains a '1' then this
means the serial no the User entered was correct and that the
program will now run fully *reg'd*.
:00408C93 C70528C8420001000000
mov dword ptr [0042C828], 00000001
:00408C9D E90A000000 jmp 00408CAC
Signal program is still *unregistered* by inserting a '0' into memory
location [0042C828]
:00408CA2 C70528C8420000000000
mov dword ptr [0042C828], 00000000
:00408CAC 6804010000
push 00000104
:00408CB1 6A00
push 00000000
:00408CB3 8D85FCFEFFFF
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEFC]
:00408CB9 50
push eax
:00408CBA E841A40000
call 00413100
:00408CBF 83C40C
add esp, 0000000C
if program still *unregistered*
:00408CC2 833D28C8420000
cmp dword ptr [0042C828], 00000000
:00408CC9 0F8507000000
jne 00408CD6 ;Jump if still unregistered
:00408CCF C60520C7420000
mov byte ptr [0042C720], 00
:00408CD6 A128C84200
mov eax, dword ptr [0042C828];Get status
;of program.
:00408CDB E900000000
jmp 00408CE0
:00408CE0 5F
pop edi
:00408CE1 5E
pop esi
:00408CE2 5B
pop ebx
:00408CE3 C9
:00408CE4 C20400
ret 0004 ;Return
with the results in eax
Now isn't that interesting, we should now have a pretty good idea of
the 'logic' behined this routine, the programmer(s) seemed to also have
left us a little gift with an easy patch to their code.
Just to recap, once you get into the above routine just keep pressing
the 'F10' key until you get to this line:-
:00408C77 6810C64200
push 0042C610 ;If you type d eax
you will see the
;*REAL* serial No
On this line just type d eax and the serial number you need to *register* this program with will magically be displayed in Softice.
Job Done.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
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