project started in may 1997 last update: October 1999Courtesy of Fravia's page
of reverse engineering
Our Visual Basic project
A most important project, since this language, overbloated as it
may be, is getting, thank Micro$oft's money and clout, more
and more widespread... as you'll see perusing these essays,
Visual Basic demonstrates ad abundantiam
a well know reversing paradox: the more overbloated the language
used for a protection scheme, the
more easy it is to tackle it "from underneath" and cut its belly
with our razor
sharp assembly knifes!
There is a quite interesting lesson for shareware programmers
and other wannabye protectors in here:
Therefore, DO NOT USE visual basic... or if you really think you must, at least prepare your protection schemes in
assembly, so learn assembly, so forget Visual Basic... it's the
devil (cracker) circle! :-)
PHASE 1 by Razzia: