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[About The Guide]
FXCOLOR is designed for Clipper version 5.01. It has not been tested
with other versions and may or may not be compatible. It requires a VGA
system and will not install itself unless a VGA is detected. It is
designed to work with color systems. The effects on a non-color system
has not been tested.
FXCOLOR must be installed before it can be used. The command
fx_Enable() is used to install FXCOLOR. None of the commands (except
fx_IsFxOn() and fx_IsVGA() - see docs for those commands) will perform
any action and will probably return meaningless values if called while
FXCOLOR is NOT installed.
FXCOLOR must be uninstalled before exiting your application. The
command fx_Disable() is used to uninstall FXCOLOR. Although FXCOLOR
includes detection for program termination and will uninstall itself if
program termination is detected, this should not be relied upon. You
should use the fx_Disable() command.
When FXCOLOR is installed, it hooks the timer interrupt 1Ch and
interrupt 21h. These remain active until uninstalled. If your
application uses other intercept routines, you should be sure to nest
those routines. An example is below:
fx_Enable() <- FXCOLOR timer intercept is installed
OtherTimer( ON ) <- another timer intercept is installed
.... <- other application code
OtherTimer( OFF ) <- another timer intercept is uninstalled
fx_Disable() <- FXCOLOR timer intercept is uninstalled
Failure to nest intercept routines will undoubtedly cause you great
FXCOLOR also disables the hardware blinking bit when installed and
re-enables it when uninstalled. When the hardware blinking bit is
disabled, high-intensity background colors are allowed. The Clipper
SetBlink() command performs the same function. You may use the
SetBlink() command while FXCOLOR is installed to set hardware blinking
ON or OFF. Remember though, if any high-intensity background colors are
currently displayed, they will revert to normal and the foreground text
will begin blinking.
With hardware blinking OFF, if you want to display a high-intensity
background color, you should use an asterisk "*" instead of a plus-sign
"+" for the background color in the CLIPPER color string:
"r/bg*" <- Ok
"r/bg+" <- Does not work
For FXCOLOR parameters however, you must use the plus-sign "+" to denote
high-intensity colors:
fx_Blink( "r", "bg+" ) <- Ok
fx_Blink( "r", "bg*" ) <- Does not work
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson