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   Neither Jim Fowler, or Chris Dunford, make any guarantees of any kind
   about this product.  By using it, you agree that they will not be held
   liable for any damage caused by the use of this product.  USE IT AT
   YOUR OWN RISK.  If your screen displays some wierd colors or patterns,
   or your computer sizzles, or for any other catastrophe, it is YOUR
   problem, not ours.

   This product is released to the public domain.  It may be copied and
   distributed for free.  You may not charge any fee for its distribution
   other than a small charge for postage and diskette(s).  You may use this
   product in the development of applications without fee or royalty to the
   author.  You MAY NOT use this product in the development of commercial
   libraries for resale without the permission of the author.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson