iCal Tutorial: Configuring your Calendar

Introduction Viewing Calendars Adding Events Configuring your Calendar Security Making New Calendars Registering iCal

You can customize your iCal Calendar by changing your calendar's titles, headers, footers, colors, and display style.

Configure your calendar by going to the calendar's Admin screen. Do this by typing in the URL: http://{your Calendar}/admin or click here: Configure Default Calendar (This brings up the main configuration menu.)

Just select one of the links shown to modify your calendar's configuration! Here's an overview of each of the different configuration links:

General Settings Change the calendar's title, specify which add-ins to use, and specify the default display style (block or list, and year, month, week, or day)
Colors Change the color of text and backgrounds
Headers, Footers Specify the text of headers and footers for the calendar
Security Specify who can view, edit, and change settings on your calendar
Month/Day headings Change the titles for the days of the week and months (used mostly for different languages)
Publish Calendar Creates HTML files for your calendar that can be uploaded to an existing web site.
Delete Month Events Removes events that you don't need any more.

Previous: Adding Events Next: Security