Coffee Coffee|beans is a smooth and simple layout with an earthy flavor. Inspired by the many caffeine addicts around the world, well not really, but this is just filler text. I thought I'd try a layout with some calm colors. This page is Valid 1.0 XHTML Strict! The CSS is also valid. Tested in Opera 9.02, FireFox 2.0, and IE7. Thanks to Stu Nicholls CSSplay for the menu. Great stuff.

The only common thing about my templates will be that they'll be very easy to modify and you'll always be able to decipher and pick through my code. Stock images are from stock.xchng and are free. Coffee Beans I've been designing websites since 1996. While my true passion is through art, I do have a strong background in Animation, Web and Interactive Media, as well as fine art, digital art such as 2d, 3d, graphics of any sort and much more. To check out some of the samples of work that I have done please don't hesitate to have a look at my portfolio website at

The only thing that I ask if you do decide to use any of my templates is to leave my link intact and let me know the site you're using it on so that I can see how you've used it. I love to know that my templates and designs have helped others in some way, even if the entire layout is taken apart and only certain elements are utilized. Sharing with the Open Source Web Design community has taught me a lot about accessibility as well as design techniques so I hope to spread the word about the great communities out there. If you still have some time, please do check out International Web Developers Network and some of my friends websites.

Poll: Where do you get your coffee?

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Peet's Coffee & Tea
Seattle's Best Coffee
Tully's Coffee
Dunkin' Donuts