Cool Title Pix! Made by me.

By Anarchriz | Dutch version

"I can do that better!": Sorry, UNDER CONSTRUCTION & OUTDATED

Welcome to my webpage

Against the Machine? Yep, this pages are for everyone against the Machine. Machine is just another word for todays system. It's a complete mess. What do we have: wars, high criminal rates, high divorce rates, different classes, 3rd world starving while we eat ourselves to death, our beautifull enviroment flushed down the toilet along with the rest of our garbage, etc.

Everyone says they can solve this (or can not), but mostly it's just substituting problems with other problems and not getting to the causes. One of the (few) theories which looks at the causes is Anarchism. This is a socioeconomic political theory which emphasizes on freedom, but libertair , not liberal. More reading stuff about this in the Anarchist's FAQ (below).

Get in Contact

I started as single anarchist with not knowing any other. I still need to meet more anarchists, and you too. I think there are many anarchists out there in the netherlands who are on there own. Therefore i made this contact list for dutch anarchists to know if there are some anarchists in the neigbourhood. Please mail me your name/nickname/handle along with the name of the city or area where you live. If you have other ideas or questions just mail me.

Contact List (temporary down)

Coming: Contact list radical-left organisations in the Netherlands

NeSyP - Nederlands Syndikalisties Platform (flyer/Dutch)


I am,
not anti-social



Who is your GOD? GOD reveals itself : I am the Root of All Evil
Does everyone sees the difference between Facts and Opinions?
Subsection: The world & Iraq & the Persian Gulf War...


Doesn't matter what, just write something in it! I like some respons on my pages!
I'm sorry that there are also adverts a the top of my guestbook, but i couldn't get a guestbook to work otherwise. I trust you are keen enough to ignore the adverts.

Click here to access my guestbook
Click here to sign my guestbook


Anarchy for Anybody New news, older news and many articles related to Anarchism, on the Radio4All server
Mid Atlantic Infoshop big Anarchy site with many links, on the BURN server
Anarchist FAQ One of the best Anarchist FAQ's (currently version 7.2, also in plain ascii)

Coming: Links to Dutch sites

PICS Free Site

anarchriz(at)hotmail(dot)com at anarchriz(at)hotmail(dot)com
Last updated: 5 june 1998