How Does a Touch Screen Work?

The driver software part of the solution in Sun operating environment has been developed by Trident Systems. Our touch drivers support all major touch screen technologies. We specialize in Sun touch screen driver solutions for the ALL Sun workstations, third party Xterminals, and PC-based Solaris x86 systems.

Our Xtouch driver software operates completely independent of your application software. The generic functionality of our Sun drivers is as follows:

The touch screen controller accepts the raw touch event generated by a touch on the touch screen and sends this data to the host serial port. Our touch driver software intercepts this data from the host serial port and converts this data to Mouse events and passes the converted mouse-like events to the mouse would handler code. The mouse handler on the host interacts with your application software. Mouse events are normally cursor movements, drags, button clicks, window movement or resizing, etc. Any application written for one button mouse interactions can utilize a touch screen without any code modification. These are the most application-independent touch solutions available today. For specific information on driver functionality, please contact Trident for a fact sheet providing features and functionality of our touch drivers. Be sure to specify your hardware by model number and your operating system software (especially version number).

For Sun systems which do not use a mouse, Trident has touch driver software which provides a library of touch event processing subroutines. This is our Sun UnixTouch driver. Unlike programs using the mouse, non-mouse application software must be modified by embedding calls to the driver touch library wherever touch is required within that program.

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