Presenting a classic: andreas08!
This template is based on a previous design of It was originally released in November 2005, and the first version became the foundation for a number of successful blog and CMS themes. This is an updated version, although with few details changed. Most details are the same: No images are used, the code validates, browser-based font resizing is fully supported and the design works on all modern browsers. There are no special features or extras, only valid and well-structured XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS2 code.
Current template version: v2.0 - July 07, 2008.
Included Style Examples:
Sub-header example
This is regular text, which is aligned to the left by default. You can easily change the alignment using the classes .textcenter and .textright on each paragraph.
This is an important note!
This is a link.
This is strong text.
This is small text.
- Unordered list option 1
- Unordered list option 2
- Ordered list option 1
- Ordered list option 2
- Definition list dt
- Definition list dd
About The Designer
My name is Andreas Viklund, I am a 28-years old professional designer living and working in Jokkmokk, northern Sweden. If you are interested in more advanced templates or custom design services, don't hesitate to contact me for more information.
A free website template
This is a free website template, which means that you are allowed to use it in any way you want to without any obligations. If you decide to use this template, I kindly ask you to leave the "Original design by Andreas Viklund" link in the footer. But it is just a request, not a requirement. If you want to support my work in some other way than giving credits, there are several ways you can do it. For more website templates to choose from, check out the sites in the "Sample links" menu to the right.