R!SC's bit of the 'web'

Hiya, and welcome to my archive.. Here you will find nothing of interest to you, nothing illegal, and nothing pornographical, so you might as well go away now, before you start feeling disappointed..

The main reason i decided to get my own homepage, apart from being 'in with the crowd', is so there is always a place for me to upload any programs / tutorials i write, for the ART of CRACKING. I try to throw a little light on subjects that often remain undiscussed. i.e. how to patch / crack the 'uncrackable' (compressed exe's), hmm, i also wrote a few tutorials on game cracking, as this is what got me started off in this hobby...

R!SC-12th May 1999


20th october 1999
whoops, if it aint broke, dont fix it? i never said that! r!SC's Process Patcher gets a rebuild! v1.3 released today!
RPPv1.3 , hey! also uploaded a new build of C.u.Dilla, kinda 200% unstable, but should run without softice present, so if u fancy rebooting your pc in a trendy way, try this for me .. C.U.Dilla.R1.BETA2

15th october 1999
uploaded release 1 of my c-dilla unwrapper . .
C.u.Dilla r1

4th october 1999
just updated the stuff page with my official Tiberian Sun (cdilla) tutorial, includes a beta verison of my pe splitter, with full source code :d, btw, guess who cracked tiberian sun v1.13 o_O ...hehe...

never gonna update rppv1.2i, if it aint broke, dont fix it.. it gets me by, and their is source code's availble for creating your own loaders, if you want a pretty icon and to be able to patch loads of code..

9th september 1999 (9.9.99 :)
damn, couldnt resist updating, probably only updated index.htm though... erm, i wanted to add my securom addendum, it could be on the stuff page, and i may have added some lame zip about cracking tiberian sun.. i'm working on a full tut.. in the mean time, i borrowed a c-dilla tut from fravias place.. thats somewhere on the stuff page aswell :D laters...r!sc p.s.
Softice 3.23 added aswell..

14th july1999
been a long time ay? added two crackme's for some practice on patching packed files, and a few keygen sources with mini tutorials, i seem to have gone on a keygenning frenzy :) hmm, fixed a couple of small problem's with my process patcher, and recompiled it..
download it again!! Expect a new version of RPP in the next few weeks.. PeeGee of Laxity has coded a GUI for v1.2i.. avail somewhere on the net.... until next time.. c ya!

4th/5th june 1999
Oh my... added two new
links, two tutorials by other crackers on patching packed files & weird page reformatted..

31st may 1999
Added two crackme
solutions, one for Brute forcing a Matrix of check boxes, the other involved Patching a packed file :)

29th may 1999
Winzip Keygen tutorial and updated the weird page

21st may 1999
Added new tutorial on
Patching Petite 2.1, and a weird page

15th may 1999
Added two new pages,
Stuff and Links, added this NEWS section
Added several game cracking tutorials, added a few other programs,
Filemon, Regmon, HelpPC, SiceTool

12th may 1999
My first web page, consisted of 1 page
R!SC's Process Patcher v1.2i , Patching Petite, Patching Shrinker and my Loader Tutroial

Wow! what a cool site...i must add this to my bookmarks
R!SC RtL 1999

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