iCal Tutorial: Making New Calendars

Introduction Viewing Calendars Adding Events Configuring your Calendar Security Making New Calendars Registering iCal

Note: This feature is available only in the Professional edition. Creating a calendar is a Super-User function. A User Name and Password is required for this operation. The values that must be entered are the Registration Name and Registration Number that you were assigned when ordering the Professional version of iCal. You can find these values on the About Tab of the iCal property page.

To make a new calendar, Click here: Create New Calendar or on the Create New Calendar link at the bottom of your calendar while viewing it.

You will then see the New Calendar page. Just type in the calendar's name (this will actually be used as a file name), then click the Create button.

You can access your new calendar by typing the URL:
http://{your IP Address}/{your calendar's name}

Previous:Security Next:Registering iCal