File Summary

The machine version of the Yale Zone Catalogue - Integrated Version consists of nine files. Table [*] gives the machine-independent file attributes. All logical records are of fixed length, and, if the catalogue is received on magnetic tape, it will contain blocks of fixed length except that the last block may be short. The first file contains the basic catalogue; the second file contains the notes to the catalogue; the next five files contain addenda for various zones for material not included in the basic catalogue; the eighth file contains the double star names and numbers from Aitken's New General Catalogue of Double Stars (ADS) (Aitken 1932) for those stars in the Washington Double Star Catalog (1984 edition) (WDS) (Worley 1984); and the ninth file contains the variable star names for those stars included in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (third edition) (GCVS) (Kukarkin et al. 1969-1970).

Table: Summary Description of Catalogue Files
Yale Zone Catalogue - Integrated Version
Trans. Astron. Obs. Yale Univ. (1939 — 1983)
    Record Number of
File Contents Length Records
1 Basic Catalogue 73 221338
2 Notes 80 7237
3 Addenda for +85o to +90o 24 1031
4 Addenda for -30o to +20o 12 103451
5 Addenda for -50o to -30o 16 42369
6 Addenda for -70o to -60o 50 14597
7 Addenda for -90o to -70o 49 18702
8 Stars in the WDS 23 18188
9 Stars in the GCVS 18 902

The information contained in the above table is sufficient for a user to describe the indigenous characteristics of the machine-readable version of the Yale Zone Catalogue - Integrated Version to a computer. Information easily varied from installation to installation, such as block size (physical record length), blocking factor (number of logical records per physical record), total number of blocks, density, number of tracks, and character coding (ASCII, EBCDIC) for tapes, is not included. This information should always accompany secondary copies if any are supplied to other users or installations.

The following sections give a byte-by-byte description of the contents of each data file.