~ 29 april | Few! Exams over... Each external linx now really open in new windows. Made to-top linx. Fixed some unnecessary HTML code. Added howto's on Webpage Building on the Surfing page. CRC essay (finally) ready to be released! Complete books like Matt Pietrek's book 'Windows 95 Programming Secrets' for downloading on Programming! (got new XOOM account). New 'Media Hypes' section on Freedom. There is now a mailinglist for updates on my webpages, mail to anarlist@newmail.net . Updated/added some linx . |
~ 19 march | The promised update on Worldstats (like Nedstat) hack. CRC essay ready! Go & Look! The Interrupt List & Visual Page now also downloadable in parts. No Shelter downloadable again. Some linx added all over the place. Every external link opens in new window (so you don't get yourself lost) |
~ 5 march | Some bug fixes, added/updated linx al over the place. First step of construction made in (Freedom and) Games. I have a temporary REALLY working download for The Interrupt List and Visual Page. Nedstat hack was fixed by Nedstat, I'm working on the hack to work with Worldstats. Fire Applet first final version! preview of Circle Fire. |
~ 18 february | BIG interface change, on most pages text inserted in tables. Made linker for surf.to/anarchriz. Hardware linx on Misc.The Interrupt List uploaded again : ( . Visual Page downloadable! Most of Misc is now Surfing. Too much small things changed to sum up... |
~ 13 february | some things updated, The Interrupt List in windows help format uploaded. |
~ 3 february | java Fire preview added in the Programming Projects section, added some linx. |
~ 30 january - couple of bug fixes, enhanced Nedstat Hack.
~ 28 january - removed all copyright texts and made a general one in this Main, revised code for The Patcher (old version) & renamed it to The Simple Patcher, I added a radically changed version of The Patcher (and more difficult) which can patch multiple files with multiple strings! Added Nedstat hack!
~ 24 january - a couple of addings and corrections, referStat (dutch) added: I can (mostly) see where you are coming from if you don't use a blocker like @tguard.
~ 18 january - added the NetMech crack on Hacking & Cracking, and The Patcher on Programming
~ 15 january - added FreeSpeech crack on Hacking & Cracking
~ 10 january - Changed entrance to these pages and source for a CRC32 correcting patch program on Programming page
~ 3 january - Added Dreambook Guestbook patching on Misc page and How-to download Realaudio on Music page
~ 1 january - I changed the Linx section into Misc ...
~ before 1 january - not yet guessed I would note the changes on my webpages ; )Mail me at anarchriz(at)hotmail(dot)com.