UPS Accessories enhance your UPS investment

Share-UPS offers reliable shutdown for multiple servers and out-of-band UPS management

  • Paging and UPS management via modem

    With Share-UPS support for external modems, you can manage your UPS over a phone line. This capability allows you to determine UPS/power status or reboot remote servers even when servers are locked-up or the network is down. Share-UPS can also dial a pager to make sure you are notified of power alerts.

    Measure-UPS provides environmental monitoring of network equipment facilities

    Measure-UPS monitors the physical environment of server and internet equipment rooms to help maintain healthy, safe operating conditions for your equipment. Measure-UPS provides uninterrupted environmental monitoring (even during power outages) via internal sensors for ambient temperature and humidity, as well as via four contact closure inputs for external alerts such as smoke, fire, water and unauthorized entry. If abnormal temperature, humidity or external alarm conditions exist, Measure-UPS can immediately alert you and safely power down your systems via APC software before data or hardware damage occurs.

    NEW Call-UPS II gives you out-of-band UPS management via modem

    Call-UPS II works with an external modem to provide ⌠out-of-band÷ UPS management for Smart-UPS or Matrix-UPS. Critical LAN devices often require this second management path to maximize network uptime. For example, a far-off LAN has crashed. Before you fly out a service technician, you would like to try restoring LAN service by rebooting ⌠locked-up÷ devices through an out-of-band modem link. Call-UPS II allows you to reboot these ⌠locked-up÷ devices by cycling UPS power. Additionally, you can determine UPS status, diagnose power problems and configure UPS settings even when LAN communications are not available. Call-UPS II can also page you with a specific trouble code and location whenever UPS power alerts occur.

    Hot SwapBox makes UPS maintenance easy

    APC╞s SwapBox is a maintenance by-pass switch which allows removal of any APC UPS for service without turning off your equipment. (UL and CSA certified.)

    New...! APC SmartSlot series of UPS Accessories

    APC╞s SmartSlot series of UPS accessories plug directly into your SmartSlot equipped UPS (APC Smart-UPS) to create a UPS customized to your specific application. When a SmartSlot accessory is installed in your UPS, it becomes an integral part of the unit, getting power from the UPS (even when the UPS is in ⌠sleep mode÷) and requiring no other UPS connections.

    Choose from the following SmartSlot UPS accessories:

    New Control-UPS/400 offers UPS monitoring and management of your AS/400 system

    APC╞s new Control-UPS/400 package lets you manage the power of your APC Smart-UPS or Matrix-UPS for your IBM AS/400 system. The package includes software for the AS/400 as well as a unique hardware unit.

    PowerChute/400 software replaces the internal AS/400 UPS shutdown utility and provides significantly greater notification and control of the shutdown process. It provides an easy interface screen designed exclusively for the AS/400 and lets you stop job queues when power returns, as well as stop and restart subsystems during power failures and returns.

    The hardware unit, the AS/400 advanced UPS interface, provides advanced UPS control via two approaches. You can choose to use a separate client (typically running OS/2 or Windows) and APC╞s PowerChute plus to manage the UPS. In this case, both the AS/400 and the client will receive managed shutdown. Alternatively, you can connect a terminal to the unit and use the powerful, built- in character-based interface. Either way, Control-UPS/400 provides a level of UPS communication and control that was previously unavailable for AS/400 environments.