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Welcome! You landed on the Anarchriz' Webpages, another good spoil of time!


Wannaget a Newsletter for updates on my webpages? Then just mail to and ask me to be on the list. Want to bookmark or link my site? Pleaze take my forwarding URL then:

I will try to make a monthly updates on the webpages

I u dont get a reply on mail u have send to me (more then a week), try again pleaz.
I tend to forget mailing back, im very sorry.

  ~ 13 september Im a lazy f*cker, only a minor update for u hungry ppl. Just finished playing 'System Shock 2' and started my new study Psychology. Minor additions and updates in linx, still have to do complete recheck. 6 books back online, more to come. Unpack-all-those-nasty-zips tip in Surfing. Hints for finding warez on Misc.
~ 3 august w0w, that was long ago. I bet its time for me to stop having vacation. I finally got a host & mirror for the books. Final version of Petzolds book in Word97 format. Removed sortof mailing list (see above). Added article at Freedom section. Added/updated linx all over the place, escpecially look at the Games section. Look at my thought for anti-lamer-rights below. Finally found elite.
~ 29 june Added crack for 'Op Wereldreis'. Added Petzolds 'Programming Windows' book in Word97 format. XOOM deleted my account so the books in the Programming section will be offline for a while. Kaulers book is back online. Seperated info&books in 2 sections.
~ 28 may Added howto on Webpage Building on Surfing. See the fireworks of Happy99/win32.ska on Virii . >< picture! Added an OCRred version of Pietrek's windows book, Wrox Press C++ tutorial, DirectX reference, first part of to Word97 converted Petzold book and some online html book linx, to Programming info. Made a seperate 'Tools' section for Programming. I made the TWI SETI Clan webpage, see the banner above. Updated linx all over the place. Added (& removed) study from Freedom. Find-kernel32-base-addr program+source on Virii .
  News Archive all old updates 1999
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  Site Structure
Music All about music on the internet
Freedom About freedom and everything that has to do with it.
Programming All about programming in general
Virii Some info on virus programming.
Games My favorite games and some (other) interesting info
Surfing Everything that has to do with Up/Downloading, and building webpages
Cracking/Hacking Cracking & Hacking page
Misc Some miscellaneous stuff, which didn't fit in a category: Software/Hardware/Friendly linx
(fast linx / index)  

- The page is optimized for resolutions from 640*480 and higher, 16 bit color recommended.
- Thinking about a rebuild for my webpages. Programming/Cracking&Hacking/Surfing/Virii seem to overlap.
- For the pix I was inspired by the sun eclipses on the site here . Not that they are much alike. <g>
- For a politically/social orientated (old) webpage of me go Against the Machine webpage . Very outdated, and not being updated anymore, look at the Freedom section for more recent info.
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All the information on my pages is for educational purposes. I am in no way responsible what anybody - anywhere - anytime will do with this information. If you are offended with this information then you cannot call yourself a free person. Information (and yourself) must be free: you are free to say (and do) everything you want as long as you respect someothers freedom. The information on these pages does not limits or hurts someones freedom, therefore it cannot be offending for someone who is free.
... In the current world, those who have lots of
ca$h (/power) can say what they want without respecting anybody else ...
... Or to put it else: the limit of your freedom in this world is the limited by the amount of your money ...

All material, texts and pictures on these webpages (this directory and lower) are copyrighted by me, except for the pictures and programs which are not made by me. Those are the NedStat logo and the V3-url logo from and the programs which have their own explicit stated copyrights.
Copyright(c) 1998,1999 Anarchriz. All rights reserved.

I am thinkin about anti-lamer right, as opposed to copyright, because i am against all types of lawsystems (and they're are based on inequality). Anti-Lamer right doesnt have the fear of force when broken, but more like: If you brake this Anti-Lamer-right you are truly a Lamer. What do YOU think about it? I like to hear.

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Music | Freedom | Programming | Virii | Games | Surfing | Cracking/Hacking | Misc
Mail me at anarchriz(at)hotmail(dot)com.