Pure Software Product Overview

Find out how to achieve high-quality software on time . . .

You don't have to be an idealist to agree that improved software quality is necessary.

Higher customer satisfaction, new levels of productivity and innovation, and an increasing ability to compete globally are advantages that even the most staunch realist can appreciate.

Everyone agrees it's desirable to improve software quality. But we're all faced with scheduling constraints and time-to-market demands that make it seem anything but easy to achieve.

The reality is that all software gets tested for quality, sooner or later. It's mainly a question of when, by whom - and at what cost. If it's not the developer or QA engineer, then it's the user who ends up doing the testing. The longer you wait in a product's life cycle, the higher the cost of improving quality is likely to be. And the lower your subsequent user satisfaction.

At Pure Software, we've developed a realistic way to ensure quality throughout the UNIX® application development process. As our customers can tell you, our approach works in real-world development conditions. The advantages it give your organization are distinctly real-world, too.

One of the first things you'll find when you use our solutions is that things become more predictable. It's easier to set schedules and meet release dates. Consequently, you're better able to forecast profit and loss by quarter. All of which puts your organization in a better position to compete.

Besides the obvious advantages of reducing your development time, our surprise-fee approach lets you focus developer resources on adding value rather than on support and patch releases. This goes a long way toward increasing developer's motivation, satisfaction, and creativity. Ultimately, it can help make your entire development process more efficient.

Gain control through Quality Management Information.

Until now, various tools that have been available for individual developers and QA engineers provided only disparate data. They didn't offer you a comprehensive way to effectively collect or evaluate quality information. To improve your entire development process, you must first be able to measure it.

We offer a full spectrum of easy-to-use solutions for testing and measuring quality throughout development. Each of our products is superior in its class, and together they form the basis of a single, integrated system. So when you work with all of our tools, you will be able to leverage an information system to collect and manage data spanning development through QA. With this integrated approach, you can gain a far better view of your overall process.

The ability to analyze this whole body of data makes implementing an effective quality improvement program more than possible: its finally makes it practical.

Implement quality in three easy ways.

Our approach is modular, so you have the flexibility to implement quality in the manner that makes the most sense for your organization.

First, you can equip individual developers with tools for almost any given point in the development process. Second, development managers, project leads, and QA managers may choose to supply every member of the team with integrated solutions at the beginning of a project. Or third, you can opt to implement quality throughout your whole organization by employing our entire suite of products and integrating the data with our Quality Management Information systems.

Maximize your investment with worldwide service and support.

With subsidiaries in Europe and Japan as well as U.S. headquarters and satellite offices, we have the infrastructure to ensure that our customers worldwide consistently receive high- quality products, service, and support.

However you implement quality with Pure Software solutions, you can take advantage of our technology and get the most from your investment sooner through our professional services programs. For example, the JumpStart Training Program includes intensive training to help familiarize your development team with our product's unique functionality and methodology.

We also offer comprehensive maintenance and support, with flexible software licensing for cross-platform development efforts. As a Pure Software support customer, you automatically receive software and documentation upgrades for major releases and maintenance updates. You have direct access to new releases and application notes through our FTP server. And, you receive timely, top-notch technical support from our team of engineering experts.

Wherever you are in the development process, we have the tools to help you ensure quality and manage quality data.

With our full Suite of solutions, you can do more than meet specific quality challenges at given points in your development cycle. For the first time, you'll have an effective way to integrate and evaluate quality information using a centralized database.

Eliminate run-time errors with Purify ®

Unexplained behavior and application crashes are familiar issues in today's complex software development process - often caused by memory usage and access problems.

Using Pure Software's patented Object Code Insertion (OCI) technology, Purify lets you monitor the entire application for execution errors and memory leaks. When an error occurs, it is precisely identified by source line. This enables developers to correct problems immediately. Applications work as designed, and memory leaks become increasingly rare. The result is more reliable software.

Ensure all code is tested with PureCoverage

One of the surest ways to improve software quality is to prevent untested code from reaching users.

PureCoverage gives development groups a precise and accurate way to make certain that all code has been or can be tested. Because it leverages our OCI technology and integrates completely with Purify, PureCoverage lets developers gather code coverage data at the same time that they are identifying and eliminating run-time errors. And it's so intuitive to use, no additional training or change to the developer's routine is required.

Prevent performance bottlenecks with Quantify ®

The key to building in performance is our patented OCI technology coupled with a carefully designed user interface.

Quantify gives developers an easy way to detect performance bottlenecks. Using both graphical and textual formats, developers can quickly analyze run-time execution and eliminate tedious trial-and-error testing. Development organizations use Quantify to continually measure and track an application's performance during development. Quantify raises the entire group's performance awareness and gives developers the ability to identify and correct slow-performing code.

Reduce software build times with PureLink

Until now, development organizations lost valuable time because applications had to be completely relinked with every software build.

PureLink, a true incremental linker, features breakthrough technology that improves build speed by a factor of ten. It replaces ordinary UNIX linkers, reusing information from prior builds to relink only outdated portions of an executable. By significantly reducing build times, PureLink can dramatically increase developer productivity.

Track known defects with PureDDTS

PureDDTS, the Distributed Defect Tracking System, measures software quality by tracking known defects. Its easy-to-use interface encourages submitters to record every defect and enhancement idea. This gives the entire organization access to critical data they need.

PureDDTS includes a powerful Change Management System (CMS) that is integrated with widely-used UNIX configuration management systems. PureDDTS features distributed tracking, so it's easy to submit bug reports to any project worldwide. You can obtain up-to- the-minute data and metrics in more than 40 types of management reports.

Automate test management with PureTestExpert

Lost or missing test documentation, tests that fail to compile for subsequent releases, and tests that require undocumented variables add up to one of QA's biggest problems today: test management.

PureTestExpert is an automated and robust test management system that addresses every aspect of test development, execution, and maintenance. It's the only system that integrates all the functions necessary for managing documentation, execution, reporting, and defect submission.

Achieve high-quality software on time

With Pure Software solutions and our approach to Quality Management Information, you can take software quality out of the realm of theory. Then you can put software quality into practice where it will make the most difference: the real world.
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