C++ Object Oriented Programming
Course Length: 5 Days
Key Objectives
- Learn how to use the C++ programming language to develop
- Gain a basic understanding of object oriented design and
development concepts.
- Learn to apply concepts such as Classes, Inheritance, Constructors,
Destructors and Templates.
- Learn common pitfall for C++ programmers and how to avoid them.
- Write C++ programs using object oriented programming techniques.
Course Overview
C++ is rapidly becoming the language of choice for object oriented
programs and GUI. A superset of the C programming language, C++
provides additional features that support object oriented design and
development. This course provides experienced C programmers with hands
on C++ training and object oriented design and development concepts.
Applications programmers, software/database/graphic engineers.
Anyone who would like to use C++ programming to develop applications.
Course Content
Why C++?
Basic Concepts
Non-Object Oriented Extensions to C
- C++ Linkage to and from C Functions
- New operators: new, delete, I/O, Scope Resolution
- Default Arguments, Overloading, Variable Arguments
- Inline, Constants, References
Object Oriented Software Development
- Why Object Oriented Software Development?
- Object Oriented Analysis
- Object Oriented Design
Overview of Object Oriented Features
- Classes, Inheritance, Friends
- Constructors and Destructors
- Operator Overloading
- Virtual Functions
- Templates
- Exception Handling
The C++ Class
- Interfaces and Implementations
- Embedded Objects
Constructors and Destructors
- Constructor Initializers
- Object Arrays and Constructors
Friend Functions and Classes
Operator Overloading
- Unary and Binary Operator Overloading
- Overloading Pre- and Post- Increment
- Overloading Array Indexing
- Defining Conversions to Built-in Types
- Single and Multiple Inheritance
- Private Base Classes
Class Conversions Under Inheritance
Virtual Functions
- Abstract vs. Concrete Data Types
- Uses of Virtual Functions
- Typical Virtual Function Implementation
- Virtual Base Classes
I/O Stream Library
File and In-core I/O
Making Objects
Act Like Built-in Values
- Class Types vs. Built-in Types
- Defining Destructor Functions
- Defining Assignment Operators
- Defining Copy Constructors
- Defining Virtual Destructors
- Pointers in Member Data
Using Libraries
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