Cracking Page
Welcome to my cracking page. You will find (in due time) a
number of new cracking tutorials aimed at Beginners and those
of use that have some experience.
As there is only 2 megs of storage space here at
so you will only find links to the tools you will require,
although you should really learn to find them for yourself.
If you are new to the Cracking / Internet thing you
will be forgiven :>
Check out Fravia's page to learn how to search the web. There is a load of other cool stuff there too.
After alot of thought I have decided to start right at the
very begining.
In the beginning there was ... a hex editor ....
The beginning....
Then... well actually you better get +ORC's Strainers first.
Check some of my own tutorial that will follow the evolution of
the protection scheme utilized in Cool Edit
The level of this tutorial rises from complete newby to an intermediate level.
Cool edit V1.50
This file contains many different approaches to crack this early version
of Cool Edit.
Cool edit V1.51
The evolution begins...
Cool edit V1.53
A new protection scheme or more of the same??
Cool edit 96
The one's is a little more advanced, not really for newbies.
Thats if for cool Edit for the Moment.
All the information located on this page and all subsequent pages are for
educational purposes only, you should only modify programs that you have
legitimately bought.
Mail me :>