C++ Programming for Non-C Programmers
Length: 3-4 Days
Key Objectives
- Write working C++ programs.
- Design object-oriented applications.
- Define and use C++ classes and member functions.
- Use inheritance and polymorphismc
Course Overview
The three or four day seminar exposes the attendee to the key
aspects of the C++ programming languages. The students will learn how
object-oriented concepts are applied to build more robust and less
expensive software systems. In addition, the student will gain many
insights into C++ programming. The four day version addresses design
issues and develops C++ topics in greater detail.
This course is designed for software developers, project leaders,
and managers.
- Competence in a high-level programming language
Course Content
Object-Oriented Programming
- Object-Oriented Paradigm
- Abstractions and Classes
- Fundamental Concepts
Fundamentals of C++
- Data Types and Variables
- Enumerations and Constants
- Expressions and Operators
- Statements and Control Structures
- Function Definition
- Prototypes and Default Initializers
- Local and Static Variables
- Arguments and Return Values
- Call-By-Reference and Reference Types
and Pointers
- Array Definition and Access
- Strings and String Processing
- Pointers and Pointer Variables
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
Classes and Objects
- C++ Class Definition
- Object Instantiation
- Encapsulation and Interfaces
- Constructors and Destructors
- Dynamic Objects
- Single Inheritance Model
- Member Function Redefinition
- Scope Resolution Operator
- Inheritance Versus Composition
- Base Class Initialization
- Interface Contracts
- Dynamic Binding with Virtual Functions
- Abstract Classes
- Virtual Destructors
Advanced C++ Topics
- Stream I/O Class Library
- Function and Operator Overloading
- The this Pointer
Analysis and Design
- Domain Analysis
- Use-Case Analysis
- Booch Design Notation
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