From basic to advanced:
How to choose the right solution to power problems
1. How much protection does my equipment really need, and
2. How much peace of mind do I require as the owner or user of
that equipment?
If you are using nonvolatile equipment, hardware protection alone may suffice. If you are using equipment where data can be lost or processes interrupted, full battery backup may be in order.
In either case, APC offers protection from basic to advanced, so that you can benefit from as much security as you, and your budget, will allow. As you move towards more advanced protection, you minimize the risk of disruption, but you will increase your financial outlay for protection.
If you already have been the victim of a power disturbance, or suffer from chronic problems, your choice is even more straightforward.
Simply find the symptom below in Step 1, and make a note of the corresponding APC solution.
Then move to Step 2. Here you will find recommended levels of protection for applications like yours.
You can maximize savings with the economical choice, you can maximize protection with the high-end choice, or you can balance the two objectives with a midrange choice.
In any case, you can be confident of getting the best value in the industry, backed by reliability no one can match.
You must protect against both AC line and data line (network, serial and telephone) transients in order to completely safeguard your equipment. The combination of an APC surge suppressor, voltage regulator or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and an APC ProtectNetTM data line surge suppressor will "bulletproof" your system against the hazards of surges caused by lighting faults and electrostatic discharge (ESD).